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Arnav was in his room standing near french door looking out lost in his thought. He was feeling guilty, he was feeling bad, He was feeling cautious he was scared. YES Arnav Singh Raizada was Scared. Scared to loose his son, Scared of cruel destiny today. Scared of Khushi's decision. He want Aryan and Khushi back in his life but he don't want to force Khushi in any situation. According to Doctor's Decision They have just 1 year to have another baby. To save Aryan's life its very important...but Khushi, there is already alot of mess in their life and now this condition was messing alot. He tried to sleep but couldn't. He left hospital after meeting doctor he knew Khushi need space.What if she needed me? suddenly a question pop inside his mind. No why will she need me, she only wishes i go away from her. He got up and walked down to front garden. He sat there on garden chair. He was helpless and was unable to think straight. He felt tap on his shoulder turned andsaw his mother standing there. She sat beside him. Ma!!! Arnav spoke helplessly... Talk to me Chotte it will help you. Sia spoke softly. Arnav's eyes were misty he held his mother's hands in his andput his head in his lap.Ma!!! Aryan...need bone marrow. Sia nodded i know beta, I guess my bone marrow didn't match to his. Sia gasp in shock. Arnav...Now how will we arrange bone marrow for him. What did Doctor said, did he confirmed this.He shook his head. He didn't confirmed it yet but he want me an...and Khu...Khushi gaspe in shock held his shoulder pull him up to face her. What? How did khushi react to this? sia asked impatiently. He shook his head. She didn't react after listening to doctor she quietly left the room i called her but she didn't replied back. I thought she need space so i left her.Sia slightly slap him at back of his head. Mera buddhu beta (my stupid son), arnav she needed you. Beta a mother needs her life partner / father of the baby when she see her baby is in trouble especially in these situation. She has been fighting alone for two years Arnav. I was very disappointed with you for what you did with her. Infact i thought its punishment for me. I was the one who trusted her husband and let him do whatever he wants to.i never stopped you from anything i guess its all because of me...but now firstly i want you to sort this out where a small innocent soul is suffering between ego of you two. Go Arnav she needs you. don't fail me this time Arnav. Your father already failed me, You too did same but i guess God gave you another chace to rectify your sin. You did wrong to her. Now you have the remedy of pains and wounds. Go beta she needs you.
Khushi was standing in window, today sleep was far away from her eyes, she was lost in her thought. She was looking at stars. Same words ringing in her ears you need to plan for another baby. You need to get pregnant as soon as possible Ms gupta to save your sonA sob left her mouth she was helpless once option was ther for her. Destiny again planned to kill her once again. She was in a stituation where she has to die to save her child. She has to kill her self once again to save her Ari. Her bacha. She don't want to go through this all. She hates Arnav, hates him alot, humiliation she has to face at college, her orphanage, after thrown out of orphanage a month she spent was like walking over burning coals.When she remember that time she wants to grab Arnav's collar and ask him what he got making her life hell. The only good thing life gave her until now is ARYAN...!!!How can she ...Aryan's ...why???? khushi fall on floor hugging her knees and cried...cried until there was no tears left she slept in same position.
Arnav enter the room and saw her sleeping in awkward position sitting on floor. He sent Aryan's nanny back home, He locked the door again turned and walked near her. He saw dried tears on her cheeks. she looked tired and pale. Arnav bend and picked her up in his arms. Khushi felt some one lifting her up she open her eyes and saw him, her eyes turned wide. She tried to jerk out of his arms, he held her tight. He laid her on sofa. She quickly came out of his stood up brought her hands to his chest and pushed him back. How dare you to touch me? She gritted. Shhh he shushed her and pointed towards Aryan.Who stir in his sleep. Khushi he said in soft husky voice. Khushi close her eyes tightly. Arnav please go from here i am very tired to fight with you. His heart swell with happiness she called him Arnav after long time. She either calls him Mr Raizada or Mr Arnav Singh Raizada. He took steps near her cupped her face their faces inches aprats. I am here to share your tiredness. your pains, i want to lick your wounds i ...Khushi jerk his hands away you don't have right on me she turn her back her tears made way down to her cheeks.I have evry damn right on you. Haq hai mera tum per, you are mine khushi gupta. He turn her to face him. she felt her self melting but she want to fight with him fight for making her life miserable, for pushing her over a way fill with thorns. she held his collar in her small fist.Leave me alone Arnav please i don't want to talk to you please jao yahan say go please. Arnav felt she spoke in soft yet tired tone. He hugged her tightly hide his face in crook of her neck. Cry your pain out Khushi, it won't hurt if you let it out. Khushi wanted to push him but she need solance ... she need someone to share his burden. she wanted someone to tell her everything will be ok. A small helpless Sob left her mouth. Sh cried for a while until no tear left.He kissed side of her head. Everything will get better Khushi. I promise you. She pull back and saw him. Ar...Aryan she whisper helplessly. He brought his hand and cup her right cheek. Nothing will happen to him. i promise you, i won't let anything happen to him. Arnav said in soft whisper. She nodded and put her head on his chest. He softly caress her head and provided her solance in his arms. She welcome his warmth and sleep tookover her. She slept peacefully after ages.
