Competitions Page! (Will have Every Competiton I Have Made)

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1. Please leave me a private message on who you think should be a couple (Boyfriend and Girlfriend) in the end? The couple with the most votes will be a couple in my trilogy! Here are the names:




- Dj

- Lucas




- catter



Not me cause I wanna be a loner! :) :P =D XD


2. I need a cover for book 2! Please inbox me with a book cover and the best one will be the official book cover for Posessed!

You need to:

1. Draw (don't find a picture on google. I can tell the difference) a picture of a possible book cover for my 2nd book in this trilogy, 'Posessed'.

2. Put it onto a book (that has nothing in it) and just leave me the link by private messaging me!

3. I will judge them at the end of this week so hurry and submit them! I don't care what is on the cover and everyone can submit one!

4. It's gotta be apropriate!

5. It's also gotta be about Minecraft!

6. Make sure you have done steps 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 before you do step 2!


3. 2. I need a cover for book 3! Please inbox me with a book cover and the best one will be the official book cover for Deceased !

You need to:

1. Draw (don't find a picture on google. I can tell the difference) a picture of a possible book cover for my 3rd book in this trilogy, 'Deceased'.

2. Put it onto a book (that has nothing in it) and just leave me the link by private messaging me!

3. I will judge them at the end of this week so hurry and submit them! I don't care what is on the cover and everyone can submit one (only 1).

4. It's gotta be apropriate!

5. It's also gotta be about Minecraft!

6. Make sure you have done steps 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 before you do step 2!


Hacked: Book 1 in a Minecraft TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now