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Few days later

"Baby wake up." Jungkook whispers in my ear caressing my head.
"Mhmm." I look at him with half closed lids and hug him by his neck.
"Baby wake up." He holds me back and picks me up.
I cling to him like a koala with my eyes still closed wrapping my arms and legs around him.
He walks to his closet with me and puts me down.
"Mhmm baby I want to sleep." I say leaning on the closet door.

He says nothing and pulls out one of his hoodie and sweatpants. I look at him confused rubbing my eyes as he makes me wear the hoodie and hands me the sweatpants. I wear them finally waking up properly.
"Go freshen up." He says looking in his closet.
I sigh not knowing why he's telling me to freshen up at 3 in the morning.

I walk to the bathroom lazily and freshen up.
"You done?" Jungkook asks peeking in as I was peeing.
"Yah! Can you give me some time at least!" I say covering up.
"Okay okay sorry." He quickly goes back shutting the door.

After completing my business I walk out and walk to him.
"What is it why are you in such hurry?" I ask looking at him as I see him swing a bag on his back.
"We need to leave baby." He walks to me and puts the hoodie's cap on my head.
"Why Kook?" I ask him getting worried.
"My butler told me they want to take you away from me." He says holding my hand taking me towards the balcony.
"But why would they want that." I ask looking at him.
"Cause you're making me a better person and my father doesn't want that." He says and starts climbing down after tying a rope to the balcony railing. I look down at him and slowly start climbing down. As I the reach the bottom he holds me by my waist and helps me getting down.

He looks around and intertwines our fingers and starts walking to the back of the mansion. We walk for a while and see a flashing light, Jungkook walks to the light's direction.
"Here." A guy in a proper tuxedo hands Jungkook an orange envelope.

"Thanks Jin

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"Thanks Jin." He says putting the envelope inside his bag.
"Thank you for taking care of him." Jin says looking at me.
I smile nodding at him.
"Okay we should go." Jungkook says and walks out the small pocket gate.


We get in a small motel in the downtown side of Seoul. Jungkook said we will get out of the city in the morning. After we get in the room he locks the door and plops on the bed. I sit beside him looking out the small window staring at the lit up signs outside.
"I'm sorry for dragging you into this." He says staring up the ceiling.
I look at him and lean towards him
"Never ever say that I'm with you cause I what to not because you dragged me in." I say laying on his chest.

He wraps both his arms around me
"I love you." He says kissing my forehead.
I nuzzle my face closer to his neck and mumble an 'I love you' crossing my eyes drifting off to sleep.

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