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Khushi stir in her concious. She open her eyes saw Arnav standing in front of her. She could make out of his concerened face he was scared to death. He immediately leap to her side held her hand in his. Khushi shook her head clearing fog off her mind, Arnav's voice broke her thoughts.Are you ok? He asked lovingly cupping her soft cheeks in his rough palm, holding her other hand in his he brought near his lips planted a small kiss on it. Khushi who was trying to take in What had happen to her, Watching Arnav's soft love filled eyes, his concerned filled question, his simple love filled kiss...nurse words ring in her earsPoor baby Aryan, only hope was his father's marrowI wonder how will his mother take this news that bone marrow didn't matchedHer eyes welled up, She quickly sat up on her bed looking around she couldn't see Aryan anywhere looking at Room interior she found out its not Aryan's room. She saw IV tube linked to her left hand. A sudden fear over crept her heart...Aryan wasn't anywhere near her...Aryan...did she lost...NO!!! She looked at Arnav with horror strucked eyes as if she had seen ghost. Khushi, Arnav said unsurely.She quickly pulled out IV needle out of her hand. Khushi what are you doing? Arnav yelled at her, She got down ignoring him like he isn't there at all. She tried to wear her slippers...her body shivering with fear, Cold sweat bead shimmering on her forehead her vision was blur with unshed tears. She just want to fly away to her Aryan...her heart was beating. She runned out room leaving her slippers Arnav followed her calling her name. Khushi was reacting like she was not able to hear his voice. She open the door saw Aryan sleeping peacefully his nanny sitting on stool beside him. Khushi's sigh in relief, herbody shook with uncontrollabe sobs that were escaping her mouth with out her control. She wasn't in her senses properly, she went near bed and sobbed loudly. Arnav entered room he asked nanny to go home now he handed her some money so she could go back. He shut the door behind. He walked to her and stood beside her, watching her sobbing helplessly his heart was sequeezing out with pain. He pull her in his amrs and hugged her tightly rubbing his hand up and down on her back soothingly, murmuring soothing words in her ear.Khushi had just one thing on her mind...her son, her life...he only possession was in danger. She fisted his crip ironed shirt crying loudly.Arnav what am i going to do without him...He is my everything...will he decive me like everyone else did...why Arnav...Aryan...he is so small...main maar jao ge us kay bina (i'll die without him)...why everytime its me...who gets pain...she pushed herself more into him showing her anger. He held her tightly let her throw everything out of her.Meray jeenay ka sirf ek he sahara hai Arnav...mera Aryan usko kuch...howa...tu main be maar jao ge. (i have only one reason to aryan if something happens to ...him i will also die) She pull back to see into his eyes...YOU ARE ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA help me save my son get me bone marrow for my son...I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU WILL DO IT BUT I WANT MY SON ALIVE...I'LL PAY YOU BACK ANYWAY YOU WANT. He cupped her face,Relax Khushi everything will be alright...WHAT RELAX MY SON IS ALMOST ON VERGE OF LOOSING HIS ... she pushed him her voice choked on her words.HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO RELAX WHEN I CAN SEE MY SON IS IN PAIN, YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND THIS RAIZADA YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN IN SITUATION...Arnav cut in cupped her face in his palms, listen to me Khushi WHAT TO LISTEN AAAmmm...,Arnav covered her lips with his. Her tears following down, her palce concerned face, her insecure feelings, her horror strucked face, her fearing tone... Arnav couldn't take it anymore he wanted to soothe her, he want to medn up the damage he did, he knows other then him no one make her realise she isn't alone.His mom was right she needs him, He needs her. Both needs solance in each other. Arnav could still feel her body shaking, he moved his arms around her taking her in solance of his arms, Arnav looked at her face still his lips on her's not moving just planted there to shush her, to make her realise h is there to kiss her pains and worries. He saw her cheks getting wet with continuous tears following down. Arnav closed his eyes, started sucking her lower lip softly, nibbing them softly, moving his tongue tracing her lips softly taking hisown sweet time. after getting satisfied he treated upper lip same way. A soft moan escape Khushi's mouths, She held Arnav's shirt tightly in her fist trying to stable herself, she was feeling weak in her knees. Arnav held her steady moving his arm around her lower back. Her moan encouraged him, he brought his tongue to her lips trying to make his way inside her mouth, Khushi quietly parted her lips, she wasn't in her senses at all with this knees weaking kiss. Arnav enter her mouth tasting her necter, exploring every nook and crook of her mouth. He felt Khushi pushing him away her breathes shallow, He pull back to inhale air, their foreheads touching to eachother. Her caress her cheeks but she fail to stop tears and sobs, She clutch his shirt put her head on chest cried helplessly. He took her in his embrace silently. They stood there clutching eachother for long time, her tears follow down and absorb in his shirts...Arnav whisper soothing words in her ears. She badly needed shoulder to cry her pain out...Arnav gave that shoulder to her. She need some one to assure her that he is there though for a moment, she finds that support here. This was indeed a weak moment for her, very weak. 
