Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Red lights turn green. Operation ended. Door opened when doctor coming out removing his mask.

Arnav Khushi ran to them. Operation was successful by Grace of God. Both kids are save and will soon be healthy as well. Arushi will be shifted in VIP room Aryan will be shifted to ICU for a while we need to keep him under observation.

Everyone sigh in relief. Khushi's legs gave away she was shivering with excitement of news. Her eyes flooded with tears of relief and happiness. Arnav held her in tight i'll-always-be-there-to-hold-you grip. His eyes were moist as well. Khushi hugged him tightly and let the flood flow for once and last time.

Finally she manage to save her son. She manage to save her reason to breathe, her world, her life her son Aryan. She was very happy today though how bitter reality was and full of thorn path was to save him she did it.

Sia, Anjali, Payal, Akash, Muskan everyone hugged her and congratulated her. She replied cheerfully. Once she came across her brother Arjun Sharma. She hugged him and cried once again.

We manage to save Ari, bhaiyya my son is out of danger Bhaiyya, mera Ari can play, can run, can do anything he wants.

Han khushi you save him, you did a lot to save him why wouldn't God see through your sacrifice and efforts you had to undergo to save your son. He had to listen to this mother. He patted her head lovingly.


Khushi kissed Arushi who was lying unconscious. Thank you Aru for coming into my life and saving my world. A lone tear fell on Arushi's cheek.

Arnav stood watch them. He was in ninth cloud his son his little tiger was out of danger. He still feel fear of losing him. He silently thanking God for saving his whole universe.

Knock on door grab their attention.
Arnav: Yes come in.
Nurse appear door, sir Dr Kapoor called you and Mrs Raizada in his cabin and your son has been shifted to ICU.
Arnav nodded.

Arnav i want to meet my son first. Khushi spoke. Arnav nodded, Ma will you stay here with my doll. Arnav spoke in delighted tone.

Sia smiled, she had seen drastic change in her son since he came to know he is a father now. Once were those days when he came back home either at wee hours of the day or either he came home after weeks but now he was more then punctual to get back home to his wife and kids.

One was that Arnav who do not care for anyone. Anyone mean anyone except his mother and di. During last 9 months she has seen very different Arnav. Arnav whom this world is not aware of.

King of fashion industry, one of leading top 10 Indian businessman, A man known for his arrogance...changed overnight, he himself kept keen check on every single need of his wife, he didn't trusted anyone for doctors check ups.

Though how tiring his day was he do not forget to message her feets, he helped her to manage Aryan as well. He did lash out after getting annoyed and tired of usual bickering but at the end he manage to bring smiles on their face.

It was surprising for everyone how he change himself but everyone welcome this pleasant new change and acted all good with him not make him feel awkward and nervous.


Arnav knocked on door and then enter the room along with Khushi.
Doctor: please have a seat Mr & Mrs Raizada.
Arnav: yes doctor is there any complication.
Khushi: Doctor Aryan is alright, please tell me there is nothing to worry about. She was on verge of crying.

Doctor: Mrs Raizada relax there is nothing to worry about. Its just i need to discuss aftermath effects of Bone Marrow transplantation. You have to be very cautious for Aryan. In simple words extremely careful for Aryan. There are high chances to catch infectious and viruses for patients.He has to avoid crowdy area for first three months, he need to wash hands before and after eating, after shaking hand with anyone, after touching anything. After sneezing even.

No person who has viral infections and other seasonal infection should visit Aryan. He might have fevers and all we will prescribe medicines for that but you should visit us thrice a week or more.

If you have pets at home kindly keep them away from Aryan. Keep his room germ free. When you are cleaning his room kindly shift him to another dust free germ free room.

More details are here of precautions and his diet plan is here as well. For Arushi here is the precautions and diet. You can carry on feeding her your milk.

Khushi was worried. Doctor can we keep Aryan here in hospital for next three months. Arnav asked.

Doctor chuckle, Mr Raizada its upto you. You need to extra cautious either here or at home.


