Chapter 48

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Chapter 48
Three weeks later.
Khushi you have to decide now either this way she pointed towards Arnav and kids or highway but remember if you'll chose against them you yourself know you were not living in peace. I disliked your decision the way you ran away. Khushi tried to defend her decision but Payal didn't let her speak. Yes ran away. You were on right path and running away was something a job of coward and guilty person. Why did you do that you weren't wrong anywhere and When he was totally in different avatar a different man. You should have given him a chance, your relation a chance, your love a chance. Payal spoke in accusing tone but turned soft later on.
He was changed... Changed...CHANGED. i didn't loved that love sick puppy Arnav. He was some guilty man trying to make up for his horrendous mistakes.
I loved that Asr who was hard like stone but inside he was soft hearten Arnav. Who had child like heart. He wasn't My Arnav... The one i loved. I did appreciated his all gestures to make up with me but somewhere his all actions screamed he was doing all this out of guilt that love was buried deep down by weight of his guilt. Khushi cried out in anger. Khushi you should have at least try to think or to talk to someone before going away. Payal spoke again but this time her tone was soften but still had accusation in it. What do you think if i told them i want to go away will they happily let me go. Arnav would have jumped on his feets to get the kids. I can give anything and everything for my kids but them. She replied back angrily. She was glaring at payal like she was five year old talking childish nonsense. Khushi i don't know who would have stood up or sat down. The way you went away was totally wrong like the way he spent night with you and later made fun of you and let you rot in your own hell. This makes you two even now. Its high time Aryan and Arushi are no where at fault think for them. I know somewhere deep inside your heart you too have missed him in these 6 months how can you not. You looked to be habbitual of his love, attention, care and most important his bickering. I don't know if it was his love or guilt you knows better but it seems love to everyone. Now you have to figure it out and sort this mess. For God sake put a full stop to this hide & seek game.Payal left thoughtful Khushi in her room.
Sia was sitting in hall Balraj, Rohit Arjun and Anjali were also there sitting softly talking. Balraj was consoling both Sia and Arjun. Doctor was here to check to Arnav in morning who told them. Arnav's condition was better then before. In these 5 and half months this was first time they saw changes in his health. Everyone was happy to hear this. Sia was shedding tears of happiness. She saw a small light of hope in pitch dark. Her son will get better soon. Her ears were thirsty to hear him calling her Ma. Arjun was trying hard to control his emotions but failing miserably, he was happy to hear his Arnav his Chottey was getting better. Khushi was deep inside very happy and somewhat her guilt for putting Arnav into this state, lessen a bit.
Sia and Anjali were talking to Khushi but in a very reserved way. Sia was still angry with Khushi. Anjali did talk to her when needed else she royally ignores Khushi as if she didnt exist in same room or house. It hurts her alot.
Khushi enter the room...saw Kids sitting beside Arnav on bed. Nanny stood at feet of bed to look after them. Aryan was brushing Arnav's hair smoothly with comb. Where as Arushi laid her head on his lap was playing,giggling kicking & punching in air. She felt sob erupting in her throat covering her mouth she ran to terrace.
Khushi was standing on terrace looking and setting sun. Cold evening breeze was hitting her face making her wild tresses dance in contentment. Khushi... She heard male voice behind her. She turned and saw Arjun Singh Raizada. Papa...Khushi spoke trying to gulp the lump. Arn...av...woh...Main...I...Shhh don't say anything beta. Arjun patted her head but Khishi couldn't hold her sobs and broke up into tears. No one is understanding me...everyone is accusing me either with their glares or their heart piercing word. I loved Arnav...Why don't they understand i would have never wanted this for him. She point towards bed. Even when i wan on roads i never wish this for him. For heaven sake he is the father of my kids. I would have never wanted him to lie on bed this lifelessly. Ma, di, payal everyone is accussing me.She sniffed loudly turning back looking down towards beautiful lawn of Raizada Mansion. In my stay here before i left i never promised Arnav i will stay back. I only wanted to marry him to save my son my Ari. I did forgive him for his betrayal but never promised him for happily ever after because i cannot give in fully to my relation with him and the man i met here last year wasn't my Arnav whom i fell in love with his was the man who was head over heel drowning in pit of his own guilt hell. wasn't only him who was your criminal we were equally. I wont go anywhere but point at myself i didnt do anyless to you and Aryan. I accused you, raise question marks on birth...and on. I got my punishment. For a moment even if i agree he was guilty and whatever way behaved with you from marriage till you parted away from him, he did out of his guilt. The moment he realise you left him...i have seen him going crazy, not able to digest the fact you actually left. The hatred towards himself, the restlessness, helplessness, his pain for being away from his kids. It was heart wrenching one. If you would have heard his screams of helplessness you would immediately shut your ears, the intensity, the pain, his pleads, his helplessness for evident, it was clearly visible. He just...couldn't able to accept it you are gone. Despite of doctor's disapproval towards his driving he sneaked out of house and started looking out for you. Doctor who treated him earlier was worried with his stress level. His leaked vein was proving his critical state, he told me if his mind didn't deviate from this sudden situation this might result into something major. He choked It did happen major ... He had an accident. He was under sedative and when was coming back from Goa sedative was started taking toll on mind and he lost control over his car. He was being treated with foreign doctors as well but he never responded back to medicines. Few doctors suggested to switch off his life support system as well and make it easy for him. Arjun choked on his words, but i know My son will wake up. Khushi he held her hands in his, i know its only you who can bring him back, its only you who can blow life back into him. Please Khushi help us bringing our son back. I beg you Khushi bring my son back. Please tell him you are back and wont leave him please tell him.I can understand your pain very well today. Today when my son's life is in danger i can make out how would you had felt that time when Aryan was hanging between death and life. Please Khushi bring my son back this will be biggest favour of your's on this father. *-*-*

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