Flying Fears

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James got up early the next day. The sun had only just begun to rise, causing the sky to appear a deep orange that illuminated the walls of his bedroom. He could hear the birds in the trees jumping from branch to branch, softly calling for each other, but other than this, it was eerily silent. It didn't matter that he would often start his day at this time, silence always made him uncomfortable. How could anyone find it peaceful?

If he hadn't had known it was winter, he might've been tricked into thinking it was a warm summers morning. The trees and grass lay still, and cascades of orange light beamed down and reflected on the thin layer of frost that had settled upon them, making the scene appear as if it were from a children's fairytale.

He silently dressed in jeans and a sweater - which he rolled the sleeves up of much like he did with his uniform. Trying his best to make no sound as to not wake a snoring Peter, he carefully opened his door and tiptoed out. He was sure he heard movement from down the hall, but choose to pass it off as his ears playing tricks on him. Stupid silence.

Slipping out onto the wintry grass that lay still with no breeze to tamper with it, he headed straight for the broom shed where his Cleansweep was stored. Under his weight, twigs and stones snapped and crunched in agony, while his breath came out in white puffs of warm smoke in the crisp air. He let out a small shiver and broke into a jog to warm up.

Once he had grabbed his broom, with no hesitation, he kicked off and zoomed around in the air, doing a couple laps back and forth, easily manovering the broom to go wherever he pleased. He allowed his thoughts to slow down and relax: this was his time to forget everything that was happening around the world - the war, the deaths, Voldemort. Even though it was only ever for a brief amount time, flying made him to feel free from the prison the war had locked his mind in.

James took a small break, and hovered about 20 feet in the air, gazing longingly at the mountains in the distance, empty minded. Their peaks elegantly faded into the clouds, becoming blurry as they disappeared into the sky. For a moment, he thought about just flying away for a while - maybe he should follow the mountains and finally figure out where they ended; but there were people that needed him. His parents, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily.

'Impressive.' Someone said from the ground. Though they spoke at a normal level, it was so quiet that their voice easily projected upwards anyway.

Immediately recognising the gentle voice, James smoothly swooped down to the ground and neatly landed on his feet.

'Oh, I know.' He grinned at the red head. She was huddled in a thick grey winter coat, but was still managing to profusely shiver against the cold.

'Don't let your arrogance get the best of you again, or I might just have to leave.' Lily simpered through chattering teeth.

'You can't leave because it's you turn now.' James quipped. He jogged to the broom shed and pulled out a second Cleansweep - Sirius' - he jogged back and handed it to Lily. 'Show me what you've got then, Evans. Impress me.' He smirked.

Lily stood, holding the broom awkwardly in her frozen hand. She could barely feel her fingers, never mind try and ride a broom in front of James Potter.

A cold breeze teased at her hair, which forced a shiver down her spine. How could James only be wearing a sweater in this weather?

'Uhm...' Lily looked down at the broom, she hadn't had flying lessons since first year; nor had she so much as touched a broom since then. She remembered how James had shown off during their first lesson (well...all of them, really) and she remembered how she had seen enough of James in their first week to know she should avoid him at all costs. Look at them now. 'So I just...' Lily trailed off. Why couldn't she remember what to do? 'C'mon Lily stop being stupid.' She told herself.

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