Chapter 49-50

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Chapter 49- Oh, My. God...

( A week and 3 days later)

Megan's POV:

( 5:00am, Saturday morning) I wake up and instantly feel sick. I run to the bathroom and vomit for a good 5 minutes. Why do I all of a sudden feel like complete and utter shit. The world may never know. After I finish... yeah, I brush my teeth and go into the kitchen. I pour myself some water and layed down on the couch. I pull out my phone and look up any pharmacies in town that might be open. I found two, might as well go to the closest one. I quickly change into some sweats with one of Connor's hoodies. In case if he wakes up, which I highly doubt he will, I write him a note and set it down on the counter under his phone. Pharmacy here I come.


Once I come back from the pharmacy, I walk into the bedroom and Connor is still sound asleep. I smile and walk into the bathroom. In case if your wondering what I bought, I got a pregnancy test. It's the only logical reason I came up with for morning sickness. So don't judge. I take the test and wait, God this is taking forever. Once the results come back, I couldn't believe what I saw....

Connor's POV:

I got abruptly woken up by Megan's loud scream. I run to the bathroom and she's holding a pregnancy test? She's in complete shock, I take the test from her hand and look at it. Positive. OMG we are having a baby!! I might just go into shock... I put down the test and hug Megan tightly, " Megan!!! We're having a baby!! I'm so happy right now, I think I might pass out!!!" She smiles and kisses me, " Better?!" I nod and she hugs me again, " Everything is falling into place! I'm so happy and still in shock!! When are we going to tell the others? OMG. How are we going to tell Violet..." I shrug and think for a moment, " We should go home today and then we can tell them." she nods and smiles, " Sounds great! Dude we are having a baby!!! I still can't get over the fact!!" I chuckle and kiss her passionately. Life just got better!

Chapter 50- Truly, Madly, Deeply

Megan's POV:

WE'RE FINALLY HOME!!!!! Connor and I decided to throw a party for our celebration. Once everyone arrives we get them all in the backyard. I stand next to Connor and hold his hand, " Hey guys! Um Connor and I have something to tell you..." everyone smiles and nods. I look at Connor and nod. We both shout in unison, " WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!!!" Everyone is speechless then congratulates us. Andrea comes up to me and hugs me, " Does that mean..." I nod and smile widely, " Yes. I beat cancer!" she starts crying and hugs me tightly, " Thank God! I was going insane at the thought of losing you, congratulations babe!" I smile widely and wipe her tears away, " You will never lose me, even if you tried." she smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me to the " dance floor" good old times.


After the party ends, I clean up while Connor takes Violet to bed. I grab Violet's basket and start filling her toys in then I walk up to her room. " Daddy, Why is mommy having a baby?" Why would Violet ask that? I look through the crack in the door and Connor is scratching the back of his neck. I walk in and set her toys in the corner, " Princess, shouldn't you be in bed?!" she smiles and nods. I smile and tuck her in. " Mommy, are you really having a baby?" I look at Connor then back at her and smile, " Yes I am. Why are you asking, don't you want to be a big sister?" she nods and chuckles, " Duhhh! I want a baby sister, I can't believe my dream is coming true!!" I chuckle and kiss her forehead, " Believe it or not, it was mine to at your age. But being a big sister is a HUGE responsibility, you have to take it seriously. You, my dear, are gonna be the coolest big sister ever. Like no doubt." she jumps up and hugs me, " What is the baby's name? I want to call her by a name until she get's out of your belly." I chuckle and put my hand on my stomache, " Buzz. The baby shall be called Buzz as of now." Connor and Violet laugh and nod. Buzz it is. " Goodnight princess, sweet dreams." she mumbles back a goodnight, then Connor and I leave her room.

Connor's POV:

I take Megan's hand and we go to our backyard. I turn on the radio, loud enough so we can hear it but not too loud to wake Violet up. Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra comes on and we start dancing to it, I wrap my arms around Megan's waist and look into her eyes, " So our baby is named Buzz huh?" she smiles and nods, " Yupp! Toy Story forever man!" I chuckle and kiss her forehead, " Megan?" she looks up and nods. I think about how to word this so I don't sound blunt, " Before you came in, Violet asked me where babies come from... It was so awkward. Do you think you could... possibly tell her." her eyes widen and she rests her head on my chest while chuckling, " A guardian angel put a baby on a cloud and zapped it into my stomache. That's all I can come up with." I start laughing hysterically, " That might just work. As insane as it sounds..." she shrugs and grabs some water.

Megan's POV:

Connor turned on the lights for the backyard and the pond had yellow dots in it. I walk onto the bridge with Connor and poke the water, " Woah, that's cool. Connor look!" he looks and sees the light pinkish blue ripples in the water. I sit on the edge and put my feet in the water, Connor sits next to me and puts his arm around me, " It's beautiful, but nothing compared to you." I smile and rest my head on his shoulder, admiring the view of the pond with lit candles on lilly pads. All of a sudden Someday We'll Know by Mandy Moore and Jonathan Foreman comes on, I stand up and hold out my hand to Connor, " Would you like to dance with me...again?" he nods and takes my hand. I wrap my arms around his neck as his hands snake around my waist and we sway back and forth. I rest my forehead on his and I chuckle, " You know... every time I kiss you, it's always like the first, perfect." he smiles and says, " Prove it." I quickly press my lips onto his and he smiles, " I love you." I poke his cheek, " I love you."


Hey guys its Kat! Well this is the end of this book. BUT I am making other stories, a clean slate if you will. LoL. Anywhoo the Song of The Day is Truly Madly Deeply sung by One Direction. Until next time! Stay unique, Love ya guys! :)

~Kat <3

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