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Few days later

"Jungkook the movie was great! Why are you complaining so much?" I ask walking  out of the movie theatre with him.

"No the movie was so boring." He says holding my hand while walking.

I look at our hand and smile walking with him. He keeps complaining about the movie. But all I can see are his small expressions that are telling me he's annoyed about the movie. A smile appears on his lips as he sees me staring at him.

"I know I'm handsome stop staring." He says chuckling.

I pinch his arm smiling at him. He pouts and rubs his arm. We walk for a while. Suddenly a black car stops beside the pavement we were walking on. Three armed guards comes out of it and walks towards us. I clutch on Jungkook's arm tightly.

"Young master how many times have master told you not to roam around with low bloods." One of them says snatching me away from him harshly.

"I know I was just trying to get laid." He says suddenly with a snobby attitude.

I look up at him as the guards make me go on my knees in front of him.
"Jungkook how could you?" I choke out as a tear runs down my right cheek.

All of sudden I feel hard hit on my right cheekbone causing me to fall on the concrete.

"You low blood how dare you call young master by his name." One of the guards spits out.
My vision becomes blurry as hot blood spill from the side of my face.

"Come let's go." Jungkook says and walks to the car and gets in it.

I lay there watching the car drive away. Tears run down my face as I feel every emotion go through my body. My eyelids starts getting heavier when I feel someone picking me up. I completely let loose myself in their arms.

"Jimin close the car door." I hear someone saying as they slowly lay me down.


I open my eyes and feel a thumping pain in my head. Looking around I can tell I'm in a hospital ward. The cannula in my vein is hurting too. A nurse walks in,
"How are you feeling?" She asks checking the side of my face.
"I'm feeling okay, what happened to me?" I ask looking at her.
"Some guys dropped you here saying, you were caught up in a mobbing and the mobbers had hit you with something causing you to lose some blood." She says.

"Um are they stitches?" I ask touching the side of my face.
"Yes you had 3 stitches." She says slowly pealing the band aid.
"Will it leave a mark?" I ask touching the stitches.

"Yes it will." She says and slowly takes my cannula out.
I look at the blood leaking out of my vein. She cleans the blood off and puts a band aid on it.
"You're good to go now." She says with a smile.

I get off the bed and slowly walk to the receptionist and gather my belongings and pay the bill with my credit card. After changing into my clothes I walk out of the hospital. The same black car stops in front of me. I turn around and as I go to run two hands holds me back by my arms and yanks me to them. One of their arms, snakes around my waist and another holds my mouth shut.

"Shhh!!! Don't make a sound." I know who this person is but I don't want to see him, I hate him.

Jungkook turns me around and drags me in the car with him. One of the guards opens the car door for him, he harshly throws me in the back seat and gets in. I bite the inside of my cheeks to stop my tears from spilling. He closes the door and looks at me with a smirk. I quickly sit up fixing my skirt that hiked up my thighs.

"I always wanted to have you." He says hovering over me.

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