Chapter 29-30

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        Chapter 29- Please Andrea Please.

Connor's POV:

It's been a week since Megan and I split, i'm a total mess. We haven't even talked except the day at San Diego. I've been wondering around in our house, its full of emptiness and disappointment of what could've been and what wasn't. She was always the highlight of my day and whenever I was out for a tour or at a friends house I would always look forward on coming home because she was always there. God I messed up, the very best thing in my life is no longer mine. I can't hold her in my arms, kiss her, or tell her how much I love her every single day. Without her there is no me, she was my other half like Jamie and Landon from a Walk to Remember, we are meant to be but I lost her and I highly doubt that i'll get her back. I hear a sudden buzz that makes me snap out of my thoughts, Andrea. " Hello?" her voice seemed urgent, " Connor we need to talk. Now. Meet me at the Bar & Grill in 10, See you soon." with that, she hung up. I clean up a little considering that I looked like a total mess then I got my keys and went to the Bar & Grill just like she said. As I pull up, I get out of my car and walk inside. " Table for one sir?" " Um no, im here with Andrea Russett." he nods and escorts me to a table near the bar, I see Andrea and Kian watching a game that was on the TV. " Hey guys. Sorry that im late." Kian and I bro hug then Andrea hugs me as well, " Hey Con Da Bon. So we need to talk, want anything to drink?" I look over to the bar, " I'll have what Kian's having, it looks really good." Kian nods and gets me a drink then we all sit down at our booth, this is not gonna be good.

Andrea's POV:

As I sit down next to Kian I notice that Connor looks nervous, he should be. " So Connor, I heard about you and Megan. You know she still loves you... she just needs time to think things through." he chuckles slightly, " The thing is she ended things with me but I confirmed it, why would I do that. I didn't want to, it was despite my anger at that moment. Andrea please help me get her back please." My heart is literally breaking for Connor but Megan told me not to. Screw Girl Code I'm going to help her get her man back if she likes it or not. " Ok, i'll help you but just give her a few days before you try talking to her. She is vulnerable right now." he nods and sips his drink, " Thanks Andrea I owe you. You have no idea how much this means to me." I smile and say, " You would do the same for me!" For the rest of the day we hung out just us 3. I hope Connor and Megan get back together.

                Chapter 30- Violet.

Megan's POV:

I need a big change in my life. Since Connor and I split, my life has been different.  I live in a 1 story house with a Siberian husky named Hercules and a blue nose pitbull named Zeus. Today I decided to go to a adoption center, I am going to adopt a little girl. Since I have cancer that means I can't have kids so why not adopt I've always wanted to be a mom more than anything. As I walk in I go to the front desk, " Hello im Megan, I would like to adopt a young girl please." the lady smiles and takes me to a room full of children, they are all beautiful but one catches my eye. A little girl was crawled up in a ball near the very back of the room ( corner), she had beautiful long curly brown hair and she was crying. I walk up to her and tap her shoulder, " Are you ok sweetie?" she looks up and stares at me with her mesmerizing blue eyes, they were full of sadness. She wipes her eyes and shakes her head, remaining silent. " I want to adopt you, if your ok with it of course. I'll take care of you I promise!" she looks up and stares at me. " You want to adopt me. Why?" I smile and move a chunk of hair out of her face, " You caught my eye. I want you to be my daughter and if you need time to think I understand. Just know I'll be the best mother you could ever have." she smiles and says, " I would like you to adopt me. I'm Violet by the way, and you are..."  " Megan." she smiles and then I sign the adoption papers. This is gonna take awhile.

Violet's POV:

Megan seems to be nice. After she signs the adoption papers she takes me out for ice cream. " So Miss Violet, how old are you?" I wipe my chocolate-covered mouth and say, " I'm 7 turning 8 in a few months." She smiles at me and finishes eating her ice cream. " So Megan are you married or in a relationship?" her smile turns into a quick frown, " Um.. No not anymore. I was supposed to get married but things didn't work out..." I nod and say quietly, " Oh I'm sorry. I'm sure things will work out in the end just be patient." she smirks, " Thanks Violet. For a 7 year old your pretty smart." After we finish our ice creams we go home.

Megan's POV:

After I give Violet a tour of the house I introduce her to the dogs, " These are our dogs Zeus and Hercules. Would you like to pet them?" she nods and says shyly, " Do they bite?" I shake my head, " No they don't. They are super friendly and highly trained." she pets the dogs and they tackle her giving her wet kisses. Her laugh is the cutest thing ever. " I like them!" She says while getting up. " I'm glad because they like you too." * 30 minutes later* After Violet and I have dinner and take our showers I take her to bed. " Goodnight Violet sleep tight sweetie." she hugs me and says, " Goodnight Megan sweet dreams!" With that I turn off the lights and go to bed. I hope everyone likes Violet I certainly do.

Hey guys its Kat! I'M BACK!! I'm finally back home from Salinas I missed my little Simba and all of you of course! Anywho Song of The Day is, Mirrors by Justin Timberlake. And the Question of The Day is," What is your favorite kind of cookie?" Stay unique my little kittens, Love ya guys! :D

                        ~ Kat <3

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