Thomas' Scandal

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- before anyone tries to argue with me, or starts arguing in the comments, james is canonically a chaser. if you search it up, you'll find that rowling said it in an interview. i won't explain my thoughts on the whole thing because it'd be way too long. also i don't know how to write a quidditch match which is why there's pretty much nothing on it -


'I'm losing track, Evans,' James said as he sat down next to Lily in the library two days after Valentine's Day: two days after he had spotted Thomas cheating on her. 'Is it my turn to ask you a favour, or your turn to ask me?'

Lily sighed heavily and threw her quill down, abandoning her Transfiguration homework.

'Yours unfortunately. What do you want?'

'A funny thing want is, that could make me sound greedy-'

'Potter, I swear to god if you don't just get to the point.' Lily faked annoyance. She was falling for James, and damn did she know she was falling hard when it was impossible for James to annoy her.

'Alright, Alright. But one of these days someone is going to have to tell me who this god person is.'

'Potter.' She warned, though she was holding back a laugh and was sure James knew it.

'Yeah, anyway, Remus told me there's a Slugclub party coming up.'

James took a long pause. How did he put this..? Don't invite your boyfriend because he's cheating? That would be too straight forward. Plus, he still believed it wasn't his place to say. He had been trying to wring it out of Thomas by guilt tripping him with anonymous notes, but that wasn't working. So...maybe it was his place as her friend...

'And?' Lily promoted impatiently, having flashbacks to how once upon a time James would take this as his opportunity to try and make her ask him.

'So who's your plus one?' He said abruptly, praying he was wrong, but knowing all the same her answer.

'I don't know. I was thinking of asking Thomas.' James nodded slightly. He knew she would say this, and it was going to turn out bad if she did ask Thomas. James was sure he was close to getting a confession out of him. Nobody could put up with such a hurtful secret for this long surely.

'Is that a problem?'

'So that means you haven't asked him yet?' James prompted, then more to himself than Lily, 'So there's still time.'

'No. I was planning to tonight...I don't know how, though. Any tips? And still time for what?'

Was she trying to make James jealous by asking for tips? Most definitely yes. Except he didn't like her anymore so she wasn't sure why she was bothering.

'I don't think you should ask him.' said James indefinitely.

'And why's that? And you still haven't answered my question. Still time for what?'

'You trust me right?' he definitely sounded like a complete psychopath right now.


'Do you trust me more than you trust Thomas?' he pushed hopefully.

'What's this got to do with anything?' Lily asked, biting the inside of her cheeks as she turned back to her work lying on the table in front of her, though she didn't continue with it.

'Just answer the question, Evans.'

Lily sighed again, 'Yes. I trust you more than Thomas.' she said it as casually as possible. Who didn't trust their own boyfriend? Her, apparently.

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