chapter 25

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I knocked on Bobbi's door and stepped back on the porch, waiting for him to answer.

"Ace, what are you doing here?!" he exclaimed once opening the door. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his built stomach.

"well, I have some good news" I told him, following him into his house. I sat down on the bar stool and watched him get out two wine glasses and a wine bottle.

"wait, let me guess. Your pregnant?" he asked jokingly, sliding the full glass over to me.

"no, would you like to guess again?" I asked, taking a sip.

"no, I give up"

"I'm getting married!" I squeeled, showing off my engagement ring. Bobbi squeeled and ran around the bar and held my hand up to his face to get a better look at the ring.

"oh congratulations!" he exclaimed. I laughed and took another drink.

"who is the lucky man?" he asked, sitting on the bar stool besides mine. I didn't respond right away, I don't know if Loki wants to keep his identity a secrete or not. I mean, Loki promised to have the wedding here on earth and I was going to ask Bobbi to be my maid-man of honor type thing and in order for that happen he has to know I'm marrying a god. Oh what the hell

"um, you might have met him but his name is Loki and he's not really from around here" I said slowely

"is he cute?" he asked. I laughed and nodded


"ohh when do I get to meet him?" Bobbi asked, leading me over to the couch.

"well thats kind of what I came over here to talk to you about" I told him. I smiled and placed the half empty wine glass on the coffee table.

"Bobbi, will you be my best man?" I asked. Bobbbi's eyes widened and his smile stretched from ear to ear and he took my hands in his.

"Aceleve Hart, it will be my absolute pleasure" he told me. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back.

"oh but Ace their is so much planning to be done the dress shopping and the bridesmaids and the decorations and the food-" Bobbi continued to rant and I sort of began to drift away from him and into my mind. I thought of one time when I was around thirteen years old my adoptive family of the month took me and Roy to a lake one weekend for a picnic, in the flashback we had all finished eating and fake mum was reading a book to Roy and my fake dad was playing fetch with our dog, Joey. I was sitting on the blanket listening to the story while playing with the hem of a beautiful blue sundress I had gotten for my birthday and staring at the sky, making shapes in the clouds. As I was watching the white puffyness a different looking bird flew above me. I remeber suddenly standing and following the black bird with the dark green under wings into the forrest, The fake parents didn't notice me leave the plaid picnic blanket and I quickly followed the bird I felt the grass tickle my feet and toes.

"wait'" I called, jumping over a tree root. The bird never slowed down and it quickly led me to a small clearing surrounded by trees. I stopped and looked around me, I was alone and the only sound was my heavy breathing and the wind blowing through the branches. I narrowed my eyes and spun around, looking at my surroundings.

"my, you are a curious little girl aren't you?" I heard someone ask behind me. I quickly spun around and I felt my heels dig into the soft dirt

"who are you?" I asked, staring at him. The strange man wore black, gold and green armor and had short black mullet style hair with green and golden eyes.

a cold  god finds his warm hart (a avengers/Loki love story) [COMPLETED!!!!]Where stories live. Discover now