The Start of Something?

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'Tell. Us. Everything.' Marlene practically shouted as Lily entered what she thought would be an empty dorm room when she got back from Hogsmeade.

'...about what exactly?' Lily replied, slightly confused, then she remembered that she had just been alone with James. 'Calm down!' she frantically answered, quickly shutting the door behind her. 'There's nothing to tell.'

'Oh come on Lils!' Mary added 'Do you really expect us to believe that?'

As Lily made her way across the room to join them on Alice's bed, something dawned on her and she stopped halfway there.

'Did you guys set it up?'

'Set what up?' Marlene asked innocently.

'You did. You left me alone with James on purpose.'

'You hear that girls? He's James now,' Marlene teased 'but would it really be a bad thing if we did?'


Alice jumped off the bed, walked over to Lily, and escorted her over to where all the girls sat.

'Yes. Marlene set it up so you two would be alone. Now, are you going to tell us what happened?'

'I don't have much of a choice do I?' Lily sighed, 'Not much. He's going to try and teach me how to fly next Sunday.'

The three girls gasped.


'It's not like that! You know I'm not into him. I just decided maybe to give it a chance at being friends.' Lily said with a side glance at Marlene, who was looking rather pleased with herself 'Really. It doesn't mean anything.'

'Yeppp sure.' Mary smiled.

Lily retorted 'I honestly don't even know why I said yes. It's like after all he's put me through I've just given in. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm not going.'

'Oh, Lily.' Alice gently prodded 'It's completely your choice but I really think you should go. Yes, James can be a bit over the top, and a bit of a jerk sometimes, but I think he could be really sweet-'

'I get that, I do, but I just don't think it's a good idea. I don't want to hurt him, but my decision is final. You shouldn't have left me alone with him.'

'YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT!' Sirius shouted as he entered the boy's dorm.

'Keep your voice down Padfoot!' Remus exclaimed, placing his book down but looking intrigued all the same.

'You've kissed yet another girl?' Peter squeaked.

'Well yes, but no.' Sirius muttered, suddenly secretive for once.

'Is it Marlene?' James joined in, and when Sirius didn't answer he continued 'I bet it's Marlene. You two have been at each a lot lately.'

'Does anyone have any other guesses?' Sirius loudly asked, cutting off James' words.

'You've finally finished a book?' Remus suggested.

Irritated now, Sirius said 'Right, though that IS on my bucket list Remus, no. That is not what I'm so excited about. I'm surprised James here hasn't said anything yet.'

'Sirius.' James moaned.

'James has a date with Lily.' Sirius simply stated, a sly grin on his face.

'Why didn't you tell us?'

'I do not!' James exploded.

'Hmm of course you don't.' Sirius singsonged before flopping down on his bed.

Remus and Peter looked questioningly at James

'Okay, I'll explain. So after me and Lily were coincidentally left alone we were talking about quidditch and she mentioned how she can't fly, so I offered to help her. But it's not a date okay? I didn't tell you because I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I don't want to scare her off. We're just friends. We're never going to be anything more than friends. Okay? It's not what she wants.'

'Come on James! Me and Marlene went through a lot of planning to get you two alone!'

'Do you still want to be more than friends with her, James?' Remus interrupted before Sirius got carried away. Of course he knew the answer to this, whether James was prepared to admit it or not - he still had feelings for Lily.

'N-ye-I don't know.' A pause 'That's hardly the point though! When Lily finds out you set it all up she'll think I was in on it! I stopped bugging her all the time and I guess we were finally on good terms but now she's going to think it was one big act! I don't even know why I suggested it. She clearly only said yes as an apology for..for...never mind.'

'I don't think she would say yes if she didn't want to.' Peter chirped up before Sirius could pry James about what Lily was apologising for, 'I've only spoken to her a couple times but she knows what she wants.'

a/n alright so i won't lie, i completely forgot i was writing this. i found this chapter that i wrote ages ago so i decided to post it. don't expect updates every week because i'm quite busy, but i'm going to try and remember to update more. i keep saying this but chapters will get longer really soon because a lot is going to start happening xx

p.s i can't believe i have 5k reads! thank you so much x

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