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CHAPTER 14Khushi was walking towards entrance of building she walked in and was about to enter lift when a hand stopped her and pull her aside. Her eyes wide in shock her heart started beating erratically. She was stopped by non other ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA.//*~*~*//Did you saw him? Sia was surprised He was holding some baby in his arms.Ofcourse mom i saw him pinch me please He can't be ASR. ASR who i knew doesn't like kids and here he was playing with kid. Stun lavanya spoke.Anjali smiled kids have power to change anyone but i never thought Chotte will also get effected by this. I am very surprise but i am happy too my son atleast behave like a normal human sia chuckled other two joined her.By the way where is he now. Lavanaya asked.I think i saw him going towards entrance of building. //*~*~*//She felt her heart hammering against her rib cage. Her eyes wide with shock. She felt her skin burning with his touch. She jerk out her wrist from his grip but he tighten his grip on her wrist.Leave me. Behave yourself, let go of me. Who are you? Do i know you? Angry khushi spoke.Arnav smirk at her, her face was red in anger, eyes teary, she trying hard to get her wirst out of his grip.Do you know who am i huh? don't you remember me? Arnav said in slow yet smirking at her.She hit his arm he didn't get effect with her little protests. Arnav repeat his questions again.NO I DON'T KNOW WHO THE SH*T YOU ARE. Angry khushi shouted at him. She push him and his grip loosen.ASR a faint voice came Arnav look back khushi grab opportunity she enter lift and and punch button for 7th floor. //*~*~*//ASR...Lavanaya call him, Arnav was damn pissed of now. She need treatment now. Arnav turn around and saw Lavanaya standing there in light golden lehga and red small choli which barely cover her bosoms. Her hairs left open with rough curls.Oh darling you are here. I was looking around for you. Lavanaya saidArnav was damn angry now He walk past her leaving lavanya surprised.//*~*~*//Khushi didn't enter mehndi function again she was scared if he corner her again.She feeded Aryan and put him to sleep. She stood in her room Balcony looking down she could see guest leaving from there. A lone tear escape her eye, even today her heart betrayed her,her breath betray her. Why!!!! why now what he want? why he cornered her? why he want to know i remember him or not why he want to know do i know him...why!!!!how can i tell him i can never forget him through out my life. He didn't marked me as his one night stand...or his way to win BET but...i beared his child.She felt someone's eye on her she look at her side but no one was ther she turned and saw Angry payal.PAyu...You are here for my wedding and this is how you will attend it huh??Enter function just for 45 minutes and then run away huh???You told me you want to feed handsome then what!!!She step ahead and hugged Payal tightly and started crying.Khushi...khushi...its ok...its ok i didn't meant to hurt you khushi...He corner me payal...payal gaspshe told her everything...Why you pushed should have slap him khushi.stop crying now.Come evryone is sitting outside in lobby. Aryan has gone to sleep now come sit with me. actually now friends and family are out in lobby and we have whole floor with us we can enjoy there so lets go. Khushi has now changed into her white cotton night suit her hairs open, face devoid of makeup. Payal held her hand drag her out with her.She sat beside payal her boy and girls were now dancing. Akash and his friends sat on opposite sofa'sArnav's eyes were glued at her, she could feel his eyes on her but she didn't look to his side. Khushi enjoyed this small function but felt uneasy because of him.Akash pulled her to dance with him. She protested but payal pushed her to dance. he dance bit but then sat down. Gardually everyone left and then one who was staying back retired for night. Arnav tried to talk to he again but she quickly made her way to inside payal's flat. Atlast function ended.//*~*~*//Arnav was in his room it was midnight he stood near french window looking outside, Moonlight peeping inside his room. He was lost in his thought. Today he couldn't help remember old times of college.How she cared for him, How she helped him with notes. She was so sweet to him. After their fight in canteen when she burnt him she apologize and they became friends. Best friends. **FLASHBACK 2**HEY KHUSHI I AM VERY HAPPY OUR PROJECT WAS HIT, Arnav squealing with happiness he hugged her, Both didn't realize it but after a while their heart was beating against their rib cage. Both could feel it Their breaths were rapid. She pull back and hesitantly turn from him. But Arnav was faster he held her wrist and pull her back in hug. After a while they pull back, Khushi didn't look up. Arnav breath out and took her hand in his. Khushi you don't need to be hesitate...come on friends do hug baby. Khushi looked up and nodded lightly. It was last day of 3rd semester of first year and more over it was ROSE DAY!!!Khushi was happy she gave yellow roses to all her friends. lAst was Arnav's turn but she couldn't find him. She asked Jai, Rahul but they didn't knew. Akash told her he is in common Room. (Room where students pass their free time talking, playing music, playing games etc.)She walk there he was alone there, She enter room.Happy rose day Arnav!!! here is your rose. Khushi said.Arnav turned and looked at rose and then on her face, Yellow Rose khushi. He said in slightly hurt tone. Khushi suddenly looked nervous. I expected to get different from all others...She looked up surprise. Well here this is for you. He gave her beautiful red roses bouquet. She sequeal in Happiness. Her face glowed with happiness.Thanku Arnav. She said with bright smile.Khushi i want something else...Some different thanks.Khushi hugged him.Ok that was good but little more. Khushi looked confused.I want you to kiss me. Arnav said with mischeavious glint.Khushi's mouth shaped perfect O, Oh come on Khushi. can't you do this much.Arnav its not that i can't do this much...its about my rules my principles. I am not comfortable.Khushi its ok no problem.She left from there.Shyam entered room after she left.Woah first girl ever who refuse to even kiss you Arnav...ohh your aren't player now a days, your charm has reduced. A small chit girl...i don't know who she is what background she is from refused ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA. Jai and Rahul was there too. Shyam laughed ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA TURN SAINT WITH THIS NEW GIRL FRIEND JAi and rahul too smile at this. Arnav felt his ego was bruised, his friends were making his fun...YOU WILL YOUR SELF COME TO ME KHUSHI...SOON WE WILL SHARE MORE THEN KISS...!!! I BET!!!I bet i will take this girl to rock my bed too. She isn't anything different...AND ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA CAN'T TURN SAINT...SAINTS WILL DIE WITH SHOCK. He smiled. wait and watch till semester 4 ends. NEXT FOUR MONTHS.**FLASHBACK ENDS**//*~*~*//Haldi was joint function Khushi got ready she put small crystal white bindi between her brows, She turned and saw her little champion playing infront of tv. She smiled looking at him he was looking at small baby in family advertisement.Pa..pahhh khushi's smiled faded hearing papa from his mouth she froze.Aryan smiled at his new attempt he looked at his MA he spoke Khushi came almost running to him she snatch remote from his hand and picked him up in her arms. Aryan got scared by this insecure antic of his mother he started crying. Khushi eyes were teary she hugged him tightly kissed his head. Khushi held him close to her chest. Her eyes welled up. No Ari...beta you aren't that lucky bacha to have love of papa in your life Your life won't ever have father figure i know you will need him in your life but people like him don't need nishani of one stupid bet beta. People like him only know how to use people...
She heard footsteps she quickly wipe her tears and started dressing up. Khushi felt his body was warm again. He was shivering in no minutes he started vomiting. Khushi was very tensed for his health.

