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Doctor left the room with horror struck khushi behind.She threw her body weight on couch and looked at sleeping form of her little bundle of joy. How will she be able to save him now.Why her fate makes her so helpless everytime that she has to bend, why everytime she has to become toy of others hand. She has to go back to that person who insulted her, humiliated her infront of whole college. She loved her...trusted her but what he did...used her and left her like a random piece of tissue.She wanted to cry loud that sky tear off and she could see GOD who is playing such games with her. Always leaving her in vulnerable condition. She wanted to cry yet she can't, she want to save her son's life...but she has to go to same person who made her life what she is today. Almost a different version of what she is at that time.Akash enter the room. He looked at her khushi who was sitting like a stone no emotions nothing, Payal what did doctor said. Payal eye's welled up with tears she she shook her head lightly telling him Test are negative. Akash close his eyes for a moment.He open his eyes and spoke now is the time we contact him Payal. Its enough now. This hide and seek game will cost you the life of this innocent soul. He sat beside Khushi and held his hand.Its time to contact him Khushi i know you don't want to go back to him or help...but it can cost you the life...NO!!! Khushi cut him and almost scream in hysterical way, nothing will happen to my Aryan. My baby. I won't let anything happen to him. Why Akash Why i have to o back to him...she hide her face in her palms and cried. Akash took her in side hug and patted her head. Can i have his number? Khushi spoke. Payal wanted to kill him at the moment, she was unable to see all this (just like we were unable to retain barun in IPK) He gave her his number.An hour later they left for home. Khushi was all alone with Aryan. Khushi sat beside sleeping baby. Being a girl who lost hermost precious thing to a lusty she decided to call him but what will i tell him???? I need his bone Marrow...he will ask me 2000 questions...oh God what will i tell him...Khushi looked at Aryan she caress his head which was now devoid of hairs. Tear follow down her eyes. She touched his cheeks which were no longer chubby. Their rosiness was gone. He was no longer chirpy baby. Full of life one. Now mostly he sleep whole day under the effect of medicinces. When he is up he cries and screams usually. She shower kisses on her baby.
Arnav was standing in his office thinking about Khushi. He want to talk to her but she never let him come close. Starnge rage filled his eyes when he thinks she ignore him and tried to maintain distance. He wants to talk to her just he does with her at old times but she ...he fisted his palm.Arnav's cell rang.
Hello Arnav singh Raizada here.
A soft hello Arnav heard this voice after long time,
Khushi...he said in faint voice
I need She said in low voice.
Arrongant jerk was back!!!!
He gave her evil laugh
i knew it and i told you khushi you will need me. His eveil grin wide.
there was no response from her side,
you know the price for my help.
She sigh in defeat
yes i know the price tell me where i have to come.
His eyes lit up with lust,
Five star Hotel near highway reach there tomorrow at 7 pm Room number 201.
Hmmm. she said in very weak voice and end the call.
She cried on her fate who always make her helpless, make her feel unwanted,leave her alone in desert where no one could find her, no on can listen to her melodious voice, Now she is more helpless to go to the person who ruin her life from every aspect.
She cried hard as hard as she could. she had to kill herself go through same humiliation again by that rakshas' hand just to save her little world. Her baby her aryan. She held him close to her chest.At night.
Khushi was sitting on couch in hospital memories she don't want to even think about were brewing in her mind again and again.
