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He takes me to his bed and makes me sit on it. He sits beside me and stays silent for a while. After taking a long breathe he says

"My father is the mafia leader he controls half of Seoul. I didn't tell you about my reality cause I was scared that you would run away from me." He looks down at his lap playing with his fingers.

I hold his hand and squeeze it gently.
"First tell me why did you do that to yourself, or did anyone else do it to you?" I ask making him look at me.

"I did it to myself to threaten my father." He says looking at me with guild in his eyes.

"Oh my god Jungkook why would you do that!" I hug him tightly caressing the back of his head.

"All these time I acted to hate your cause I really started liking you. I thought hurting you and hating you would make me stop liking you. But no it only made me feel worse. I'm so sorry." He says and hugs me tightly.

"It's okay don't worry about it." I say patting his back.

"I'm sorry for all the time that I hurt you." He says choking in air.

"Jungkook calm down." I say breaking the hug.
"Can I ask you something?" I caress his hair asking.

He nods looking at me.
"You don't want to go in your father's path do you?" I ask holding his hands.
"I don't want to, believe me I don't but they always force me into this. I hate all of this! I don't like to see people get hurt." He says getting restless.

"Shhh! Quiet now." I say pulling him to my chest.
He holds me tightly hiding his face in my chest.

"They just wants to use me to hurt people they never cared about me." He mumbles holding me tighter.

"Come with me, we will go in a happy place." I say holding him tightly.

"But what if they come after us and hurt you." He say a looking at me.

I smile at him and hold his face and kiss him softly.

Jungkook's POV

My breathing stopped as her lips got in touch with mine. She tenderly kisses my lips and slowly break the kiss and looks at me. I can see a red tint on her cheeks. I stare at her with an open mouth.

"If they do then we will face them together. You and I against them, what say?" She says blushing.

I nod as no words are capable of coming out of my mouth. She's the only one who makes me happy in this world. I can do anything to make her keep smiling for the rest of our lives.

"I love you." I blurt out not being able to keep it in me anymore.

She stares at me without blinking and after a while looks down blushing.
"I love you too." She mumbles hiding her face behind her palms.

I scratch the back of my neck as a wide grin creeps to my lips. She's so cute.
"Hey Y/n." I poke her belly.
"Kook!! You know I'm very ticklish." She says jumping up a little.

I chuckle at her reaction.
"Why are you so ticklish?" I ask laughing laying on the bed.
"As if you're not!" She says and gets on top of me and sits on my belly and starts to tickling me.

"No!! Y/n ahahahaha!!" I start laughing out loud trying to stop her.
But suddenly she stops on her own. I calm my breathing and look at her face. She's looking down and the smile on her face is gone. A drop of water falls on my face, I touch it and look up at her. Tears are rolling down her cheeks.

"Jungkook what are these?" She asks caressing my chest that got exposed as the button of my shirt came undone.
"Who would hurt you like this?" She asks and hugs me laying on my chest crying out loud.

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