Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

I am sorry Mr Raizada ...Your wife lost alot of blood she is under observation will be shifted to ICU. She needs immediate supply of blood otherwise she has wide chance of slipping to coma.

Arnav was pale...unborn...Aryan...Khushi...NO!!!

He felt all his reasons of living ended. His world is going to crash down any moment. Nothing is left for live. His reason to breath...his reason to live everything is going away.
Doctor i'll arrange for blood. Arjun Sharma step forward.
Doctor nodded we need O Positive.
I am O Postitive. For a moment everyone was Stun to know who step forward to give his blood. A person who never learn to give anything he just knew how he can get what he want. Arjun Singh Raizada.

Doctor i will inform my staff and others for to give their blood. He spoke confidentially.
Mr Raizada we're sorry to say we cannot take your blood. You're quiet aged to give blood. We need young people for this purpose, under the age of 50.

Give us 30 minutes i'll arrange blood. Arjun Singh Raizada spoke. Sia felt proud of her husband first time in her life. Today if anyone ask her whose wife she is she will proudly take Arjun's name. Her husband truly won her heart today. His gesture proves how much caring he is but he hide under is non caring facade. Dad son alike.

She turn to see Arnav who was no where to be seen. Her heart went out for one asked Doctor about baby. Doctor she called softly, and he or she...

Mrs Raizada its baby girl. Baby is alright but quiet a weak at the moment we have to keep him in NICU for further development. It was indeed complicated but looking at father of baby i knew we have to try to save them all. Saving baby girl's life we lost alot of her blood but By grace of God We manage to save her and Baby both.

Sia wiped happy tears she hugged Anjali thanking Divine Power. Looking around she didnt found her son.

Arnav? Let me look for him. Sia said.


Sia was walking along.long corridors of hospital looking for Arnav but he was no where to be seen. She turn around to go to opposite side she didn't paid attention she was coming towards exit door. Her eyes fell on black shirt and grey trouser wearing man he was sitting on floor beside mandir. His head leaning against wall marks of dried tears visible on his face. His postures and body showed how tired and seems like gambler who lost all his possessions and now he is regretting big time.

Sia went beside him sat beside him on floor. She touched his forehead lovingly. She gave him small smile. He couldn't hold himself and broke down, almost crying like small baby.

I won't be able to bear if she leaves me this time Ma. My Ari... Mera bacha ... Khushi... Everyone is turning their back on me. I swear Ma if something happens to them i won't be able to survive. He cried dejectedly making Sia cry silently. Ma tell your God to give me my Khushi and Kids back... Please Ma or tell your God ti take me along with them.....

Shhh... Sia quickly placed her palm on his lips. Pagal, never talk like this. By grace of Our God your baby is perfectly fine. Khushi isn't in danger now but need blood urgently to avoid any emergencies.

Arnav looked with wide eyes in her eyes silently asking for assurance. Sia nodded smiling. He hugged her tightly. Both make their way to Khushi's room.


A week later Khushi was back home but Arushi was in hospital for a while in NICU doctor didn't discharge her. She was still quiet weak.

Khushi was now worried about Aryan. Day and night she had only one topic to ponder about Aryan's operation. She talked to Aryan's doctor almost everyday. He gave her date after 15 days for Aryan's operation. Until then Arushi will get a little bit healthy.

As per Arnav's wish name was decided and Khushi didn't argued.

Arnav was pampering Khushi in all ways. Feeding her, helping her to change Aryan's clothes in fact mostly he was the one who does it. He was taking her hospitals day and night. Until 7 to 10 pm he asked Rahul & Jay to be there at hospital after helping Khushi and putting Aryan to bed he leave back to hospital to stay overnight beside his daughter. Sleeping and sitting on hospital benches and chair were awkward but he was enjoying it for his family.


Finally the day came when papa's princess was back home. A new nursery was attached in room for baby doll with pink color walls and beddings. Crazy papa of Arushi bought several toys for her. He shopped for her along with Khushi. It was the first time history of women's shopping was brutally challenged. Arnav Singh Raizada wasn't ready to leave mall at all. He was crazily shopping for his doll, his little tiger, his sexy hot wife who looked utterly delicious with recent motherhood. She had gain a little weight and he was loving this new change.

