Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Lunch time,

Payal and Khushi were sitting in hospital room. Khushi told her about Arnav's dad incident. She also showed er disapproval to payal's act of ruining Anjali's party like this. Payal being Payal didn't care about ruining party but she was angry on Arnav's dad.

Both were waiting for nanny to come along with food. They heard door knock and following with door getting opened. Arnav stepped in Khushi's eyes turn round. Arnav raised his yand asked her to keep quiet. Arnav's driver put basket with some boxes and bottles on table.
Arnav instructed driver to go back to office leaving car here he will come later. Arnav gave him taxi dues.

He turn to Payal and greeted her hello Payal. He khushi he went bed where Aryan was playing with his toy. He kissed Aryan's head. Hello champ how are you.

Aryan looked up and glare at him Arnav smiled at his furious dad. Khishi felt proud his son is angry at Arnav.

(Ufff no one let me play just kissing me everytime) payal couldn't control her laugh she started laughing looking at Aryan's face. Arnav sat on bed took Aryan in his lap taking care not to hurt his hand which has IV tube needle.

My champ is angry why papa kissed you or for going away. Aryan tried to wringgle out of his lap. Khushi fisted tighted her hand hearing papa.

Ari see here Aryan kissed pout of Aryan nuzzle his small nose. He took out clip teddy bear our of his pocket and clipped it to Aryan's gown. Aryan looked at small teady bear for a while later he look at Arnav and gave hik his toothy grin. He pull out teady bear from his Hospital gown showed to his Ma who smiled at him with pain. Arnav kissed Aryan again avlone tear fall down. He wipe his eyes and turn.

Payal khushi why are you standing like this come on lets have lunch. Arnav stop your goody goody acting please. I already to you i don't need u dnt you get this simple straight fact in to ur thick mind.

Khushi i am too hungry to fight please let have food first. He sat on chair gesture Payal to open the food container. This is for Aryan khushi you sit here and eat ill feed him. No don't i can feed my son i don't need you. Ok Arnav shrug his shoulder and passed bowl to him. Khushi went to Aryan sat beside him she open the container found khicdhi in it. Arnav watch her intently. Where as payal served h im food.

Aryan hated khchdi always. Khushi tried to feed him but he started crying and do all antics to avoid eating. Arnav placed his plate down and went to bed. Payal was closely watching the family infront of her.

Khushi ill distract him you continue feeding him. Arnav took teddy bear from his hand clip to his gown again Aryan tried to take it arnav unclip again and then clip to his sleeves. Arnav didn't gave him his teddy bear Aryan was Arnav's son he took Arnav's precious love in his hand. Aryan gave Arnav his victory grin. Arnav was surprise at his little man he looked at Khushi was smiling at Aryan.
( ohho Ma papa isn't giving my teddy bear, i want to see does teddy speak, how it taste is it soft to chew or hard. Uff papa is being so unfair, what was need to give me if u want ed to play. Wait let me get my hands on your favourite toy...ahhh yesss got it. Now ill see how does he keep my teddy with him)

Acha ji so you took revenge huh??? Badmash. Aryan giggled Arnav kissed him. Khushi till then was done with feeding him. Khushi go and have your food. Its chinese i hope you like it. Khushi went to table and hesitately started eating it was already 3 in noon Aryan's nanny wasn't back yet.

Aryan played with his papa alot until he was sleepy. Arnav laid him and started caress his head softly. Aryan slept gradually. Arnav tuck him in blanket and came to eat food.

Food was already icy cold. He sat and serve himself khushi went to call nurse to give her food which was left. Arnav quickly thanked Payal for her help.


