Chapter 41

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Chapter 41
Arnav it's your duty to accompany me to doctor not Maa's or Anjali di's. Maa had sudden guest to attend. Anjali di is busy at her home with her in laws. Everything is perfectly fine baby is fine so as me. Khushi spoke softly caressing her belly.Ari was at Home with Maa she said she'll take care of him so i told Mohanji to drive me to hospital.Yeah ok Khushi was in process to end the call...Mohanji Sambhal kar Ahhh... (Be careful)Chodo mujhay ... (Leave me)Her phone was dead after that. Arnav couldn't listen more.He ran out of his office calling Aman.
Khushi's blind fold was untied She found herself in an apartment to be precise kitchen, living room bedroom everything was settled in one room.. Where am i whose apartment is this? She question her self. She looked down to herself to see if she's alright. Thank God i am fine. A memory of how she landed up here hit her head. She felt motherly protectiveness poking her heart, wrapping her arms around her big bump she wanted to protect her baby from unwanted fear that was nagging inside her. Turning her head around she saw him standing at door. Why am i not surprised Shyam? You sick moron, how much more low can you stoop. Why did you brought me here? What more do you want? She spoke out of disgust.He laughed evilly. Everything is done only one more work is left but before that its time to let you know few things. It was me who posted all those posters of your kissing was me who wanted to get you to my bed after Arnav and he promised me this. After he's done with you he will let me have a chance with you. Tch tch tch but you heard us and you ruined everything. Its never too late...i can still get my chance.He held her wrist and pushed her to The bed lying at corner of studio apartment.Shyam you b*****d i am pregnant. She yelp. For God Sake have some shame. She tried to fight him but her last trimester pregnancy wasn't helping much she felt tired soon almost went into semi concious state. He ripped her sleeves, his hands went to her top's button. He opened first and then second, he moved to third one but next moment he held his balls. Khushi gathered courage, she cannot let this devil win she had to fight. She cannot expect anyone to help her. Dog was opening her top, only way she found to get away was to kick him where it hurts a lot. Shyam was yelping on floor. Khushi quickly ran to door but fate wasn't on her side Lavanaya came from behind pulling her back towards shyam. Both laughed evilly looking at Bewilder Khushi. What did you think you chit of girl you'll get away. Nahhh shyam spoke evilly.Lavanaya...Khushi whisper in disbelief.Yes Lavanaya...Same Lavanaya whose fiance you snatched. What did you think i will let you take ASR easily. B***h i will kill you and your b****d kids. As if i let you...Khushi sneered. I am not dead yet You witch. You have to cross my dead body before reaching my kids. Lavanaya held Khusui's pointing finger in her hand. I hate it when some one point this finger towards me and try to talking like this to me. She yank her forward Making Khushi stumble, pain shoot through her body. God please don't let water broke...Damn its painig horribly now. Khushi prayed silently holding her stomach automatically. Tch tch tch seems like water broke. Shyam she's all yours f**k her until she satisfy you. She pushed her towards Shyam.
Dammit Aman i want you to hunt her down from anywhere. I care damn about anything. Dammit she's pregnant. I want her and unborn both safe and sound not a single scratch on her body. Arnav was racing car on Delhi's streets in search of Khushi. She left hospital safe and sound. His car was found near chandani chowk. Mohan, their driver was found unconscious and he had no idea how he reached here. He told, madamji told him to bring fresh flowers from flower shop when he came back Madamji wasn't there, a white hanker chief was placed on his nose making him unconscious and after that he don't know anything.Arnav was hell scared where she was. He was hell frustrated on his helplessness. He want his Khushi and his unborn safe and sound at any cost. Arnav was searching her like mad man. Every nook and crook he was looking for her where he thought he can. He reach near Dargha which was near highway and very posh area. He was thinking where he should go now. Knock on his door grab his attention. He looked at man wearing green jhola( jhola is called very loose shirt mostly it don't have slits at sides) long hairs holding peacock broom. He knocked again gesturing him to come out. Arnav gave him confuse looks. He climb out of car stood in front of him. Sab theek hoga, sirf kara imtehaan hai saval raho gaye. Sab USS ka Karam hai. Raab ko yaad karo WOH madad karay ga. (Everything will be alright, its only tough situation for you but you'll be successful, its all His Blessings. Recal Allah He Will Help You.) Man left after telling him this. Arnav went inside Dargha. He saw people going towards a man with long beards, he was wearing white shalwar kameez with white cap on hos head and red scarf on his shoulder. He was blowing on their heads. Giving them some water in a glass.Arnav went to him. Man looked at him with soft gazes bolo beta how can i help you. Arnav sat in front of him. I am very much in wife is pregnant and she is missing...if i say she is kidnap it won't be wrong. Maulvi sahab ( same man dressed in white) patted his head. InnAllaha Ma Sabireen {Verily, Allah is with the patient"}
[Chapter2, Verse 153]Allah will help you beta...Remember He can feel your pains 70 times more then your actual mother does. He won't give you pain which is beyond your bearing power. He will help you. Keep Chanting His Name Ask His Help He won't led you down.Ya Allah Help...Stay blessed. Maulvi patted his head before leaving for His Prayer. Arnav heard his word. Found himself for once believing in Divine power, asking His help for his wife and unborn. Ya Allah Help please don't let anything happen to Khushi and Unborn please. Keep them safe. Arnav surprisingly found himself chanting Allah's Name and Help. He didn't believe in God until he felt how much he needed God at every step if his life. He again sat in car driving around looking for Khushi. His phone rang. Aman's name flash on it. Quickly he punched green button.ASR we found her... She is in Delhi heights apartment. Posh Area near highway. Shyam and Lavnaya Kidnapped her. We found it through cctv footage. I'll tell you details later. Reach there we're already there.
