The End

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At the mansion

"The work is done." V says looking at Jungkook's father.
"Did you kill them or bring them back?" He asks smoking.
"We had to kill them as they attacked and was trying to gather people." V says putting all the belongings he brought with himself to erase all the evidence.
"You took care of the dead bodies?" He asks blowing the smoke in the air.
"Yeah I threw the bodies off of the cliff." V says taking the bag of money from the table.
"Good job you may leave." Jungkook's father says dismissing V.
3 years later

"Eomma uncle V is here." TaeJung runs to V and hugs him.
"Hi little guy how are you doing?" He asks him hugging back softly.
"I'm good uncle V." The little boy says smiling at him.
"V Oppa you came." Y/n walks to him holding her baby bump.
"Well I had to." He says standing up.

All three of them walks in the small cottage in the forest.
"Yah! V you left me with all these." Jimin yells dropping all the supplies V brought for Y/n.
"Jimin-ssi you're so weak you're complaining like a little girl." Jungkook says chuckling making everyone else laugh.


"No! Taehyung I'm with his child don't do this." Y/n screams at the top of her lungs causing V to flinch and miss his shot.
Jungkook lays on the ground with his eyes squeezed shut.
"No please don't hurt him." She says crying.
V drops the gun and slowly walks to her and opens her up. She runs to Jungkook and hugs him tightly. He holds her back trying to calm her as she keeps crying.

V realises what a mistake he was about to make  killing two innocent lovers. After seeing them in such a vulnerable state he took it upon himself to keep them safe and planned a lie.
He sent Jimin along with Jungkook and Y/n to take them far away from Seoul so that Jungkook's father can't find them. While he went to him and lied about the whole thing.

End of Flashback

Your POV

"Oppa come I'll serve food." I say smiling at them.
"Okay." V says and sits at the table with Jimin.
"Yah Kook why do you keep knocking Y/n up let the girl rest for a while." Jimin says chuckling.
"He can't control don't you get it." V says laughing.
"Yeah right." Jungkook says rolling his eyes sitting at the table with them.

"Go TaeJung sit with Appa he will feed you." I say to him kissing his cheeks.
"Okay Eomma." He says running to Jungkook.
I walk to them with the food and serve them.
"How is it?" I ask as they start to dig in.
"Amazing Y/n" Jimin says while chewing a mouthful of food.
"Yeah it's great." V says while eating.

Jungkook makes me sit beside him and feeds me along with TaeJung.
"You work too much." He says feeding me.
"No I don't." I say eating.
"Yes you do." He says shaking his head.
"Guys guys stop your romance we are right here!" Jimin says with an annoyed expression.
"Jealous Jimin." V says making everyone laugh as my cheeks turn red in embarrassment.

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