After the Slug Club

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The common room was devoid of any signs of life when they arrived; which was all the better for Sirius' benefit. Lily carefully levitated him to the largest sofa and placed him down. He stirred slightly, but did not open his eyes or speak.

'Thanks for helping me, Lily.' James said gratefully. He crouched down on the floor so that he was level with Sirius. His voice full of genuine concern, he said: 'Sirius, are you awake?'

Sirius roughly grunted in response. Lily shuffled on her feet, thinking something she really should not be thinking...James would make a really great Dad...

James brushed some hair from Sirius' sweaty forehead, his eyes scanning his face for any signs of any real consciousness. He had to admit, it was times like these when his patience started to run a little dry - but this wasn't Sirius' fault - and James couldn't stay mad at Sirius for something like this no matter how hard he tried.

'Pads? Are you feeling any better?'

Sirius' cracked his eyes open, and when he spoke it sounded as if he had something lodged in his throat, 'Where's...where's Mum?'

Lily made a strange noise in her throat and pretended to be reading a poster on the wall. It was no secret what Sirius' parents believed in; they were blood purists - against anyone who was not a Pureblood. This also included 'blood traitors' - Purebloods who supported Muggleborns and Half-Bloods. People like James. People like Sirius. Sirius' parents stood for Voldermort: an everything else Sirius stoof for.

She thought about her conversation with Sirius the day she had gone to James' house at Christmas. It didn't make sense to why he would want his mum. Had he forgotten about what she was like in his drunken state? How was James going to break the truth to him?

'I can floo her if you'd like? She'd be happy to see you.' James offered gently, already standing to his feet and approaching the fireplace.

Sirius mumbled something in response that Lily didn't quite catch. Floo his Mum? Happy to see him? They hated each other. Lily had never heard a more stupid idea - and that was saying something the amount of time she spent with James and Sirius.

James stepped over the fireplace, threw the powder in, and stuck his head in. A couple minutes later (in which Lily awkwardly tried to not stare at Sirius, who was looking rather sickly), he had stepped back and Euphemia Potter's face appeared in the fire.

'Sirius, dear? Are you alright?' she asked, with as much love in her voice you would think that she really was Sirius' biological mother.

The lack of a 'deer' pun made James tense up. That wasn't like Sirius. A pit of sympathy for his friend grew in his stomach. If he could take back everything Sirius' family had put him through, he would in a heartbeat. James knew Sirius wouldn't like to know he pitied him, so he kept all this to himself.

Sirius mumbled something along the lines of 'ahmissyoo', but Euphemua seemed to understand either way.'

'I miss you too, Sirius.' she smiled sadly. 'I'll see you soon, though; so don't you worry. Not long now. Only a couple days until the Easter holidays.' Something crashed behind her, and her head turned to the side. The fire angrily crackled. 'I need to go - you know how it is, leaving Fleamont alone in the kitchen - but I'll send some packages up for tomorrow.'

Sirius didn't say anything; his eyes drooped again and James sensed he felt a bit disappointed; maybe as if he were a burden for his mother to talk to.

Lily stayed out of view, feeling like she was intruding and shouldn't be there. James said goodbye to his mum.

'I'm sorry she had to leave so soon, Siri.' James was crouching next to the sofa again. 'I know you miss her. I do too. But like she said - just a couple more days and we'll be home for two weeks.'

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