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A week past, I have literally no friend. None at all, everyone is mean to me. I don't know what's wrong with that Jungkook, why is so insecure about me getting higher marks than him? I don't know why does that even matter. He is literally acting like an ass towards me.

"Okay class, today we will do an outside activity." Mr. Kim says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Everyone pick a partner we will go out to the field and plant trees." He says and picks up his attendance book and walks out.

I look around and see everyone picking their partners.
"Hey." That familiar deep voice says.
I look to my side and look at the hoodie guy.
"You and I, come let's go." He says standing up.
What now I don't get to choose too?! He looks back at me,
"Are you deaf?" He asks again and starts walking ahead after he sees me following him.

He's so rude I must say. I follow him out to the field and see lots of trees and all the stuffs needed for planting it are kept aside.

"Choose a tree." He says looking around.
I look around and see a Spanish cherry tree so I point at it.
"Good choice." He says and picks up it up on his shoulder and walks towards the forest area behind the school, where we are suppose to plant. I follow him with the shovel and other planting stuff needed.

He picks up a spot and puts the tree down and takes the shovel from me to dig up a hole. I look around not knowing what to do. Jungkook sees me and rolls his eyes. I look away from him and look at the hoodie guy whose name I don't know yet.
"What's you name?" I ask.

"Taehyung." He says not even looking at me. After a while he stops and takes off his blazer and rolls his sleeves. As he begins to dig again I look at his arm and notice a mark of some kind.

Is that a tattoo? I mean no I guess, cause he looks like a normal guy. Why will he have a tattoo.
"Can you take the soil out of the hole." Taehyung says.
"Sure." I say and sit on my knees and take out the soil. He gently places the plant in the hole and holds it firmly as I put the soil back.

I smile seeing the tree stand tall. Suddenly I feel some soil on me. I look back and see Jungkook smirking. I look away and see Taehyung is gone. Jungkook keeps throwing soil at me, I ignore him and wipe the soil off my glass and look around for Taehyung. After while of looking around I head inside the forest.

As I walk in I see him leaning on a tree smoking. I stop in my tracks as I see him look at me.
"What?" He asks blowing the smoke in the air.
"Um... can we be friends?" I ask him.
He throws the cigarette away and walks to me.
"I don't make friends." He says and walks back to the rest of the students.
I look down feeling a sting in my heart and slowly follow him and stand beside the tree we planted.

Mr. Kim checks all our trees,
"You guys did a great job now you can head back to the class or play in the field as today's maths class is free class." He says and everyone cheers running to the football field.

I look down and walk back to the home room. I take out my sketchbook and pencil and head to the terrace. I sit in a corner and stare at the sky and start sketching.
"Why are you always around me?" Taehyung says sitting on the tank.
I get startled as I didn't see him.
"Um I didn't see you I'm sorry." I say and stand up to leave.
"No worries I won't even acknowledge you so you can go back to what you were doing." He says and lights a cigarette.

I sit back down and look at him and unknowingly start sketching him as he smokes. I must say he has a perfect face structure. I keep sketching him but suddenly he gets off the tank and walks out of the terrace.

I look at the sketch and see only his lips are left for me to sketch. I sigh closing my sketch book and make my way out of the terrace.

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