James and Marlene

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It had been a few weeks since the game of truth or dare, and though James didn't hold as much as a grudge against Lily and was back to his normal self, he hadn't so much as attempted to flirt or ask her out since. In fact, he'd barely spoken to her.

'Oh by the way, Lily,' Marlene said as she tied her laces ready for their Hogmeade trip, 'Sirius asked if you, Alice, Mary and me wanted to go to Hogsmeade with him and the boys.'

'...and what did you say?'

'I said yes of course.' Marlene paused. 'That's okay with you, right?'

'Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?'

'Well, I know you're not that fond of them, and I don't blame you, but once you get to know them they're actually pretty decent people. Sirius is really funny, and I know people don't think that much of Peter, but he's great too. I suppose you already know all about Remus from your study sessions.'

Marlene didn't mean anything by this, but Lily blushed at the thought of her thinking that her and Remus were something more than friends.

'and James...' Marlene lowered her voice to a whispery giggle 'who'd have guessed that James actually has a dorky side! It's kind of cute if I'm honest.'

Lily ignored the fact that Marlene had just called James cute, but only because she was sure Marlene liked Sirius. She had a weird pang in her chest though, as if something was burning to get out: except that was silly. She didn't like James as anything other than a friend, though they had hardly even been talking. She was finding it little weird - he had gone from constantly flirting and asking her out to not even speaking to her. It made her feel even more guilty for what she had said about James.

'Aww. How sweet!' Lily teased. 'You're on a first name basis with all of them!'

Marlene scoffed. 'Well you will be too after today. Trust me.'

Lily heisitated before she spoke again. Marlene was now at the mirror, brushing her blonde hair.

'What made you...what made you become friends with them?'

Marlene stopped brushing her hair but stayed facing the mirror. She twirled the brush in her hands as she spoke.

'Okay. I'm going to tell you, but I don't want you to get mad or anything. Promise?'

'I promise.'

'I was upset because I had just seen that stupid Hufflepuff boy who I had been messing around with snogging some other girl and I was just roaming the corridors - I guess I didn't really know what to do with myself. Then Sirius and James came round the corner. To cut it short, they both tried to get out of me what was wrong, but I wouldn't tell them. Sirius got sort of awkward when I started to cry and bailed - which he did later apologise for. James stayed with me though and I eventually told him what was up. We got talking and the topic changed to you.' Marlene trailed off and turned around to face Lily, still with the hair brush in hand. 'Lily, he's not teasing you when he asks you out. He genuinely means it, and I can see that he really does have good intentions, and he never meant to upset you by asking you out so much. He just doesn't quite know how to express his feelings for you properly. I just wanted you to realise that he really does like you, Lils. A lot.'

'I...I never realised.'

Marlene laughs, trying to lift the mood. 'It's not like Alice, Mary and I have been telling you for that past 5 years!'

'I need to make it up to him.'

'Yep, but we're gonna be late, so come on!'

Marlene put the brush down and linked arms with Lily as she pulled her out of the dorm and towards the Great Hall where they would be meeting Alice, Frank, Mary, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter.

a/n. sorry this update took so long! i started writing this in the christmas holidays and once school started again i didn't find any time to write. updates may only be every couple weeks, but just know i haven't given up on this story.

thank you for all the support i've been getting. it genuinely means a lot that this many people take the time to read my work.

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