The Slug Club

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*i know slug club meetings aren't canonically like this...but let's pretend*

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To say that Lily was surprised when Thomas made no effort to try and win her back would be a huge understatement: not that she wanted him to try - she had just expected him to. In a way, she supposed it came down to the fact that Sirius had wasted no time in spreading the truth around the entire school once he knew.

As for James and Kat; things hadn't been so smooth, and finding out that Lily had asked James to go to the Slug Club had only led to some very awkward interactions and tensions whenever Kat saw either of them. She often loudly proclaimed in front of large groups of people that Lily had blackmailed James into saying yes. This gained a lot of speculation from the older years who knew what James' and Lily's relationship used to like. Though most people found it a preposterous idea that Lily would do such a thing (many people saying if anything, the roles would be reversed), the rumour still rapidly spread.

These, however, were not the most prominent rumours flying around the corridors. The main feature of the hushed whispers were that Lily and James were now dating - a rumour that had no more truth to it than Lily blackmailing James.

By late March, things were still yet to die down: and Lily was pretty sick of docking points from the younger students who didn't have the sense to stop their discussions about her as she walked by.

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'Ready Potter?' Lily asked the empty air in front of her as she heard someone coming down the stairs behind where she sat on the sofa. She wasn't sure why she knew it was James, but she just knew the sound of his footsteps. She stood and brushed down her dress - a seaweed green halter - that delicately flowed down to her feet. Above the waist it shimmered with details of sequins and patterns of lace.

James, of course, was already five minutes late, but weirdly Lily didn't mind too much. Slug Club meetings were never particularly fun...then again, she'd never invited anyone that would make it fun.

She turned to face James, smiling, but it soon dropped as she found herself frowning at the sight of him. The first thing her eyes were drawn to was his hair; which wouldn't averagely be unusual because, well, his hair was quite prominent - but it was different this time. As she stared at his overly gelled hair, it immediately struck her that this was probably the reason for his lateness. The amount of product he had used made it look greasy. Lily had never seen James even attempt to do anything to his hair (he had always claimed it was "much to precious for all those chemicals"). She shut her eyes for a couple seconds, actually missing his fluffy, messy hair.

'I don't really..' James didn't look up from the trying to untie the knot he managed to make in his tie. He trailed off in concentration, furring his brows.

Lily covered her mouth with her hand to hide a smile. James was dressed in a black Muggle suit much to her surprise. She wasn't going to deny that he looked good - well, if anyone asked her she would deny it, but to herself...she was admitting it.

Merlin, she was going to have to make him wash that stuff out of his hair though. Maybe more for her sake than his.

'What are you-' she stopped, composing her laugh. 'What are you wearing? And...your hair?' Lily tried to sound polite about it, but it was hard. It was cute that he had tried.

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