Arnav was waiting outside OT. His breathes were caught Khushi was inside. She was very critical. Damn that B******d Shyam... And b***h Lavanaya. He was crying silently. His life was so damn messed up. He took difficult decision of his life to save his wife his Khushi and let his kids dies. *FlashBack*When he reached Delhi Heights Apartments. He found Police force srrounded building. Aman waiting with Police inspector. Arnav insisted to join them upstairs after little arguement Police Inspector gave in. Arnav was standing infront of apartment door. Inspector punch the door Bell button. No one responsed immediately. Khushi's shrill scream hit his ear drum...thats it. All patience he had vainshed in thin air he started banging door. Door opened revealing smiling Lavanaya whose bright smile vanish as soon as she looked at ASR and Police.Arnav pushed her aside saw Khushi in semi dressed state. She looked pale with unbearable pain her forehead sweaty. Her sleeves torn with her top buttons opened revealing her skin Shyam's frozen hands on her tights.That's it. Arnav kicked Shyam away throwing his coat over Khushi to cover her. He turned and kicked Shyam in his guts. If Khushi wasn't crying in pain he would have killed Shyam and Lavanaya then and there. Her screams were only he could hear at the moment. He picked her up in his arms leaving Police and Aman to deal with them. He want his Khushi and unborn to be save.When he enter nearest hospital fortunately he found gynacologist there who got ready to check her. She told him they immediately need to operate Khushi and there will be complications as well this wasn't normal labour for Khushi. State of shock and extremely harsh body activity sent her to early labour. She clearly told him its impossible to save both mother and child so he has to decide quickly. Arnav took ten minutes to decide. It not only his unborn will die but his Ar... Cry escape his mouth.*FlashBack Ends*He was truly helpless today. Today he learnt what word helpless exactly means and what it feels when you are bounded with invisible chainsArjun hugged Arnav patted his back but couldn't say much to make him feel better. He too realise intensity of situation. They will lose Aryan as well...He curse himself all those moments he hated Khushi and His Aryan His grandson. He abused him did what not to make him go away...and today when he saw situation where he was taking glimpse of future his heart was scrunching with pain.He still remember the day when he was in his study working over some file. He heard some voice underneath table frowning deeply he bend down saw Little Man giving him toothy grin clapping innocently. His smile his bright eyes touched his heart. Next moment he found Aryan pulling his trouser to stand beside his leg. His touch did magic to him. He felt something very unusual...he felt as if he found treasure after long hard work. He found something he was looking for since ages. Next moment Aryan Singh Raizada was on Arjun Singh Raizada's Lap. Arjun playing with him. His expensive new IPhone 5 was in his little Hands sometimes his little hands couldn't bear weight of Expensive mobile and it fell on plush expensive turkish carpet. Then there was no looking back daily when Khushi sleeps in afternoon Aryan was taken by Arjun to his Study both Dada and Grandson played there. Arjun loved to be his horse. Arjun feels proud when Aryan copy his ways of reading Files but every time he find pages torn out little master do not miss this opportunity but his GrandPa love it when he does it. Surprisingly he loved it. Today every things felt like dream...everything was soon to vanish away No Aryan...No New Baby....might be No Khushi as well. She came back to Arnav for Aryan. God Knows what decision she take. Arjun was surprise to see tears in his eyes last he remember he cried when he lost his parents. Today his power his money his sources nothing was going to help them both Arnav and Arjun realise it. Sia was praying constantly with her tears following down. She wanted happy family with her grand kids running around her husband and she having small fights and her kids having good laugh at them. Today she felt like crying out loud and ask that Divine power why He is testing her all over again. She wasn't asking something extra ordinary still her family was being tested. Anjali, Rohan, Payal, Akash, Arjun (Khushi's bro) Muskan, Rahul & Jay were silently praying for Khushi and unborn to come out safe and sound. Arjun was glaring at Arnav, he consider Arnav responsible for Khushi's state and Aryan... If it was in his hands he would have killed Arnav by now. Arnav's breathes hitch when he saw Red light turn green telling operation is done. He quickly started chanting God's Name to let his Wife and unborn save. Doctor came out looking extremely tired after 3 hours surgery. I am Sorry Mr Raizada...your wife

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