Hogwarts Again

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'Moony, in here!' Sirius shouted through the glass door of the Hogwarts Express as the brown haired boy almost walked past. Remus looked in, saw his friends, lifted his suitcase up and entered the compartment where James, Sirius, and Peter were on one side and Marlene and Lily were on the other.

'Had a good Christmas, Remus?' Lily inquired as he sat down next to her.

'Yeah, you?'

'Was alright-'

'Skip the small talk, you two. Let's get down to business.' Sirius professionally announced. 'The first prank of 77's gotta be a good one. Suggestions, anyone? We're already way behind. We cannot have those filthy Slytherins beat us to it.'

'Isn't your brother one of those filthy Slytherins?' Marlene challenged. 'And why do you have to make everything so dramatic? It's just a prank. Who cares?'

'First of all, I'm not dramatic!' Sirius loudly exclaimed. 'Second of all: you can get out if you think this not one of the most important events that will ever happen in your short life.'

'See! Dramatic! You've just proved my point!' Marlene said, eyebrows raised. 'And I really hope that wasn't a death threat.'

'James! Tell her!' Sirius sulked like a five year old.

'Sorry, Pads. You've gotta sort this one out on your own.' James winked at Lily, who blushed and looked away. From the corner of her eye she saw him ruffle his hair.

'How about we turn all the Slytherin's uniforms into Gryffindor colours?' Peter suggested.

'That's good,' Sirius said waggling his finger, 'but it needs something more.'

'One of us somehow gets hold of the Slytherin dorms password, we go in and rig the common room and dorms?' Remus offered the group.

'Rig it how?' Marlene asked.

'Dungbombs, Confringo, Expulso, Reducio, Engorgrio, Geminio, Bedazzling Hex.' James ticked off on his fingers. 'Let's go innocent yet infuriating with this one.'

'So we change their uniforms. They think that's it, but then they get to the dungeons and get hit with dungbombs. Then the third wave: their common room is all messed up. Fake sofas and chairs that disappear when you sit on them, shrunk tables and chairs, invisible obstacles they walk into. That sort of stuff?' Lily concluded.

Everyone in the compartment was astounded by Lily, except for Marlene.

'What are you guys so surprised at? She's not the teachers pet you'd assume.' Marlene laughed at their faces.

'Where did that come from?' James asked, mouth hanging open.

'You really think I've never pulled a prank before, Potter?'

'Well, YEAH.' Sirius answered for him.

'There's so much you don't know about me.' Lily sighed, smiling. She had a talent for pulling pranks and never getting caught for them.

'We'd love to hear more.' Sirius encouraged, curious.

'Remember fourth year when James' hair was bright pink for a week and he couldn't do anything about it, and yours looked like a bird's nest?'

Remus burst out laughing.

'Lily that was brilliant! Remember how they both cried everyday that week!'

Lily easily shrugged.

'Couldn't have done it without you, Remus.'

'You helped? Remus! How could you!' James roared, but was amazed all the same.

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