The Potter House

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The next day at 10am Lily woke to loud voices downstairs. She silently crept out of bed and put her ear against her door.

'You said she was leaving at ten!' Petunia was screaming.

'No, we told you she's being picked up at eleven.' Her mother said calmly. 'I'm not sure why you're making such a big deal out of this, Petunia.'

'Because I've told Vernon to come at half ten! I don't want her meeting him and screwing everything up! That's all she ever does!' Petunia's voice angrily shook.

Lily could imagine her parents awkwardly looking at each other, at a loss at what they were meant to say.

'This is ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with your sister. She's perfectly fine to meet Vernon. She does not screw things up for you.' Mrs Evans firmly stated.

Petunia slammed the living room door and banged her way up the steps, muttering under her breath. Lily quietly tip toed away from her door and got dressed. She had packed the night before so she needn't worry about that.

She found herself once again fighting off the tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't understand why Petunia hated her so much. She'd never say anything bad to Vernon - nothing about her world if that's what Petunia was so frightened of.

She decided to skip breakfast as to lower the chances of running into Petunia, so went straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth after getting dressed. When she was finished, she went back to her room, pulled out her Potions book and began to read.

She wasn't sure how long she had been reading for, but she supposed it was ten thirty because somebody rang the bell and Petunia exited her room to get it. Before she got there though, she stood in Lily's doorway. Lily didn't look up at her, but she could feel her presence burning into her.

'I don't want you to go near Vernon. He doesn't know what you are and I intend to keep it that way for as long as possible. Is that clear?'

Still staring down at her Potions book, Lily mumbled 'Whatever.'

Below them, Mrs Evans opened the door and greeted someone.

'It's nice to see you again, Vernon.' She said warmly. 'How've you been?'

Petunia looked over her shoulder, then back at Lily.

'I'm serious. Don't you dare do anything weird or-'

'Petunia! Vernon's just arrived.' Mrs Evans called.

'Coming.' Petunia replied sweetly.

Lily lifted her eyes to Petunia's and they made eye contact for a couple of seconds.

'Shouldn't you go then?'

With that Petunia swept off downstairs and Lily heard a huge commotion of everybody greeting each other.

Lily sighed, got up and shut her door, then continued reading for the next half hour, ignoring Vernon booming on about his job - is that all he ever talked about?

Then ten more minutes.

Then another ten.

Then another ten.

Lily had just began to get worried that James had forgotten or had gotten hurt when she heard the bell ring repeatedly, one ding after the other without pause for about 30 seconds straight. Oh god she thought to herself trying not to laugh, Petunia won't be happy.

Lily shook her head - surely James knew who a bell worked though?

She slipped her Potions book inside her bag, picked it up and made her way downstairs.

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