Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Arnav Stopped outside the room He was holding Aryan in his arms. He gesture Khushi to open the door. She look at him for a while then quietly turn the knob. Door open revealing a lavishing room, taste pouring out of everything. Room has light color was divided in two color schemes, half room held small nursery for Aryan and other half was for them. Adjoining was their wardrobe and changing room.Anjali Muskan was gushing over beauty of room. Payal was giving admiring looks. Arnav laughed at ladies he rolled his eyes towards his wife who was looking down seriously. He gave confused looks...he could feel something is definitely wrong.

Ok now chottey as per your promise leave the room. We have to settle her. Arnav scratch back of his head he walked out. Khushi was led to big four poster bed a lavish silk bedding giving it more exquisite look.

Muskan and Anjali teased her Payal smiled at her. She knew its very difficult for Khushi. Anjali muskaan sia hugged her wishing good night they left. Payal sat in front of her. She held her hand. You are stronger Khushi...indeed you took right decision, being a mother you thought about your son above your life your grudges your wounds and pain. I am sure God will help you, bless you. I cant say more for this its very difficult for you...but i know my Khushi is stronger she can cross this phase as well. Don't forget i am always there for you no matter what happen. Payal gave assuring smile to Khushi before leaving room.

She was about to leave room when Arnav enter indeed she missed chance to have detail discussion with him she brought her two finger to eye then pointed them towards him gesturing she is watching him. Her face all serious. He knew this was kind of threat for him. He nodded at her. She left the room Arnav locked it. He turn back walked to nursery he saw Aryan sleeping peacefully he smiled and kissed his head, his chest broaden more with pride of being father of this little cute figure. He saw Aryan too sleep with open mouth just like him he thought involuntary smile played on his lips he couldn't help kiss him again.Arnav turn and saw his wife standing at French door led to terrace. He notice her jewellery was gone, He walked in her direction standing right behind her snaking his arms around her waist. Khushi there is alot much to say to confess to accept ...i just don't know from where i should start it. Arnav said chuckling he was feeling nervous suddenly.

Start from this room changing into this ... Khushi spoke in low hurtful yet strong voice.

Ohh this Arnav said He smiled goofily ohh i just want everthing perfect and beautiful when you enter this room. My life was black and white this change will remind me my Khushi is back with colors of life. He pulled her more to him started kissing her neck. Khushi wringle to get out of his embrace before she gives in. She was angry hell angry...she doesnt know what happen that he
claimed her as his. She don't know what changed.

She knew just one thing for now she needs little time to gather herself for this. This very next step is hell difficult for her...once again she had to let that man touch her who once humiliated her, her feelings her purity.

"Don't" word just slipped out before she could think. She felt him stiffen against her. Khushi gathered herself turned around keeping a decent distance between them. She spoke in pure loathing tone trying harder to keep disgust out of her tone but failing miserably.
Don't please i need tonight to get myself ready for this assault. Khushi pulled back sneering at him taking step bring a generous distance between them.

Now this was shocking he hadn't expected her to be like this. He never intended to make love to her on this first night he knew she is not comfortable with everything she needs time, she was forced to marry him, accept him as her husband. Her loathed filled eyes her sneered words especially Assault just cut his heart into million pieces.

Assaults he whisper

Assault repeating his word he step forwards and grabbed her shoulders in tight grip.

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