Chapter 5-6

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                  Chapter 5- New Job.

Megan's POV:

I get to my internship at Vance Publishing Corporation ( It's for Literature) and I walk inside. I'm greeted by a woman who is about my age, her name is Tessa Young. " Well its very nice to meet you Tessa, I'm Megan by the way." she smiles and shakes my hand. " Welcome Megan if you need anything i'll be in my office, see you later." I smile back and go to my office. Wow its so cool in here. I get my first phone call and I pick it up. " Hello this is Megan Franta speaking how may I help you." I hear someone laugh and say, " Using my last name huh?" I blush in embarrassment.  " Connor I'm so sorry I don't know why I said that-" he cuts me off while chuckling.  " Its ok babe I think its adorable and I feel quite honored." I smile and he continues,  " Do you think I can bring you some lunch." I ask Tessa and she says its fine. " Yeah its fine, if you want we can go to like SUBWAY or something." " Alright see you in 10."

Connor's POV:

I pick up Megan from her internship and we go to grab some food. " So Meg, how's the internship so far?" she smiles while sipping our soda. " Its great I love it, I like my boss and my coworkers they are all friendly, after work I was gonna get Starbucks with one of them actually." I nod and we finish eating, I take her back to work and kiss her before I leave. I miss her already.

Megan's POV:

After work Tessa and I go to Starbucks. " So Tessa tell me a bit about yourself you seem pretty cool for a coworker." she laughs and says, " I'm in a relationship with Harry Styles, I love to read and garden, and most of all I like to have a good time. What about you." I smile approvingly.  " I'm in a relationship with Connor Franta. I love reading, swimming, making YouTube videos, and I love writing stories. I also like to have a good time." she smiles and nods. " You are very unique Megan, I like that about you." I sip my drink. " Why thank you." " no problem. So what are doing tomorrow for 4th of July." I think for a while. " No idea to be honest." she shrugs and says, " Would you like to join us for tomorrow we are gonna have BBQ and go rafting by the lake and stuff.  Its really fun I promise." I nod and say, " Sounds great just text me the details. Bye Tessa it was great talking to you." she hugs me and smiles,  " Bye Megan." I grab my drink and go home.

               Chapter 6- 4th of July.

Connor's POV:

Its 4th of July! I have something special planned. I wait for Megan to come downstairs so we can leave. She comes downstairs ready to go. She looks amazing in her bathing suit, she quickly puts her brown cover up on and we leave. I see people who are complete strangers to me as I hear Megan squeal, " Tessa!!" " Megan!! I'm so glad you made it." they hug and some guy shakes my hand, " I'm Harry Styles, Tessa's boyfriend nice to meet you." he's really intimidating with his tattoos and piercings. " I'm Connor Franta, Megan's boyfriend nice to meet you as well." he smirks and grabs us a beer. " Are you the type of guy who celebrates this type of stuff Connor." I shake my head and sip my beer, " No I would rather be at home drinking beer and swimming but this is cool too." Harry nods and says, " We're gonna be good friends I can tell." I smile looking back at Megan and Tessa. " I agree."

Megan's POV:

" Looks like our boyfriends are getting along quite well." I say chuckling. Tessa looks at them and says, " I guess so, Harry isn't the social kind of person. If your catching my drift." I nod and we just sit on the long chairs talking, I take off my cover up to where my fully tanned body is showing. " Is that the new Victoria Secret bikini?" I nod and say, " Yeah I bought it in red since its my favorite color." she gives me a thumbs up before we go back to tanning. A few minutes later I feel someone pick me up throwing me over their shoulder. I scream, " Connor!! Put me down!" he runs towards the water and says, " Sorry babe I can't hear you!" I went to say put me down but he already did. In.The.Water. Its so cold that I jump on Connor and he simply just hugs me. " Connor you are such an ass." he chuckles spinning me around then kisses me, " I know but you love me." " Are you sure about that." He nods and I smile, " Well your correct." he smiles then takes us back to the rest of the group.

Connor's POV:

I signal Harry to start the fireworks. He does as he was told. Megan snuggles up to me watching the show. " Are you excited for the fireworks babe?" she nods kissing my cheek. As she was about to go inside I pull her hand and she looks up into the sky and says, " What was that- Oh.My. God." she looked up to see WILL YOU MARRY ME MEGAN in the fireworks. She starts crying and looks down at me. I get on one knee and hold out a ring, " Megan will you do me the honors of becoming Mrs. Franta?" she nods and kisses me, I slip the ring on her finger and she whispers, " Happy 4th of July Mr. Franta." I smile and kiss her forehead, " Happy 4th of July Mrs. Franta." she smiles then kisses me again as the fireworks go off behind us. Best.Day.Ever.

Hey guys its Kat! Happy 4th of July! So what do you think about Megan and Connor getting engaged? Crazy right. Anywhooo the Song of The Day is Marry You by Bruno Mars. I think it goes well with this chapter and the Question of The Day is "Do you like scary movies if so list your top 3." Stay unique my little kittens, Love ya guys! :D

                           ~ Kat

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