Khushi was lying on bed. Arnav was sitting beside him holding Arushi and Aryan was all over little baby sis. Arnav was playing and cooing with baby Aryan was trying to copy him.
Shui... Doll... Aryan was talking to her and kissing her every two seconds.
Ari baby don't kiss her much she'll get rashes. Her baby skin is very sensitive. Arnav explain him placing chaste kiss there.
Aryan wipe his cheek frowning at Arnav. My kin is sentive as well i get ash...Khushi giggled at his anger face. (My skin is also sensitive i'll also get rashes)

Mera bacha khushi hugged him lovingly close to her chest. Arnav smiled at little man. Arushi started crying it was her time to be fed.
Champ lets go its time for princess to be fed. Arnav helped Khushi to sit he placed Arushi in her arms he turned picking Aryan up and left the room.

Khushi was comfortable enough to feed the baby alone it was awkward for her to feed baby with Arnav in the room but she's glad he leave them alone when he saw her feeding the baby.

She opened her top buttons, removed bra and started feeding her.


Days passed slowly with Raizada family growing more fond of Aryan and new addition. Whenever its time to feed Aryan. Sia force Arjun to sit beside her and hold Aryan for her.
Arjun though pretend he don't like the job but inwards he love to do it. He love the feeling of being a grand dad.

Khushi are you ready? Arnav asked entering the room. Khushi was sitting on bed holding Arushi and Aryan on her lap crying softly.

Arnav came and sat beside her. He held her tightly in his arms. Shhh baby nothing will happen to our kids, God will take care of them. Almight will protect them and bring them back to us save and sound. They will make through this. Arnav's words were soothening yet shocked her a bit.

Since when did he started believing in Divine power.

She looked up at him quizzically. Arnav smile getting embarrassed a little. I believe there is a Divine Power who controls evey thing and hear you when you call Him with truest and honest attempt. From dept of your heart.

Khushi nodded smiling at him. Now get up its time to leave for hospital. It was finally a day when Aryan was going to get operated. A Day when all her hard work was going to full fill.

Khushi met everyone in hall. They showered their love upon Aryan and Arushi. Arjun held Aryan on his arms sneaking a kiss between. Sia was kissing kids every now a then praying for their long and healthy life.

They reach hospital yet half an hour was there for operation. Dr Kapoor checked both the babies and declared them absolutely fine for next and major step.

Khushi was getting more and more anxious with every passing seconds and her praying was getting more passionate and faster.

A group of nurses and ward boy came to their room with Dr kapoor following them.

Mrs Raizada don't worry God will never let your sacrifice go wasted. Your kids will get healthy very soon. Infact Aryan will be gifted with another life. Pray to God everything turn out to be fine and your kids make through this harder step. Pray as much as you can.

Mr Raizada he called Arnav who has taken Khushi in one side hug. its time to proceed for operation. Arnav gulp painful lump, he didn't trusted his voice and nodded at doctor.

Khushi almost ran to kids kissing them manically crying loudly. Arnav who was gulping his pain let his tears to follow he kissed Arushi and then Aryan. Tiger fight back and come out safe & sound we are waiting. He kissed unconcious Aryan once again. Follow suits Raizada family kissed kids and wished them health.

Fives hours laters.

Operation was still going on. Khushi kept chanting prayers non stop she refuse to budge from her place, not a single drop of water or small morsel of food she agreed to take in.

She wanted her kids safe and healthy at any cost. She was crying, she was praying... In short she was at heights of depression at the moment. Nothing at the moment she was thinking other then her kids. Her center of existence her reason of existence. She was manically praying she wants her kids safely back.

Arnav was standing right beside her. He was under distress as well. His whole world was at the stake. He was praying to God to bring them out save.
I got real joy of family first time in my life please God don't take it away from me now. I won't be able survive if anything happens to my family. My wife... My kids.
Red lights turn green.
Operation ended. Door opened when doctor coming out removing his mask.

Arnav Khushi ran to door.

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