The Beginning of The First Betrayals

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'Prongs! You won't believe what just-' Sirius stopped dead in his tracks. 'Prongs - what the fuck?'

James quickly sat up straight on his bed and threw a blanket over a small mound of something.

'Were you just..?' Remus trailed off, eyes fixated on what James had hidden.

Peter put a finger in his mouth and fake gagged.

'I was just er-'

Before James could finish, Sirius had marched the length of the room and had his hand tightly gripped on the blanket. There was no hesitation as he violently flung the blanket across the room, where it handed over Peter's head. He desperately scrambled to get it off so that he wouldn't miss anything.

There, on the bed, was a pile of fresh grass.

Sirius' eyes flicked from James, to the grass, and back to James again. The shock on his face quickly dissolved into a taunting laugh.

'No-you-you were not-you were not just-just eating-gr-eating grass!' He fell backwards onto his own bed, hysterically laughing. Hysterical laughing turned into a silent laughter that left Sirius wheezing and flapping around like a fish on dry land. Remus and Peter cautiously approached, fear swelling for what they were about to find. Sirius was the most dramatic of them all after all; maybe he was just being as dramatic as per usual.

But no. He wasn't.

'No! No! Sirius, listen!' James frantically yelled, repeatedly hitting him with a pillow. 'I was just-you wouldn't understand! Here, you try some! You two as well!' James shoved the heap of grass towards his three best friends.

'There's no way.' said Remus, shaking his head.

Sirius eventually stopped squawking like a mad bird enough to talk.

'You can't be SIRIUS!' He managed to gasp out, before falling into another laughter fit. 'Do you get it! Because I'm called Sirius! And it sounds like serious!'

'I can count on my fingers how many days I've known you for and you haven't used that riddikulus pun.' James snorted at his own joke, but a hard eyebrow raise from Remus made him immediately shut up.

'No one in the right mind is going to eat your grass, mate.' Remus said, sounding overly concerned for James and his health.

'Aw, c'mon guys! Wormtail will give it a go, won't you?'

'I'll give anything a try!' Peter squeaked, picking up a handful of the grass.

'It can't be good for your stomach.' Remus tried to reason.

'See!' James turned to Sirius. 'Even Peter is willing.'

Sirius looked like he wanted to say something back about Peter, but changed his mind at the last moment.

'Ah, what the hell?' He said, mimicking Peter's actions and scooping up an even bigger wad of grass.

They all looked to Remus, who rolled his eyes before giving in.

'I hate being friends with you lot.' He complained.

'You love us really and you know it, Moons.' Sirius gloated.

James cleared his throat.

'I just want to say thank you for the support on this. It means a lot to not be judged on what is such a taboo subject.' He wiped a fake tear away. 'On three.' James sneakily smiled. 'One...two...three!'

Sirius shoved his entire handful into his mouth, possibly a little too enthusiastically for someone who had just been making fun of someone else for the exact same thing. It wasn't until he had chewed and swallowed and said 'Wow! That was actually a lot better than I thought. I can sorta see why you do it now, Prongs. I can't blame you. To answer my question from Christmas - it really does taste like it smells. What do you think?' that he noticed he had been the only one to eat the grass.

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