Chapter 4

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I have 2 new characters!!! Yay! Big thanks to Djcraft-2310 or ashraf! And also to catter123ABC or

Just so you all know, when I say 'Luke's' POV, it's still Lucas. I just shortened it. =}


Luke's POV-

"Sorry about the close call" A hooded figure says. "and i'm catter123ABC by the way, just call me catter".

"I'm mineralman, my real name is Lucas. Call me mineral", I reply."How long have you been here"?

"I don't know exactly but about 3 weeks" she exclaims, "And I've discovered that all the animals and mobs have changed body parts, so the virus must be doing that as well".

"You got hit by the virus"? I question.

"Yeah" she replies, "I was playing Minecraft with my friend Djcraft-2310 when thing happened to our phones and we got sucked in. Let's go to my house and I'll introduce you to Dj".

Cody's POV-

My mind is a whirl. Lucas in minecraft? It can't be. Should I try to contact him?

I put Lucas's phone in my pocket and grabbed mine. I went into minecraft and joined the world we were playing before the virus struck.

I typed into the message box, "Lucas are you getting this? If so, go to the place you spawned, if you got sucked into the game that is".

I don't get a reply. Why would I expect a reply anyway? At that moment I see an arrow fly towards the screen. When it hits the screen I take a screenshot and go into my photos.

There is a flag tied to the arrow saying:

"You have a choice. Either enter the world of Minecraft with your friend and try to beat the Ender Dragon to exit, or live your life normally and your friend will never get out because he doesn't know to defeat the Ender Dragon.



Who is Ender? What do I do?

About 5000 questions are running through my head right now. There is only one solid answer.

I will live my dream and enter minecraft. I go back to my world and type into the text box: Bring it on...........


Oooohhh I love cliff hangers!

Please vote.

I am starting a competition! Create a cross mob animal! The best cross mob animal will be included in the story and will win overall!

I will decide my favourite and I won't just decide on my friend's cross mob animals! I want it to be fair.


Hacked: Book 1 in a Minecraft TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now