Doctor Knock on the door he enter and found Arnav sitting on sofa busy on mobile and Khushi feed kichdi to Aryan, they looked up acknowledge his presence.Good Evening MrRaizada !!! Ms Gupta. !!!They wished him back. Well Ms Gupta i am sorry you get to know this way, Nurse told me about that...Khushi bit her lip her tears follow down again, She nodded silently.Well i told you ther is an option...Either, mother or father or either sibbling...Arnav looked at Khushi guaging her expressions and Khushi looked at doctor with wide eyes,Doctor continued...I don't know how and why you both got divorce or separated but now the time isn't to think about yourselves, your have to be oneto save your son...IF YOU WANT YOU SON ALIVE,Doctor purposely stressed on last words, Arnav saw Khushi visibly shruddered her tears followed down, She shut her eyes tightly nodded. We'll figure it out.Doctor check Aryan, pinch his cheek lovingly, Khushi looked Aryan whowas smiling at doctor, her lip lifted slightly up, Ms gupta next week we will going to Discharge little boy by Monday after 3 days. Thankyou doctor i mean Aryan... how...course, i mean won't he feel difficulty in any way. Doctor gave small smile to Khushi, Don't worry Aryan's first course of chemotherapy has been done cancer won't increase infact with suggestive diet plan and medicines it will be in control and we cannot use much chemotherapy on small kids, its best for him his bone marrow should be replaced so he don't have to face it ever again. . As Aryan is 2 years and 2 month she cannot bear hard Radiations and chemotherapies. After transplant we'll fight back left over cancer germs with radiations. I hope you get my point. Don't worry we will have his regular check ups. Doctor left the duo.
It was 10 pm Arnav enter his house. He was badly tired and feeling hungry as well.He shut the door behind him he enter the living room saw his father standing there his face changing colors in anger. Where the hell was you? Arjun roared.Arnav braced himself, he breath out looked in his father's eyes. I was with my Son, My son needs me.Arjun gave sarcastic laugh, Son when did you get married, Ohh yeah i remember that boy in hospital Ahhh yess payal's friend's son right...Arjun mocked him. He was walk to Arnav's side put his arm over his shoulder lean close to him and whisper, What's the garantee he is your son an...ARJUN SINGH RAIZADA before i forget you are my so called father leave the place, Mom !! Arnav turn to his mother tell him to go before i lost my patience and beat him black and blue.Arnav!!! behave yourself he is your father, Sia said in offended tone.I guess i never had one momArnav, His mother slapped him spoke in hurtful tone.It won't change reality mom, my son is my blood and i will do anything to save him, i can't put his life on stake...and he looked at his father sarcastically, i don't want to loose my kid in some stupid deal or for my so called life style. if you agree or not...i don't care but i am going to soon marry Khushi.With that he left from hall, his father fume behind.See, He turn to Sia see how he talked to me tell him to watch his tone next time i won't bear his tone. Arjun roared in anger.Arjun...I can't help it, what you sow you are reaping today. You cannot blame anyone, if he is reblion that because of you, if he hates you thats because of you, if he don't listen to you who should i blame. You both father son are same stubborn, hot headed. Sia left from there. I will teach him the best lesson now, i will tell him whats it is to being rebblious, if he is my son i am his father. He will marry that chit of girl over my dead body. Arjun turn to go when he saw Anjali looking at him with tear striken face, he took step to her she moved behind and run back to her room. Sia, Anjali, Arjun, Arnav all couldn't sleep that night.
