chapter 28

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"Aceleve, Lady Aceleve please wake up!" someone whispered urgently in my ear. I groaned and pulled the blanket over my shoulder.

"what?" I whispered back, not openeing my eyes.

"it's your brother, Lord Roy, he's gone!" a young woman whispered again. I frowned and pulled open my eyes.

"who are you?" I asked, I don't recognize the dark almost black brown eyes or the short red-brown hair.

"I'm um, a really close friend of Roy's, my name is Liada" she said, looking down from shyness. I think she means she's Roy's girlfriend, good to see that Roy is fitting in at Asguard.

"what do you mean he's missing?" I asked, sitting up.

"I mean that last night we were in his room together, I mean, not like that, Roy was helping me with my studies in earthly traditions homework  and I guess I had accedently fallen asleep in his room and this morning when I woke up to use the restroom he was gone, and I searched the entire castle, and I even went to the Bifrost to ask Heimdall and he wasn't there and Heimdall can't even see him, so I didnt know what else to do except come tell you because I can't tell King Oden or Queen Frigga because I'm just a servent girl, I can't be seen having affairs with a guest of Asguard" Liada said in a quick rush, and the faster she spoke the higher pitched her voice got, causing Loki to turn over just slightly.  I looked over at Loki to make sure he wouldnt wake up completely and back up at Roys girlfriend.

"wait in the hall for me, I'm going to change" I commanded her. She nodded

"yes ma'am" I watched her sneak out of the room and shut the door quietly behind her. I chewed on the inside of my cheek and quietly got out of bed and into the bathroom. I went into the grand closet full of beautiful gowns and dresses I quickly chose a random dark red dress and quickly pulled it over my head and shoved my arms through the holes. I didn't bother with shoes and ran out to meet Liada  in the hall.

"Aceleve, where are you going?" I heard Loki whisper. I turned on my heel towards him

"Roy is missing, I was going to search for him" I told him, I drummed my fingers against my thigh in impatience. Loki's face showed confusion and he sat up straighter in bed.

"that's strange, would you like me to go with you?" Loki asked. I shook my head

"No, you need to continue with taking over the world, remember?" I told him.

"Alright, very well" he said reluctantly.

"Ok, I love you" I whispered over my shoulder. Loki didn't hear me and he rolled back over onto his side to go back to sleep. I pulled open and shut the door behind me. "Liada, ok, ready to go?" I asked, turning to face her.

"Actually, Lady Aceleve, I'm not going with you" she said nervously.

"what, why?" I asked.

"I'm a servent, I have chores to do, the most I could do about Roy is tell you, I'm sorry" she said, then she turned around and quickly ran down the hall

"wait, Liada!" I shouted as loud as I dared, considering by my guess it was around four in the morning. I groaned and closed my eyes, I need to focus on Roy, try and find him with my minds eye. I focused on his energy, we almost have the same color of energy except mine is just a bit lighter. I searched the entirety of Asguard, I didn't see him, just faint traces from the day before, I can't focus enough to try and search in on Jotenheim, and it's to risky to try and search for him on earth.

"shit" I whispered, pulling out of my mind.

"Aceleve, my god your looking beautiful" I heard someone say down the hall. I squented to see in the dark and I saw someone with a sword on his hip and a cape flowing out behind him.

a cold  god finds his warm hart (a avengers/Loki love story) [COMPLETED!!!!]Where stories live. Discover now