Chapter 50

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Chapter 50
Doctor was checking Arnav. Arjun was back immediately leaving his work in between when doctor told him he got call from Khushi that Arnav is awake. When Arjun arrived back he found furious Sia in living room with Anjali sitting beside her. Anjali was back here when Sia called and told her about Khushi's little stunt. Doctor arrive right after Arjun's arrival. Arjun didn't wait and followed Doctor. He enter the room found Khushi sitting on floor with her head resting near his arm. She was sleeping in tired position, Arjun took in her dishevel condition, her dry tear stains were visible. Aryan was sleeping on other side of bed. Khushi beta...Arjun placed his hand on her head. Khushi opened her eyes found Arjun. She looked up with misty eyes...I swear papa he open his eyes, he talked to me...i swear on my kids. She choked on her words. Shhh let doctor check him. He helped her get up and move aside. She sat on nearby sofa joint her hands to pray. Sia and Anjali too entered the room but stood in another corner. Doctor took half an hour to check him. He turned to face family after injected him two injections and removing life support system. She was right Mr Raizada he was awake, loud gasp and shivery breathes out of emotions were being heard in room. Doctor continued, but he is sleeping now his body is very weak at the moment. This sleep is result of his weakness. He do not need Life Support system anymore He has shown progress.I told you Mr Raizada he wasn't responding much to all medicines and treatment which was given to him earlier and we had to shift him on life support system with artificial food supplements and medicines but as usual not much change in last 6 months. Since Mrs Khushi Arnav Raizada is back with Kids he is showing changes. Firstly he reacted with body moment and now he opened his eyes.He no longer need life support system so i removed it he will get up in few hours. Mr Raizada i will make his complete file with food diets and medicines send someone to get the file from my clinic. As doctor left the room. Sia hugged Anjali in excitment. My son was really awake. Anjali my son was wake did you hear out. Ohh My Lord i couldn't thank Him enough.Arjun who entered back after seeing off doctor. Overwhelemed Sia hugged him.Arjun did you hear out my son is fine now...My son will be fine in few days he will call me Ma once again. Ohhh God i am very happy. Han Sia i heard him. I thank Khushi and kids to come back and to rework on her haste decision. I am Glad Khushi initiated with next step and embrace him, made him feel completed wanted and loved. He knew we loved him but he wanted everyone back together in his life. I am Glad he took in his emotions and came back to us. You and Anjali should medn the damage He spoke last words softly and in lower voice.Sia looked somewhat guilty but quietly left the room. Khushi sat on bed beside Arnav. Arushi was now in her laps crying with hunger. Everyone had already left. She quickly locked the door and resume her place on bed. It was time to feed Arushi. She lifted the hem of her kurti, removed her bra and started feeding her. Little Arushi was satisfied with her hunger getting satisfied. Her little moans and sucking sounds were only ruling in silent room. It wasn't as it were irritable but quiet soothing one. Khushi changed Arushi's side and started feeding her once again from other side. She was too absorbed in thoughts she didn't noticed a pair of eyes looking at her meekly a satisfied smile playing on lips. Hearts were at peace and it reflects from faces. Khushi felt someone caressing Arushi's feets and in between fingers brushed her thigh. She looked down and found his hand. He smiled contently before slipping back to unconsciousness. *-*-*A week later,Arnav was much better he was able to walk on his own. His energy boost every time he saw smiling face of his beautiful wife, love shining in her eyes for him. His kids care and attention they shower upon him. Sia Anjali and Khushi were back together getting over their issues and let go off their grudges. All thanked God for sending Arnav back and for bring Khushi and kids back home without them this wasn't possible. Sia and Anjali apologised to her with deep guilt feelings. Khushi on the other hand apologised back for being reason of ruining perfect family. Yes Khushi admitted if she was still angry with Arnav she should stayed back and made him pay more for his deed but she shouldn't go away like this and punish everyone, by keeping herself and kids away and secondly indirectly being a reason of Arnav's condition. Sia hugged her and cried mumbling sorry again and again. Khushi hugged her tighter...Ma i can understand what you went through i have experienced these feelings and i swear these are worst feeling any mother ever want to experience. So everything is ok betwen you all now. Arjun AskedSia Khushi and Anjali answered him back in one word one voice. Happiness was back in RM with two little angels being a center everyone's attention and Apple of everyone's eyes.*-*-*Khushi avoided all possible ways to avoid difficult and heart breaking conversation with Arnav but tonight she was caged. His eyes though showed relief but there was hint of betrayal, hurt, loadzz of questions. Everyday Khushi avoided him on pretext of kids but tonight Kids were sleeping with their Dadi. Khushi entered the room feeling all of a sudden hell nervous with hammering heart against her rib cage. She placed glass of milk and medicines beside on table. Arnav get up drink this milk and have your medicines. Arnav quietly took in his medicines observing her every move. He lazily followed her every move from placing tray beside him, after that she moved and placed tray on coffee table. she walked to closet took her clothes and went to bathroom. After good 10 minutes she came back from bathroom straight to bed. Do you want anything Arnav? She asked Arnav nodded slowly.What? She asked softly.He lifted his both arms asking her to come to him, in his arms. She didnt thought for another second and ran into his arms almost getting on top of him hugging him with all her mights. I am sorry...i am really very sorry...she whisper Shhh Arnav shushed her. This was meant to be this way. I am glad i was in comma atleast brought you and my kids home. This was my punishment for betraying you Khushi.Tears spilled out of her eyes. No Arnav...everyone was right this was my selfishness which brought you to this situation. I was use to of living all alone but then i realise how much of you spoiled my habbits. I was so used to of depending my needs you.Khushi its over now i am fine, you are back bas i don't want ponder much on past now. I betrayed you, you betrayed me its even now. Now we should concentrate on future. Our kids need us more. He felt Khushi nodding against his chest. She looked up her face was wet with tears. She cupped his cheeks placed her lips on his. She want to make sure every bad phase is over. She want to make sure he is alright now. He is there with her.SO happy times are back ...So here it ends

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