Three years back, One day Arnav came from College he was dull now a days and everyone can feel it, His mother informed him to be ready tonight a friend of his dad and his family coming over dinner, she told him reason behind this dinner is they are interested in Anjali. Arnav was happy for his sister he promise to be at home.Everything settled perfectly engagement was decided to be in a week and wedding after 3 weeks. Sia was quiet emotional regarding this but what pained her most was her husband her life partner wasn't there to console her. This was normal for her throughout her life his husband was busy with his life he cared less about his family his wife, his childrens. Arnav and Anjali were feeling emotional as well, they both were friends cum siblings shared every problem especially Anjali, Arnav was shy to share his problem. Engagement went well with Abhay and Anjali were happy so as Raichand family. Infact they started liking eachother to a great extend, Anjali out of 24 hours 15 hours she was busy with her phone talking, messaging to Abhay.It was day of their wedding, Baraat was to be there till 1 pm, Raizada's only daughter's wedding it was...decorations, menu, gifts, nothing seems less then Royal wedding. Anjali was wearing best deisgner's bidal dress, With heavy diamond jewellery, from head to toe. Arnav was feeling very emotional but he was very happy for his di. If his di was happy he was happy, He has seen how his mother and sister carved for his father's love he too needed his father but he was always busy, business, friends, clubs, society, golf his father's world revolve around these things. Arnav tried always to be at the side of his mother and sister but he can not take place of his father though he tried his best to not let them feel left over. He was busy with managements to see preparations of functions afterall he was bride's brother. Wearing gala band sherwani hair perfectly gelled he forgot his miseries for a day for his di's happiness. Clock struck 2 then 3 then 4 baraat was no where to be seen. He went to his father who was walking towards his study he followed him there before he could go in he heard his father talking over phone.How could you do this Pratap, my daughter is sitting in mandap waiting for his baraat, what will people say, my reputation will be ruined. Arnav clenched his fist on his statement here his di's life was on stake he was worrying about his reputation.Pratap i told i will help you to get that deal in fact i talked to minister himself, he promised me he will give your compnay that tender i kept my part of deal...WHAT THE F*** Pratap i can't help it if minister gave that tender to Malik you promised me your son will marry my daughter if i'll help you for that tender.If malik got the deal what's my fault I'll talk to minister.How could you do this Pratap, Abhay is going to marry that malik's daughter how low could you steep for that tender...malik got tender now your son will marry that b*****d's daughter.Arnav was beyond shocked to utter anything. His father made his di's life a deal for his so called friend and business. He remove his turban his tears betrayed him.His mother who was searching for his father came there she stopped mid way looking at Arnav whose face was clenched with utmost anger, his nostrails flaring his eyes blood shot. Ready to murder anyone. Sia'a heart was sinking looking at her son involuntary many fears srounded her heart she badly want someone to tell her everything is alright nothing will effect her daughter's life but...everytime our wishes doesn't come true.That day for the first time Arnav singh Raizada was ready to murder his father, that day for the first time he yelled at his father, That day Sia singh Raizada slapped her husband for the first time, Voiced out her miseries for the first time.
Arjun was the man who would let go everything but his big fat ego. His friend Balraj Khanna came there found sia crying Arnav holding his mother,Arjun standing in one corner, he walk to arjun asked him what happen Arjun told him Raichands decited him. Arnav clenched his fist in anger as his father didn't told him he was equally guilty in this. Balraj was tensed with his family as this was the about the honour of family, this was about Anjali's honur which was more important. Rohit his son was the most suitable person he could come up with. Balraj called Rohit who was working in office he told him circumstances asked him to help to save the honour of a girl moreover his friend. With in next 20 minutes Rohit was there. meanwhile Arnav and Sia went to Anjali's room. They enter the room and found stoned Anjali sitting there with her tears dried. Sia's heart sanked watching her daughter like this she rush to her side. Anjali beta...Sia spoke in teary voice Anjali looked at her mother with disbelief, Sia hugged her Anjali spoke in broken she sobbed. Mama he is sorry...Sob...Sorry for what...Mama Anjali's cried loudly.Raichand's broked this wedding...They aren't coming Sia spoke holding Anjali in her arms securely. Arnav felt helpless watching her sister crying helplessly, His mother's miseries were tight slap for him, his sister's cryings were making him drown in pool of helplessness. Sia telling Anjali about Balraj's offer of getting Rahul married to Anjali in same mandap, anjali crying harder and harder. He was battling to think straight but everything around him, his mother's miserable face, his sister's cries was making it worse for him his clenched fist, white knuckles were proves of his rage helplessness. They heard knock on door saw Rahul standing there. Aunty erm...if you don't mind can i...erm...can i talk to...anjali, Rahul said in hesitated voice. Sia nodded and left the room with Arnav. Arnav saw imbalanced steps of his mother, her slumped shoulders, her anguished eyes everything shouting her agonies. Sia tripped over her saree Arnav held her made her sit on sofa nearby he shouted and order his servant to bring water. After drinking water Sia held his hands crying slowly, Arnav...did i do something bad to anyone...Why this happen to my daughter...i always wished for betterment of everyone...your dad though he isn't good man at heart but he never wished bad of anyone. Why God this to my daughter,this is very humiliating for my daughter...she started falling for that moron, he ...Arnav my Anju...She is soo sweet why this happen to her. A memory of a girl who was ditched by him, humiliated by him flashed in his mind. Arnav sometimes i feel you don't need me, you don't care for me Khushi poutedKhushi yaar i was busy at home. you could have atleast let me know i was calling you msging you but didn't reply me.Khushi thats what i hate about getting into relation you have to give your every minute detail to your partner She looked at him with hurted eyes. One day Arnav you want me with you, beside you, but i wouldn't be there for you anyways. HAPPY BIRTHDAY She kissed his cheek and left from thereShe looked into his eyes tears flow down her cheeks she started sobbing loudly like a kid.