Arnav and Khushi decided to be in hospital for one month later on they'll appoint special nurse for Aryan's care at home.

One month with Ari in hospital and happy Raizadas visiting him spent in blinking of eyes lashes. Few changes occurred but not major one.

Aryan was getting healthy day by day. Little princess was as beautiful as her mother was. Arnav liked her eyes more which resembles like her mother. Arushi was mostly handled by her father. Aryan was mama's boy but he loved his father as well.

Their first Anniversary was celebrated with family. It was very small affair as Aryan was still in hospital. All their friends visited them. Muskan and Rahul especially came as they were leaving for Germany next day to pursue their jobs there.

Sia was happy to have her grandkids besides her in healthy form. She was felt blessed to see her kids all settled and happy in their life.

She decided to go for pilgrimage trip of 21 days trip and to come back 2 weeks before Anjali's delivery. Arjun was composed and didn't show his love and feelings publicly but he never missed to bring balloons and cars and certain such gifts for Aryan when he visit him.

Once he visited Aryan and tagged his existence illegal. Though it was reality a cruel & bitter one but it felt like a slap when he tagged Aryan an illegal child to unknown man and portrayed Khushi as sl*t who f**ked around with as many men as she can. He considered her gold digger who was after their money and trapping his son for fame and their money & properties.

Later when he observed her, he got the glimpse of innocent girl who struggled her whole life to get peace and happiness which her life lacked forever. He regretted his words but couldn't come up with guts to apologise. He found different ways to expression his feelings through his actions. Playing with Aryan secretly, celebrating Khushi's pregnancy, gifting her dresses...but still he feels its not enough.

When sia expressed her wish of pilgrimage he agree instantly. The day they left for their trip he apologise every person of his family with deepest regret and an extra emotional goodbye was bid.


2nd month was half spent. Sia and Arjun were suppose to come back next morning. Khushi was standing on terrace balcony attached to her room.

Kids were fast asleep Aryan in his new room attached to their and Arush in her crib. Arnav was freshening up she stood here to get some fresh air.

Khushi was noticing Arnav the way he was all attached to kids, Arushi was apple of his eye and Aryan was his life. He loved both kids dearly. He shared his long plans regarding kids future with her.

Their schools, their subjects, what he want his kids to be. When he wish to get them married. Their educational insurance, vacation fact almost every thing he discussed with her.

A small loving smile tugged her lips when she remember a lovely memory of Arnav holding little Arushi when she was watching tv and little wonder did a wet wonder on his clothes making him gape at his clothes and giving mock angry looks to clever little girl who smiled back in satisfaction.

Perfect was what she could name their lives were at the moment. A life she always dreamt of. Her trance broke when she his arms snaked around her waist. He placed open mouth kisses on her shoulder.

Thankyou for everything khushi, I love you and i am sorry for everything.

Khushi who was breathing unevenly didn't replied but turned in his arms to face him. Her eyes were hooded with desires which arose certain desires in him as well. Her lips parted on their own accord her eyes travelled from his eyes to his lips. Her wish is his command and he fulfilled her unsaid wish. He placed his lips on her.


Anjali delivered beautiful baby girl everyone was in hospital congratulating her and Rahul. Balraj was over the moon his wish of having daughter was fulfilled by Anjali but today in form of new baby girl he got another one. He was on 9th cloud he distributed money and sweets among hospital staff. Arjun was happy as well he was too celebrated arrival of his natin (grandson) in his way. He ordered Aman to distribute gifts in orphanage. Sia was holding little bundle crying softly.

Today in all meaning my life is successful Arjun. My kids are happy and fully settle in their lives. I am very happy.

I want to throw party for my doll's arrival and Ari's get well soon party. Sia express her still three weeks are pending for his cautious period. I think we'll wait for baby to turn one month and then we'll throw party. Ari will be also be healthy by then.

It was decided about party to conduct after a month. Arnav and Khushi met Anjali after Sia went home to stay beside kids.

Arnav as being a brother requested Rahul and Balraj to send Anjali to their house so she could rest in care of Sia and Khushi to which they agreed happily.

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