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CHAPTER 6Goa!!Two weeks later after Mrs wadia's death. Khushi was shop Aryan wasn't well today he was having flu and high fever. She was busy with shop arrangement too. As new stock just arrived there and now she was alone to manage all important dealing of shop. Her team was busy arranging stocks.She was holding Aryan as he wasn't well so he wasn't playing nor he was letting her do work he started crying when ever she put him down and do some work. Khushi was now getting tired holding Aryan whole day. His fever wasn't lowering. She was quiet worried for him she could leave shop like this.Ari beta sleep for while ma will take you home soon.Mmmaa, m..maa...He shake his head in no. (no ma, i dnt want to sleep just hold me.)OHH God now what to do. Atlast after two hours stock was finally arranged it was already 7 in night. Khushi decided to leave as she need to visit doctor too. She close the shop locking it properly,laid Ari in his pram, and started walking, doctor's clinic was in way to her apartment. Doctor examine Aryan and presricbed medicine advicing to not give him cold things to eat or drink. khushi came back she was very tired today. She made Cerlac for Aryan and fed him. later gave him medicine and made him sleep on bed, She was hell tired to eat herself, she changed and slept beside Aryan.DelhiArnav didn't slept whole night muskan's words ringing in his mind again and again.He was feeling bad hearing her story. She been through so much in her life. Where is she? no one knows about her where abouts. Last he saw her when she came to know truth ans left from there. Arnav don't be mad, many girl came and go in your life then why your thoughts are stuck with her. Arnav consentrate on your business she was one among those who came into your life and went away so stop feeling about no stop think about her. He turn and slept. GoaKhushi woke in morning saw Aryan sleeping on his belly, Just like...stop Khushi what are you thinking. She couldn't help nausiea hit her mind. How she was scared of Arnav in college. Not literally scared of him but she didn't want to work with him. She don't want to come anywhere near him.**FLASHBACK**Delhi. College.Khushi was busy with her studies she avoided Arnav and gang after first day. She still feel anger building in her after what she go throw at first day.To her bad luck, She was in same class with Arnav and his gang. Rahul Arnav jai, Akash were best buddies later evil image Shyam jha too joined their gang. This gang was famous in whole college. Shyam was most naugtiest among these all. He had many one night stands. He never cared for anyone's feels just what he wants,Professor divided students into group for project in whic first they had research and then make their assignments. Professore announced groups. Payal, Khushi, Arnav, Jai and Akash. Rahul and shyam were in other group. Shyam passed wicked smiling looks to Arnav and Jai. Akash didn't like him much. Khushi didn't like this arrangement. She stood on his sea and walk to professor. Erm sir i want to request you one thing can you please change my group i am not comfortable with Arnav and his friends working with me in same group. Khushi politely requested. I am sorry Miss Khushi Gupta, i am not here to see your comfort level you are here to study not to look after your comfortness am i clear, Khushi nodded quietly and walk to her seat. Khushi what wasthe need to request Professor sadu he never listen to anyone. payal spoke bit angry on professor for insulting her. Arnav and his gang was smiling. Akash didn't like a bit how professor talk to him. Everyone sit according to your group members and select which topic you want to choose from the list given. professor shouted.They turn their seat in circle, Payal and Khushi sat on seats, kash sat beside Payal as everyone knew some sparks litting between them, Khushi smiled and turn to her head staright but hereyes popped out of socket when she saw Arnav sitting right beside her looking at her smirking at her. Khushi immediately stood up and pushed her chair back to maintain distance between them.Khushi why are you standing sit down. Professor spoke. Khushi nodded and sat down on her seat, maintain distance between her chair and Arnav's, discussion started. Arnav was group leader as per majority. They choose Fashion history as their topic for project. He appointed Akash and payal for research, Jai for collecting material and figure. i and Khushi will assemble everything and will design pieces to be presented in final presentation. Everyone accepted but khushi, No i will not work with you. I will work with payal. When she spoke this Professor was right behind her. Sorry khushi you are not supposed to give your such advices to your leaders. If you have problem studing here with students with your high ego and attitude level then talk to principle. Professor shouted this time. She felt bad very bad. She quietly nodded. I need answer khushi areyou willing to work with your full co-operation or you want me to take you to principle. I will work with them She said in teary voice, She felt insulted.Bell Rang, period was over Khushi quickly stood up and ran out of room straight to washroom. You need to bear with them Khushi to fulfill your dream. YOur career is ahead i cannot waste my time and career for useless people like Arnav...who had their parent's money and support with them. No onewill ever question them...they are don't have anyone to fight for you...!!! she wipe her tears and walk to library. **FLASHBACK End**Aaahh...Khushi was brought back to earth by her baby. He was already awoke ands aw her mother laid beside him lost in her thought. He tried to call her to grab her attention but she wasn't looking at him., He was speaking but khushi was lost in her own world, He bend down he was hungry he started sucking her breast still no avail he was getting angry now.(mommy isn't looking at me, why she is ignoring me.) He bend down and bit her nipple right above her shirt she yelp in pain and saw Aryan smiling at her. Ari baby you are getting naughty day by day. You bit me so hard. She rubbed her breast. She laid him in her lap uncover her breast and he started sucking milk. She caress his hair.He didn't have fever today and was much better.

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