Three months past both very dear friends of eachother. Arnav was attracted to her so as khushi but she never showed her desires to get close. Arnav and khushi were couple infront of whole college though they weren't officially announced. Khushi and Arnav sit together in class, they enter and leave college together. When they gets free Arnav was the first one to enter canteen and bring coffee and snacks for her. She completes his notes if he miss them, she take good care of him. Once he had severe headache.Arnav what happen why aren't you speak much today? nothing khushi i am just have little headache.i know how you have headache, You didn't slept last night your eyes are red too and i know headache is severe too. see your forehead is warm too. She touch her cold palm at his warm forehead. Its nothing i'll grab coffee and i'll be in sometime. He tried to excuse her. I know you don't like to share your pains with others but its ok we are friends and we can share our pains. Ok you stay here i'll grab coffee for you. You didn't had breakfast even. Arnav gave a small smile to her and shook his head lightly.Their classes ended for day. Khushi went to canteen bought coffee for him with cupcakes. She told him to have them. Khushi you know i don't like sweet things. She glare him shut up here are sandwiches you can eat them, Arnav smiled at her he knew she wants her to eat both so he quietly ate both. Khushi gave him pain killer here have them. He took pills and close his eyes and lean back in his chair to relax. She got up quietly started massaging his forehead. His eyes open feeling her cold hands on his forehead he spoke khushi...she shush him and spoke softly in his ear this will make your headache go away. Rahul came there he smiled at khushi spoke hey guyz are you coming to Manali trip, I got your forums though.Fill them and submit them Arnav spoke Khushi tried to protest as she was little out of funds it was already end of the month. As Rahul left khushi spoke Arnav i can't come Trip fee is INR 3000/- and i can't pay them right now i am out of funds right now. I will get my salary and tuition fees on 1st. I mean how will...He put his hand on her mouth without realizing it to shut her. I will going to pay for us You need not to get worried about this...i am not going to take no for this.*flashback ends*
A lone tear fall down...I wish i had refused you that day Arnav. I wish we didn't have got close to each other. She was helpless her motherhood tied her hands. She is forced to do this as she is mother of this little boy on this hospital bed fighting for his life. Baby which is her only reason to breath today, baby who came to her when she had no one beside her. Baby which gave her reason to live...!!! Khushi didn't realize when she slept.******************
Next Day payal came to hospital along with her mother in law. She inquired about Aryan's health. Khushi told him their bone marrow didn't matched to him. Akash's mom Manorama asked her his father's bone marrow didn't matched even?Erm mummy ji woh...Payal spoke but khushi cut in. I contacted him last night today i'll inform him about test. Manorama nodded and sometimes manorama left she need to go to some party.YOu talked to Arnav?Payal was offended with her What did he said? Khushi looked up and spoke softly but in teary voice. He want me to come to some five star hotel which is near highway.HOTEL???? for what PAyal eyes almost pop out of their socket she was don't want to think about that but still fear gripped her heart.He need price to help me. Khushi said in ashamed tone and bow her head down. Payal wanted to murder Arnav the very moment. You will not go there. Payal said in commanding tone.I have to go Payal I will go i don't have any option left behind i can't hide this anymore, i am not doing this for Arnav or for myself...I have to go through this for my baby. MY ARYAN payal. She took payal's hand who was about to protest She kept her hand on Aryan's head you won't stop me and no more words please. Don't make me feel weak...i am already very weak Payal please. Payal looked down tears or frustration roll down on her cheek. She wipe them with back of her hand, i will not stop you go do what you want. With that she took her bag and left the hospital.
Arnav was in his office when his mother called him home. She has arranged a surprise party for Anjali as she was coming to their house after long time and it was her birthday too. Arnav forgot everything in excitement of meeting khushi. He messaged khushi he will be little late so she can come an hour later. Party was on its swing. Friends and close were invited. Sia was happy her Anjali who was very depressed after losing her baby came to her house and agreed to this party after convincing her for long time. Arnav was talking to Rahul and Jai When he heard SOME ONE SCREAMED HIS NAME FROM ENTRANCE. He turn around and saw PAyal standing at Door.
Payal was frustrated with Khushi was falling weak at last moment, She could have go for donor we could have found donor. Akash called herPAyal where are you.I am going back to home...why?How was khushi and Aryan?She has gone mad she is going to meet Arnav in some DAMN hotel...he NEED PRICE TO HELP HER.Payal i am on my way i'll pick you up.Akash picked Payal who was sitting in near by park. She hugged Akash tightly and told him her conversation with khushi. Akash hugged her tightly and smiled at Payal.Payal she can't get donor and if she get some one whose bone marrow match with Aryan who will be willing to give his/her bone marrow to Aryan. People are usually scared due to their less knowledge. Don't force her to do anything Payal she is a mother she knows whats better for her baby.Sia aunty called we need to go for Anjali di's birthday party, Payal step back a sudden rage engulf her body. She knows what she can do now. If she can't stop Khushi for humiliating herself once again infront of that monster she will step in and take things in her hand now.She wanted to beat black and blue seeing whole decoration how much money they have wasted upon one birthday party...and ther his son is fighting to survive. She saw an exotic decoration at entrance, Payal took long steps and reach door. She looked around music being played, people talking to each other laughing, different type of food being served, Expensive alcohol being served to guest. IT WAS AN ELEGANT PARTY ORGANIZED TO SHOW PEOPLE HOW RICH THEY ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE THEIR FLESH NEEDS THEM.Payal couldn't control her tears of rage she couldn't control herself before Akash or she could stop herself she roaredARNAV SINGH RAIZADA.

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