Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Akash, Rahul, Jay, Payal, Muskaan and Avantika (Jay's girl friend) came to visit Arnav. Anjali wasn't here today, she had a wedding to attend in her in laws. Though she wasn't in mood to go but Sia forced her to leave. She do not want Anjali's in laws family life to get effected by problems in her mayka.

Arjun was away for very important business meeting. Sia Khushi and kids were at home. Sia silently Thanked God for bringing kids back. This house was literally eating her up with scary silence ruling in it.

Sia was getting emotional looking at his friends all were fit and fine moving around with their lady loves on their arms. Her son was lying down on bed. Not that she prayed ill for them or want bad for them but she wanted her son to be like them fit and fine moving around, playing with his kids...Happy and content in his life. Her tears flow down.

Payal was consoling Sia continuously. Where as Khushi silently wept in corner. Sia was hell angry with her. She was ignoring her and it was hurting Khushi alot.Sia was like a mother to her. Her rudness was hurting her alot.

Have some patience aunty he will be fine, His kids are here he will wake up one fine day. Payal soothened her.

Hell broke out for Sia. She was tired of every ones fake consoling words...Nahi Payal he isnt getting up. He will never wake up...He decided to turn his back on everyone of us. Helpless sobs escape her mouth. His kids are here, the one who claimed she love him is here and because of whom my son's condition is like this is here as well...He didnt woke up Payal.

Stop everyone with these fake consolings...I know he will not wake up. He decides to leave us, he is punishing his Ma for the lady who never loved him. Payal was crying along and so as Khushi... Sia's words were no doubt heart piercing but they couldn't blame her. She was wounded mother at the moment.

Khushi took Revenge of her betrayal. Arnav slip into coma... Sia was like a wounded tigress at the moment she isn't in right state of mind to think.

He is punishing his Ma for the Lady who never loved him.

These words just burnt Khushi's heart. She couldn't hold her cries and run back to their room. She sat on floor near Arnav's side of bed held his hand in her's. Her sobs were uncontrollable.

She was tired now...tired of fighting with herself...her love...her life...her circumstances...she was tired of facade of strong women when she was deeply wounded and equally vulnerable. She wanted to lay every bad omen, every bad feeling out. today.

Arnav...!!! She whispered near his wrist. Get up please i need you...hold me i am falling apart...hold me i am tired now ... Every moment is killing me... please get up.

She didn't received his response.

I loved you...i love you and will love you till my last breathes...She cried harder. M...a...Ma thinks i used you for my means i never loved you. Her sobs went higher and uncontrollable by the time. Get up Arnav...this isn't the way to handle things. Get Up Raizada NOW!!!

You knew i had to leave one day...i told this to you earlier... I am here for my come i cheated you, i betrayed you...why everyone is accusing me.

Its not that i was happy without you. It was hell difficult after the way you spoilt us. I missed you at every moment.

When i lie down on bed i missed your warmth, your love, your care. When we eat dinner i missed your caring self, you bickering and forcing to look after health. You fatherly nature and care for Aryan. I missed you when i was getting Aryan admit to school. I missed you when it rains, when we went to park, at every step we missed you. She felt dejected fresh pair of tears flowed down when she felt no change in him.

She laid her head on his bare chest wetting it with her tears. Get up Arnav please get up...I promise i wont go away ever again. I promise to stay along with you at every step. I am tired of this Arnav please get up. I feel so horrible Arnav please get up...I promise to not leave you alone ever again. Please Arnav.

Haan pakka promise i will never leave you alo... She pulled back astound, her eyes wide she saw his eyes lids slightly open. She was trying to gauge if its her illusion or reality.

If his hands wasn't holding her she would have admit her mistake it was just a hallucination. Tears of disbelief and happiness flow down.

She hug him and cried once again. Arnav slowly brought his arms around her and Kissed her head. You wont leave me ever again right? A hoarse whisper hit her ear.

I wont Arnav... I wont. She hugged him tighter.
She pulled back. MAA ... ARYAN... MAA...ARYAN... She screamed in happiness.

Ek minutes Arnav i'll bring them back. She rush out of room to call everyone.

In living room

MAA... ARYAN...Arnav is up. Yes Ari your papa is awake. A surprise full of joy spread among them. Everyone rush upstairs.

Khushi called doctor to inform him about Arnav.

Arnav's room.

Khushi enter the room to find furious Sia standing there. Ma Arnav...Khushi started but stop mid way looking at fire spitting eyes of Sia.

Bas Khushi...Bas. Its enough...look here she pointed at Arnav. H..e...he ...Isn't...awake...what did you gain touching our weakest nerve. Have some shame. She walked pass Khushi sniffing loudly and exited the room.

Arnav's eyes were close he was peacefully sleeping. I swear...I swear he his eyes...I swear Payal she rush to payal who threw disappointed look at her before leaving the room. Gradually everyone left except Aryan.

She slump on door. I swear he was awake...sob...he talked to me please. Arnav open your eyes...Sob...please tell them you were awake.

I trust you Ma papa might slept back. Little Aryan threw his arms around her and hugged her tightly. 

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