Oh God what happen to my son. Why isn't he getting well. Khushi whined and sobbed. Khushi changed his clothes and he slept he was weak again. Khushi tug him under thick blanket he was still shivering. Khushi gave him his medicine which doctor prescribe to stop vomits and shivering for time being.

Akash enter khushi's room.
Khushi you aren't ready yet Payal is waiting for you. She sent me to see where r u?
Khushi turn to him with teary eyes. Akash Aryan is not well hr was fine sometimes back and noe he is again shivering, throwing up, he has fever again. I don't know what happen to my little baby but he can't bear all this he getting weaker day by day. I don't know how to reduce his pain how to cure him. She sobbed hiding her face between her palms.

Akash came forward its ok Khushi he will be fine soon. Trust me nothing will happen to him. Ari is a fighter. He is sob of a fighter he will fight with whatever he has. Don't worry. I'll tell Payal you can't come Aryan isn't well.

Wait Akash she will feel bad can yiu call Arjun bhaiyya u'll tell him to stay here for some time so i can go down to function.

Khushi enter pandal Arjun happily agreed to babysit Aryan for sometime Khushi saw function was already started. She went near Payal and saw both Akash and Payal sitting facing each other but net dupatta was separating them.

Payal looked at her with concerned eyes she gave her assuring small smile. She looked at Akash when her eyes fell on him sitting beside Akash but his eyes were glued on her she turn her face to payal side.

She held haldi in her hand when Payal's mither held her hand.
Tou can't apply haldi to Payal. Aik tu anaat upper say Talaqshuda (firstly orphan and more over divorced).

Mummy payal warned. Kya mummy aren't i saying truth huh??? I always stopped you not to meet her but no you have to meet her but i can't let her black shadow upon your life. She has to stay away from you.
Khushi eyes were welled up. She was use too of all this... people taunt her like this they abuse her she doesn't care but today when she was already hurt and tensed payal's motherz taunt of being divorced lady scratched her wounds.

Payal lied to everyone here she was married but later her husband divorced her and left her with his son.. Khushi wipe her tears and stood up.
She put kala tika behind payal's ear. Don't worrt aunty Your Payal will always be happy in her life. I pray to God evey day no girl gets fate lime me. Ill fated like me don't have much power to effect anyone anyone's life. If we had strong impact of ruining someones life we could have use that power to change our fate. She turn and walked hurriedly out from there.

Buhat maaza ata hai na ap ko mummy ussay takleef dey kar. Mummy why don't you...payal looked at her mother furiously leave it because its wastage of time talking to you. Payal turn back she wasn't in mood of haldi anymore but Akash's mummy who came back after meeting few guest she started rasam.

Akash didn't like his mother in law bit she was very rude lady but Payal was totally opposite of her. He felt lime smack his mother in laws head but he was helpless. Arnav who was furious like angry bull. Firstly the way payal's mother talked to her secondly Khushi...divorced...????? Was she married???? To whom...when...why didn't Akash told him??????

Arnav stood up from there to get some answers.from khushi. He tried to follow her but an important call from Singaporean client didn't let him do this.

He don't know why but he want to talk to her. He want her to share her griefs with him. He wanted to share burden if her problems...but it was almost impossible.

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