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A month later


"V godfather called and asked you to pay him a visit." Jimin says walking in my room.

"Why? Didn't you supply the drugs to him properly?" I ask looking up at him putting down my phone on the table

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"Why? Didn't you supply the drugs to him properly?" I ask looking up at him putting down my phone on the table.
"Yeah all the drugs were supplied but young master's drugs were sent back." He says sitting in front of me.
"Why was there anything he didn't like?" I ask knitting my eyebrows together.
"No his butler said he doesn't need them anymore." Jimin says lighting a cigarette.

It's weird, the guy has been using drugs since he was 10 how did he all of a sudden stop.
"Okay let's go then." I say standing up walking out. Jimin follows me and we both get on our bikes and start driving.

At the mansion

We get off our bikes and get in the mansion as a guard takes us in. He knocks on a wooden door and walks in with us.
"Mr. Jeon they are here." He says bowing.
He turns his wooden chair towards us and smirks smoking his cigar.
"V And Jimin my dynamic duo you never fail me." He says getting up his chair walking towards us.
I look at him as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"But what did you give my son this time that he denied to have coke, his most favourite thing in this entire world." He says blowing the smoke on my face.
"We gave him his usual but he still rejected we don't know what's going on." I say.
"Find out what's up with him and why for the past month or so he didn't come out of his room." He says sitting back on his chair.

We walk out of the room with the guard that came with us.
"Hey listen we need to go to young master's room." I say looking at Jimin.
Jimin nods as we need to find out what's up with him. The guard takes out a key card and hands us.
"The room is always locked and even if we knock he never opens." He says handing Jimin the key and walks away.
Jimin walks up the stairs and heads to the second floor where young master's room is.


Your POV

"Jungkook no!" I giggle running up the stairs in his bedroom so that he can't catch me.

He runs after me chuckling and gets a hold of me and lifts off the floor by holding me by my waist

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He runs after me chuckling and gets a hold of me and lifts off the floor by holding me by my waist. I squeal holding his arm that is wrapped around my waist. He twirls me around and walks down the stairs still keeping me safely locked in his arms.

He throws me on the bed as we reach down and quickly gets on top of me.
"No Kook please no!" I beg as he starts tickling me.
I laugh loudly jerking my hand legs to get away from him. But he's so strong he keeps me down on the bed with one hand and with the other he tortures me.

"Ikon's June is your Oppa huh!! You find him cute! Really babygirl." He says arching an eyebrow while tickling me.
"Ahahahahahah n—no please I j—ahaha just like their song Kook." I say breathing heavily as he stops tickling me.

"Do you honestly find him hotter than me?" Jungkook asks looking at me with an intense gaze.
I shake my head no and caress his cheeks.
"No one is hotter than my Oppa." I say smiling at him.
"I'm not your Oppa." He says making me giggle.

Both our heads turn to the door as we hear the noise of the door unlocking.
"Why are you guys here?!" Jungkook yells sitting up.
I sit up and see Taehyung and Jimin walk to us. Jungkook makes me go behind him, I quickly clutch on the back of his shirt and peek at them over his shoulder.

"So is this the reason of your sudden change young master." Taehyung smirks tilting his head looking directly at me.

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