Next morning,
Door knock broke their slumber. He open his eyes at same moment Khushi open her eyes. She looked up and saw him looking at her. Both looked shared an eye lock until door knock brought them back. Khushi realise her position she was sitting in his lap. She quickly stood up. Arnav stood up slowly he was feeling cramps sitting in same position for long.Khushi open the door Nurse came inside she was little surprise to see Arnav there, Good morning she wished them and moved to Aryan. She check his IV tube and unplugged it for time being, his temperature were as Aryan was busy in his own world. He don't have fever for now. Arii Nurse cooed him. Aryan looked at Nurse she pinch his nose bend down and kissed his cheek much to his annoyance. He turn red in anger nurse smiled at khushi an Arnav and left the room. Arnav couldn't help chuckle at his son. He slowly walk to his son and picked him up. Khushi quietly observe duo. Aryan you are my son Champ all time fav of girls he looked at Khushi mischeviously. You shoul enjoy this attention. He smiled looking at Aryan who smile back not knowing what his father was smiling for. Khushi walk to him quikcly and snatch Aryan out of his embrace. Don't you dare come near my son next time, what are you teaching my son to be a big stud like his father is, getting random girl pregnant, humiliating her to death not leaving an option for her to live. Arnav felt his heart sequeezed with pain but he hide his emotions very well under the cover of his facade. He took slow steps nears her until her back hit wall. He lean on her they nose tips touching, not any random girl...just my son's mother otherwise i used c*nd*ms he wink at her And kissed Aryan's cheek. Khushi turned red in anger. Bravo Raizada aren't we? i guess you deserve Oscar for being shameless. Khushi spoke in angery tone. Don't tell me Gupta you were jealous of you little bundle for kiss i gave him and shameless erm...i guess i deserve far better, Oscarwill an insult of Raizada right champ. he looked at Aryan for his agreement. Where as little bundle was busy looking at his mom and father. (Poor papa mommy angry on him, might be he is like me tasting things around ohhh how i miss tasting things,) he saw Arnav asking for his agreement to him. Eiht ammp. He was copying other's words now a days he copied Arnav's last words much to Khushi's annoyance Arnav grin at his son. He felt proud when his son smile at him. He felt utmost joy when his bundle speak a word. He doesn't know why fromday one when he saw him in hotel he felt himself getting attach to him. If someone from his office or his Colleges or his family or friends watch that scene they for sure lost their mental balance because Arnav singh Raizada and Kids can never get into one frame. He was allergic to kids you could say. It was a miracle that day he picked Aryan and made sure he doesn't cry. He felted attached to im since the time little boy looked at him with Wide tears filled eyes. Arnav remember those eyes he felt someone cutting his heart into million pieces.He regret for being such a fool, such an egoistic person who ruin his whole life just for ego, mess up everything to satisfy his ego. Arnav's trance brok with Aryan's cries. Khushi was trying to feed him his cerelac. Aryan beta why you always create fuss for eating. Khushi he has gone on his father, i too was very fussy mom told me when i was toddler she feeds me with great difficulty dad wasn't around as well di use to keep me busy with toys but i was still a difficult kid. Wait lemme help you. He took his mobile out and started playing music on it he sat beside Aryan and Khushi. Aryan being curious as ever tried to take mobile in his hand. Ari no baby, Khushi tried to stop Aryan from taking mobile his hands but Arnav stopped her, Let him take it Khushi. Arnav he will break your phone throwing down or he can press any button that can delete anything from your phone your important things can be deleted in it. Khushi let him do it Atleast my son will be happy and satisfied. Khushi looked at him in surprise but didn't spoke a words. Aryan played with his BB Arnav talked to him so he can distract him khushi easily feed him his food. Arnav left the hospital after a while As Aman called him to remind him about an important meeting.khushi was alone left behind in hospital.
