Truth or Dare

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'Alice.' Sirius announces after glancing around the room for a few seconds, trying to spot his victim, 'Truth or dare?'

'Truth.' Alice answers apprehensively.

Sirius leans forward to rest his head on his hand, and his elbow on his knee, 'Come on, Alice. You got no guts?'

'Truth.' Alice says again, but firmly this time.

'Right.' Sirius says, leaning back into his previous position, obviously a little disappointed, 'Tell me then, Prewett, who's your crush?'

'...I don't have one.'

Marlene looks Alice and telepathically says 'Really? We know that's a lie.'

'Shut up!'

'It's not that bad!.'

'Can't I just lie? He won't know the difference!'

Unfortunately for Alice, Sirius notices and says sweetly, 'Do we have to get the veritaserum out?'

Alice looks momentarily frightened before giving in and mumbling 'Frank Longbottom' so that it was barely audible.

'I'm sorry. What was that? Frank Longbottom?' Sirius loudly repeats.

'Shut up!' Alice quickly says, even though there is no one in the common room that isn't playing, 'Lily! Truth or dare?'


'Seriously, guys. No guts.'

Lily rolls her eyes at Sirius and turns back to Alice, awaiting her question.

'What did amortentia smell like to you?'

' already know.' Lily replies, her cheeks beginning to burn. Lily, Marlene and Alice had already shared what they had each smelled while at the feast on Monday. It wasn't the fact that she felt the need to hide what she smelt since she hadn't smelt a person, it was the fact she had smelt quidditch. Why quidditch? Plus the other two were already suspicious about the fourth thing Lily smelt, but she really didn't know what it was.

'But I've forgotten.' Alice says innocently while batting her eyelashes.

'You know what?' Sirius asks the group, standing up and walking into the boys dormitories. James, Remus, and Peter give exchange bewildered glances.

Everyone is quiet until he returns, holding a bottle of something. 'Just to make sure.' He adds with an evil grin, passing the bottle over to Lily.

James' POV

'I wasn't going to lie about it you know.'

Sirius hands the bottle over to Evans and she takes a quick swig without hesitation.

'Old books, parchment, quidditch, and I don't know what the fourth one was.'

'Quidditch?' Remus asks.

He's right. That is weird. I didn't think Lily liked quidditch. Or maybe she likes someone who plays quidditch. I already know everyone who is on the teams, but I'll have to take note of how Lily reacts to them.

Not that I care.

'Sirius.' She says, ignoring Remus.

'Dare.' He immediately answers.

'Thought so.' Evans smirks 'I dare you to hug Professor McGonagall every time you see her for the next week.'

'Easy.' Sirius says, shaking Lily's hand in a promise to do it. He turns to me next. 'Prongs. Truth or dare?'

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