i never meant to do this...sob...i never meant to burn you like this, i never burn anyone in my was a mistake...sob...i thought...i thought you held my dubpatta...but hadn't...Happy rose day Arnav!!! here is your rose. Khushi said.Arnav turned and looked at rose and then on her face, Yellow Rose khushi. He said in slightly hurt tone. Khushi suddenly looked nervous. I expected to get different from all others...She looked up surprise. Well here this is for you. He gave her beautiful red roses bouquet. She sequeal in Happiness. Her face glowed with happiness.Thanku Arnav. She said with bright smile.Khushi i want something else...Some different thanks.Khushi hugged him.Ok that was good but little more. Khushi looked confused.I want you to kiss me. Arnav said with mischeavious glint.Khushi's mouth shaped perfect O, Oh come on Khushi. can't you do this much.Arnav its not that i can't do this much...its about my rules my principles. I am not comfortable.Khushi its ok no problem.I bet i will take this girl to rock my bed too. She isn't anything different...AND ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA CAN'T TURN SAINT...SAINTS WILL DIE WITH SHOCK. He smiled. wait and watch till semester 4 ends. NEXT FOUR MONTHS.Payal...i am no one to was just revenge...i am again at square one...i losted everything...evrything is finished payal... khushi started walking all lost in her thoughts.He clenched his fist as sharp pain run down his body sequeezing his heart. He closed his eyes tightly he understood fate punished him for hurting Khushi.Anjali and Rahul agreed for wedding after they talked inside the room. Arnav was left behind with two things, find Khushi and apologise and hate his father like no tomorrow.
*FlashBack Ends*
Next day Aryan was crying Khushi was trying to feed him Khichdhi. Ari Beta see you want to be a big boy na come on eat this. She forcefully put Khichdi in his mouth.Buuhh BUUhhh (eww this taste so bad mommy don't understands it, eat it your self you'll get to know daily feed me same tasteless things)Khushi sigh in dejected, Aryan you are getting stubborn more and more, Even more then that Rakhshash father's of yours. See what you did. Shewipe his face, shirt and bedsheet Aryan spitted khichdi our. Khushi stilled in her movement.Let me help you Khushi may be he understand his rakhshash father's language, Arnav spoke in almost whisper standing right behind Khushi, his warm breath caressing her ear. Arnav took spoon from Khushi's hand with his touch Khusi shivered visibly he smirk at his effect on Khushi. He started feeding Aryan distracting him with his blackberry playing a song on it. Aryan brought his hands up to held his blackberry. Aryan no beta, Khushi let him plase Khushi said in warning tone but Arnav cut her in between. Arnav he can damage your phone or delete your important...Arnav let Aryan hold his mobile with his free hand he put his finger on Khushi's lips, let him hold it please. let him delete it or do whatever he want...i want to experience this thing...i want to feel proud of son, i want to enjoy his naughtiness, his curiousness. Khushi didn't spoke her body stilled at his touch on her lips. She saw Arnav feeded Aryan he helped him to burp later he tug sleepy Aryan in his blanket kissed his forehead. Khushi ill join later i have some work. Khushi nodded For lunch time Payal was there Arnav couldn't make up for Lunch but he sent Khushi her favourite food, surprised her he still remember her like and dislikes. Payal told Khushi Arnav came to her house and wished to marry her, Khushi's silence over matter tensed Payal but she chose notto crib her more on it. Khushi was quiet she knew next his move is to marry her. She has already taken her decision.It was 5 pm,Hospital Door Opened a lady wearing Black and white lining mini dress which end at her mid thigh, black stilettos, matching black jewellery and clutch,She walked in elegantly, Looks in Khushi's eyes tells she recognise her pretty clearly. She walked near to Khushi stop right infront of her and slapped on her face.

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