After 13 days spending night in park she pleaded and requested Hotel owner to let her sleep here until she arrange rented room for her. He agreed to her condition but inreturn he burden her more with work. One day an old women enter to their hotel she placed order for tea and snacks it looked like she wasn't well. Khushi took her order while leave women asked for sugaror something to eat quickly khushi looked at her she gets alarmed she brought jalebi for her and fed her after feeding her she made women drink two glass of water. This will help tostable your sugar level quickly. Women looked up surprised, actually mother mary had diabeties and her sugar level often falls down. Mother mary?? old women asked she felt sense of belonging towards young girl she saw girls face turn dull and her eyes express grief when she took mother mary's name. My orphange head...she said in weak teary voice. You live in orphange? Women inquired in return she shook her head slightly. Then??? women asked curiously. Erm...i don't havea permanent place for time being...She said in weak voice. Orphanges don't leave out their kids like this ten how co...Women stopped midway looking at teary khushi. I'll bring your tea. Khushi left from there. Regularly for next few days Old women visited there she had some small fashion show here and few exhibitions to display her collection. One day Women was sitting usually ordered her tea and was designing a dress she wasn't getting much about how to complete it further. Khushi came with her tea, aunty your tea and pakora's She nodded but didn't looked up. Khushi lookedat what was she busy with. She saw her deeply imense in some design. She drew the lines rub them not satify with the design. Khushi saw the design unconciosuly she spoke up why don't you keep the dress straight and below the hip you can add flow in it. May be of two color fril at the end Women took the suggestion and draw accordingly as she was done with the dress she realise someone guided her she looked up and saw Khushi, you know how to design...? She was surprised khushi nodded i was fashion designing student. khushi said in weak voice. FASHION DESIGNING STUDENT AND WORKING HERE IN THIS SMALL ROADSIDE RESTURANT I MEAN THIS IS NOT EVEN RESTURANT ITS MORE LIKE DHABA THING. Old women was surprised.Aunty sometimes life force your to do struggle for bread you need to eat a day you can think i am at that stage...her eyes glisten with unshed tears. Women hugged Khushi. For the first time after days she got warm embrace a motherly type one Khushi shed tears uncontorlably with no barriers. Only thing which Old women could make out was she was calling for her Ma...why she left herbehind??? Old women couldn't control sobbed with her. Khushi's owner came to her Hey girl you i don't give you money to cry over cutomers or waste your time like this get up and wash those woks and yes use your energy more then washing bar and liquids. I don't feed you for no use. She nodded and utter apologise to him. She turn to Mrs wadia the old women I am sorry aunty i just carried away, she wipe her tears and turn to go when mr wadia called her. Khushi dikra (daughter) why don't you join me. I have no child of my own and my husband is also dead have no one with me. You can work in my boutique and live in my other flat i will give you on rent...that will be a better life for you then this one. I live in Goa i am here till day after tomorrow think about it if you need time tomorrow i will visit here in late afternoon day after tomorrow i will leave early by 9 am train back to Goa if you accept my offer be ready by tomorrow. With that lady left the resturant.Khushi washed the dishes and kept thinking about it. She was in her thinking mode when a glass broke from her owner's wife was quiet strict lady she refuse to give her half salary in compensation for new set of glasses khushi knew if she spent her whole life here washing dishes she won'tbe able to spent a peaceful life atleast and all the time owner and his wife were like sword hanging on her neck a slightest mistake from her they were ready to cut her down in pieces.Next day Mrs wadia came she accepted her offer and quit the job. Owner and his wife were stun for a while later both blame eachother for scolding the poor soul cause her to quit the job.Khushi left delhi, her orphanage, mother mary, her friends, her college, her love, her respect, sweet memories, bitter realities...everything back and went away to goa with empty hands.
*flash back ends*

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