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Khushi got call from Arjun. He was furious with Khushi for not telling her about Aryan. He told her he is coming to Delhi next week. His Parents are also coming there. She don't want to meet anyone Arjun was another case but members of her father's family she couldn't help feel anger, hatred or them. She told Arjun she don't want to meet anyone from his family. no matter what. Arjun agreed to this but promised her he will come to visit Aryan. Khushi cut the call but now she was thinking about her living arrangement though Arjun didn't told her to clear his place but she realise this herself. As Arjun has only one flat in delhi which his family also uses when they come to delhi.She need to do something about this. She was still think about this When Payal enter the room. After exchanging pleasantries, both sat down. She told her about Doctor's latest meeting. Payal I m scared what if...What will i do then? how will i save my son. Payal i have always loosed everything which in my life, my home, my parents, my childhood, my education, my friends, my honour, my orphanage, my career my lov...She stop midway realising what she was saying but she was already late for it. Payal heard it all. What Arnav said about this does he know about this? Payal asked carefully guaging Khushi's reaction. Yes he know infact he came back to hospital in late hours and stay here till morning, Khushi reply normally, not meeting Payal's eyes. Payal notice this. Don't worry everything will be alright. Payal held her hand and assured her. I just hope so Payal i won't be able to bear another heart break. Khushi said with moisty eyes and teary voice. Payal hugged her, God won't be cruel to you Khushi. Not this time I am very much sure about this.
It was evening 6 pm. Arnav drove his car to Akash's building. He took his cell out to call Akash. Hello Akash, are you guyz home. I am coming. i m in parking lot. ok bye. He came out and walked inside building punched button for lift entering lift he punch number for Akash's floor.He came out of lift and pressed door bell button. Akash opened the door. He welcomed Arnav inside. Arnav met Akash's mom and father. After sitting with them for few minutes he went to Akash's study. He called Payal there as well. Payal and Akash were surprised with this unannounced arrival of Arnav. A month has passed they got married Arnav didn't came to their house. What could have happen that he came so suddenly and unannounced. Arnav looked at Payal, I know you must be surprised why i came here so suddednly but this is very importance, Payal i need your help. I talked to doctor today regarding reports of Aryan. Aryan will be discharge next week after his first course of chemo doctor want to go for operation with in a year until then 3 courses of chemo will be done to control germs of cancer. Khushi has and idea through last conversation with doctor but she don't know my report didn't matched to Aryan's she is still waiting for reports to come. Payal gasp, Akash was shocked painfully. Arnav looked pinfully at them. I want to marry her Payal i don't want people to abuse her or my son more over our son need us at the moment. We have whole life to sort things out but if we let our differences to come in between we might lose...Arnav voice choke.Arnav, Akash rush to his side hugged him. I don't want my son to pay for my bad deeds. Arnav spoke in cracked voice. Payal left to bring water for him she didn't want to be soft to him...not at all. Payal handed him water glass. He took few sip, looked at Payal expecting her to say something.Arnav if you say i will allow you to marry her so easily you are wrong MR. Firstly you humilated her, your father left no stone turned to Abuse her or Aryan...I can't risk Khushi and Aryan's future with such spineless person like you are. WHo let his girl get humiliated and insulted just to satisfy his ego and matain his so called image. What if again any friend of your comes you guyz again bet on Khushi you let him use her any way he wan...Arnav roaredPAYAL DON'T SPEAK SHIT. payal gave her sarcastic sadistic smile getting Possessive aren't we? Well well well ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA...I DON'T TURST YOU AT ALL TO GIVE YOU HAND OF MY SISTER KHUSHI GUPTA. She spoke straight forward with no hint of emotions.Payal think about this its not about Khushi and me this time its about Aryan's life Payal. We only have time till one year and if in this one year Aryan didn't had sibling ...he.. can... Arnav looked at her with helpless eyes trying to her not to be stone hearted.You don't know letting Khushi go from my much i regret don't know what ...more i regret life already is living hell, its killing me like a slow poison Payal...loosing Khushi already killed half of my soul...loosing Aryan will be death of mine.He turned and left the room.
Arnav drove to Hospital it was raining heavily...!!!Mr Raizada test result is negative...You need to plan for another baby...I don't want you anywhere near my son,I DON'T TURST YOU AT ALL TO GIVE YOU HAND OF MY SISTER KHUSHI GUPTA,I can't let this happen, i can't let other deccide for my son's life. Khushi has to marry me by hook or crook. I can't let her suffer more just for her stubbornness i can't let my son face this society abusing him for his being. I can't loose my son for his parents ego. Never!!! He wipe his tears angrily.
Mary can you please look after Aryan i'll get water bottle. Mary Aryan's nanny nodded. Khushi left the room to get bottle. She walked to canteen at ground floor bought three water bottle. She started walking back to room.Her cell rang,Yes Mr Sharma, i'll be there tomorrow message me your address. thankyou.She ended her call. She was passing by corridor when she heard Aryan's name by some one. She stopped turn to see.Two nurses were standing and Talking.Poor baby Aryan, only hope was his father's marrow. Nurse 1 spoke, Khushi saw she was same nurse who comes early in morning in their room. Other one was who always accompany Aryan's doctor. Yeah but still there is a hope. I wonder how will his mother take this news that bone marrow didn't matched. Nurse 1. What hope are you talking about?Khushi stood rooted to the spot, her senses were numb after that statement...she wasn't able to comprehend what was happening around her. She felt her breathes getting shallow, uski saansain he rook rahi thi (she couldn't breathe.)She felt she is all alone in the hospital. Beads of sweat appearing on her forehead. Her eyes horror strucked like she watched ghost. She stumbled on her steps and fall down. Some lady helped her to get up. Khushi cared less who she was...or she need to thank her. She walked to nurses like her life depend on clearification from nurse, Aryan they were talking about was some one else not her baby. She held doctor's nurse from her shoulder. Wha...What Khushi couldn't hold her cries, She asked nurse sobbing uncontrollably. Madam please hold yourself together, calm down please. Nurse tried to calm Khushi..NO she report... Khushi shook her slightly her tears were running down constantly.Arnav walked inside hospital he knew he has to take care of Khushi she was extra sensitive about Aryan..., He has to break news along with he has to convince her for wedding though a simple one but they need to get marry as soon as possible. He walked upstairs he was near corridor when he heard cries and yelling voice.I hope who ever is crying doesn't have to face worst circumstances. He wished in his heart. He saw crowd gathered there and a familiar voice hit his ear. He walked close saw Khushi in vulnerable condition. SPEAK UP DAMMIT !!! what you were talking about Aryan. Khushi was crying badly she yelled at nurse. Arnav quickly pushed people away to make his way to her.Does she know about report. No how can she...did she over heard them ??? can be Arnav thoughtKhushi he called her in low voice.She turn in direction of voice and saw Arnav.Before Arnav could register or observe her she run to him hold him like her life depend on him Crying loudly hiding her face in his chest clutching his shirt pressing herself to him Arnav hold her tightly welcoming her body weight. She was anguished with pained, suddedn;y felt too tired of everything. Before Arnav could ask her anything she lost concious in his arms. Khushi!!! Arnav SHOUTED.

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