Thankyou Payal for putting your trust back into me. Thanks for helping me providing me with such opportunities. Arnav spoke in genuine tone.Make one thing clear MR Arnav Singh Raizada, i did lied or plot this to help you infact i did this to check you I want happiness for Khushi, I want father figure for Aryan. I tried convince Khushi to marry someone and get Aryan a father figure but...She don't trust anyone now.Payal stood up from sofa remeber this i am watching you. if you tried to hurt them i will be the one to kill you this time. Arnav nodded. Payal left the room.After sometime. Arnav picked his coat walk to bed kissed sleeping Aryan. Khushi looked at "him good he is leaving" she thought. Arnav walk to her Khushi i have to go i have an important meeting i will be back after that. Who cares? if you will be back or not? Khushi spoke frustratedly. Arnav chuckled at her frustrated looks. Nurse knocked at the door and enter inside. Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Raizada. I am doctor...'s secratary. I want to inform you Doctor wants to meet you both tonight by 8:00 pm he need to discuss few things with you. IS there anything to worry about? Paniced Khushi spoke.Nurse smiled no Maam i guess its just normal discussion regarding Aryan's case.Nurse walk to ARyan, By the Way Mr and Mrs Raizada your son is quiet handsome very cute. She kissed Aryan leaving her lipstick mark on his cheek. Khushi and Arnav smiled.This was their routine. Nurses comes to their roomtalk to them and while leaving they kiss Aryan much to his annoyance leaving their lipstick mark on it. He was loved by doctors as well as staff.Bye Khushi she walked to Aryan bed's direction when she felt tug at her wirst with in a second she was pulled roughly. Don't miss me i will be back soon she saw his eyes filled with mischevious glint. he peck her cheek and left the room leaving Fuming Khushi behind.In evening 6pmKhushi was working on laptop talking to Gao manager. when she heard knock she Saw Anjali and Sia entering the room. I'll talk to you later megha. She ended her call. Sia came to Khushi. Khushi sliented greeted her and Anjali. They had awkward silence in between them. Khushi asked them to sit. Before sitting they walk to bed watch little version of their chotte sleeping peacefully. Sia couldn't help smile throught her tears she bedn down and kissed him. Anjali did the same. Aryan stir in sleep hisnoseflare in anger just like Arnav's nose did. Ladies couldn't help chuckle.Everyone comes and kisses him so he gets irritated soon now. He is very short tempered now. Khushi explained. We can understand this very well Khushi after all he is Chotte's son. He was very bad tempered since childhood. Anjali explained. Ladies sat down Sia inquired about what doctor said and how treatment is going on. Atlast Sia couldn't help hug Khushi and apologize I am sorry Khushi...I am so Sorry on behalf of my son...who did this to you...on behalf of my husband...who abused you. i am very sorry.Khushi pulled back auntyji why are you sorry, i am use to of all this now. if the event had taken place a 3 yeard ago i would have felt sorry upon me i would have felt pain...Phase i went through 3 years back made me hard and stronger. I can Understand Mr Raizada's insecurity regarding me he thought me to use my little son to get money out of you all or to marry Arnav take advantage of being Mrs Arnavsingh Raizada.Yes once i saw the dream of becoming wife of Arnav singh Raizada but he made me realise dream doesn't have a value in this world. This world believe in Money, fame, name...and game. How you haveto reach your target. Assure Mr Raizada from my side, Khushi Gupta has long back understood she isn't to get married, she is not the one who deserve life of normal girl. My world revolve around my son. I am here to save my son's life and one day i will leave back once my son is alright. Anjali felt bad for her Khushi she curse Arnav and her dad for killing her innerself. She couldn't help felt sorr for lady sitting infron of her. Khushi saw her looking at her. I felt a tsrange pull towards Aryan when we meet in Goa but i never thought in mywildest dream he will our blood... Khushi interrupted her.He is my blood, my son, my everything...yes he has a genes of a person who belongs to your blood but my Ari is only my blood. Anjali nodded she knew Its of no use to hurt Khushi more in this matter. They don't want to interfare more in this matter they want Arnav and Khushi to resolve this matter. After a while they left.It was 7:15 Arnav was still in meeting, he tried to end the meeting but stupid clients weren't convinced. Aman could feel Arnav was restless. Twenty minutes more passed. Now Arnav don't want to take more risk. He got up. Sorry You can continue with Aman i need to go somewhere imporatnt i have another meeting. Aman you can continue from here or we can continue tomorrow. Clients agreed for tomorrow meeting. Arnav rushed to hospital Khushi doesn't want to wait for him. no matter what. Nurse knock at the door Doctor is here you can come with Mr Raizada. Khushi nodded and Nurse left the room. I know ARnav you don't care then why pretend to do so. She thought with digust. She left Aryan with his nanny. She Mentally celebrated her victory he is not here and she can use it against him. Nurse told her she can go inside Doctor is waiting for her. She enter with smile which immediatly faded she was surprise to found him there sitting with doctor.Come in Khushi Arnav spoke. Khushi glare at him he smiled at her.Come Ms Gupta. Doctor aknowledge her presence. I hope nothing is to worry Doctor.Erm no Ms Gupta Being his doctor and you being his parents we need to discuss few things before proceeding further with his treatment. His first Course of treatment is going to end next week. As Mr Raizada already gave his test. We can not rely on this test only what if test isn't positive and we need donnar for Aryan. Donnar can be parent or siblings. I don't want to beat behind bushes. Situation demands you need to plan for another baby. You need to get pregnant as soon as possible Ms gupta to save your son.

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