The Ball

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If James had to guess, he would have said that everyone had been gathered in the Great Hall for an hour and a half. It had been magnificently decorated with elegant frosty mistletoe and ivy that hung from the walls. The floor had been covered in sliver glitter which sparkles in the light of the stars from the black ceiling. From above, snow gracefully floated down, but disappeared once it hit the floor.

'This is fun isn't it, Jamie?' Katherine seductively purred in James' ear as they danced in time to the music.

James briefly hummed in response, preoccupied looking over the crowd for the other Marauders (and Lily), forgetting he was meant to be enjoying this night. Him and Kat had been dancing with little small talk for a good portion of their time in the hall, and James had officially built up too much energy to carry on moving this slow for any longer. He longed to be freely moving about, and wished that they would play something that wasn't so slow so he could break apart from her for a while.

Yet Kat wrapped her arms around his neck tighter and relaxed her head onto shoulder. She hummed to the music softly as they swayed from left to right, barely even moving anymore. James kept his hands on her waist, neither loosening or tightening his grip. He kept his head up and his eyes alert, still scanning the crowd of dancers and the chattering students surrounding the food table for any sign of someone to save him.

It was near the table of food where he finally spotted Peter and Freya: Peter trying to look sophisticated as he munched his way through his favourite foods while Freya spoke to him, clearly trying to avoid looking disgusted. Peter seemed to not notice though. Predictable of Peter to stress eat on his first date.

Why did she ask Peter? James was still repeatedly fining himself running back to this question. It just wasn't making any sense to him.

'Jamie?' Kat tentatively asked in a sickly sweet tone, raising her head to look at him.

'Hm?' James replied, preoccupied carefully watching Peter's moves.

'Are you okay?' She lifted her head further and followed James' eyes to Peter. 'You seem distracted.'

'Yeah, sorry.' He brought his eyes to meet Kat's black orbs.

Satisfied with this answer and the new found eye contact with him, Kat says giggling, 'Did you do something different to your hair?'

'I tried, but didn't really work did it?' He joked back.

'No, it didn't. I bet if you would let me I could sort it out for you, though. My mums a really great muggle hairdresser. I could send a letter home asking for her to send some products to try out on you?'

'Uh sure.' James didn't have the heart to tell that if Sleekeazy's hair potion made by his own father didn't work then nothing would. So, deciding to do what he does best to (excluding Quidditch of course) to change the subject, he kissed her.

It started off soft, but it was soon deepened, presumably by James, but he couldn't quite be sure: he was surprised at how dominant Kat was - he had been expecting her to let him take the lead, as girls normally do, but instead, they clashed teeth as they both tried to lead the kiss. Kat's hands flew to his hair and James cringed as she bit his lip too hard and he pulled away, but she pulled him back in for another round.

Someone wolf whistled and yelled 'Get a room!', causing many people to turn their heads and giggle. James, recognising the familiar voice broke away to find the culprit, happy to have a distraction, but knowing he could never live this down now Sirius had seen them.

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