Match Makers

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Ignoring James while staying at his house turned out to be quite a bit more challenging than Lily had originally anticipated. She wasn't ignoring him to get back at him for Kat, it was because she was completely and utterly confused. She didn't like him in that way, but the thought of Kat alone with him made her chest burn and her breathing thick, which didn't quite make sense because Lily Evans did not like James Potter.

James, however, to Lily seemed oblivious to how she was feeling: constantly trying to make normal conversation and flirt with her, acting like everything was normal - which it probably was to James.

Did this make Lily just a little more angry? Yes, of course it did.

In reality, of course James had noticed that Lily was trying her best to not talk to him, which was making him over analyse everything to try and figure out why, but he couldn't seem to come up with a definitive answer. What had he done wrong? The only thing that spring to mind was that she knew - or thought she knew - what happened with Kat last night, but this was a preposterous thought because Lily was just his friend. She had so said herself that nothing more would come of it: or at least heavily implied it. Surely she didn't have place to be pissed at him for that.

Unknown to Lily, James was convinced he understood the game she was trying to play, and he wasn't about to let her. She was trying to make him feel bad for liking someone else. Did he still like Lily? Maybe a little. Did he like Kat? Not really.

'Pass the bowl of salad would you, Evans?' James causally asked her during lunch. His parents had gone out for the day, leaving the six of them to a house to themselves. Doory, his house elf, had happily prepared lunch for them.

Silently and emotionlessly, Lily did as he asked, not once looking at his face as her stomach flipped and ticked knowing his eyes were set upon hers.

'Quiet today, Lilykins.' Sirius knowingly remarked, sending her a grin from across the table as he teared apart a piece of bread.

'Sorry, I've got a headache.' She quietly murmured, pushing her food around on her plate with her fork.

'How's it going with that Thomas guy?' Sirius questioned.

'Alright. We're going to the next Hogsmeade trip together.' She admitted.

'Really?' James asked, surprised. 'You said that you didn't-'

'I think I should go and have a lie down actually.' Lily interrupted. She had forgotten she had told James she didn't really like him and didn't want him telling everyone else if she could help it. What would he think of her now? She spent years rejecting James because she hadn't liked him, yet she had said yes to this boy she barely knew who had asked her once.

'I'll come.' Marlene said, quickly getting up with Lily.

Lily didn't argue as both the girls slid out of the kitchen and went to their room. In fact, she was slightly grateful Marlene was going with her. She hadn't had time to tell Marlene about Thomas either, and she realised she needed to get it off her chest.

Sirius, Remus and Peter all turned to stare at James, all smirking once the girls had left the room.


'C'mon mate, can't you tell?' Sirius grinned.

'Can't I tell what?' James asked, agitated. What the hell was Sirius on about? Did he have to rub it in that Lily had agreed to go with Thomas?

'He really can't.' Peter commented, holding back laughter.


'Why Lily's ignoring you.' Sirius smugly answered.

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