56- I know

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"You still haven't told him?" Jess asks, incredulously.

"No," I whisper.

"What?! Why?" She questions.

"I don't know. What if he doesn't love me back? What if I freak him out and he ends up breaking up with me?"

"Sounds like you  do know," Jess says with a grin. "Seriously, though. He does love you and he's not just going to break with you because you told him that you love him."

I stay quiet as Aspen watches the two of us.

"Should I tell him, then?" I ask.

"Hell yeah," Jess says.

"Of course." Aspen adds. "Make it part of your three month anniversary."


"Asher, I have something to tell you," I say.

I slap my forehead. That still doesn't sound right.

"Chase! Your boyfriend is here!" Chandler calls, opening the door to my room.

"Okay. I'll be there in a second," I say.

He leaves while I grab my phone and Asher's present.

Asher and I made a plan to go to the farmers market and then go back to his house to have a sleepover.

As I head downstairs, I see Asher talking to my parents like usual. Just like always, when he catches my eye, he looks at me with his lips parted.

"He did it again!" My mom exclaims. "Daniel, you owe me 20 bucks."

Asher snaps out of his daze as I stand beside him.

"Sorry, Danny," My boyfriend apologizes with a smile. "I can't help it."

My mom and Daniel give Asher the usual speech as he wraps his arm around me.

"Mom, you do this every time," I complain.

"He gets love-struck every time," Mom defends herself.

"Mrs. Ryder? I love spending time with you and listening to your caution statements, but I would also love to take your daughter out on a date right now," Asher says, politely.

"Alright. Have fun and use pro—"

"Bye, Mom!" I quickly say and pull Asher out with me.

We walk to his car and get in.

"You look so good," Asher says, leaning over the middle console and kissing my cheek.

"You do too," I tell him with a smile as he sits back down. "I got you a little something by the way, but you can't open it until later."

He raises his eyebrows as I hand him the bag.

"When's later?"

"After the farmer's market."


"Do I open it now?" Asher asks.

I take a deep breath. "After I tell you something."

My boyfriend cocks his head to the side and watches as I muster up the courage to say it.

"Any day, now," He jokes.

I flip him off making him laugh.

"Okay, so basically I love you. A lot. I know it might be too soon, but I'm in love with you. I don't know why, but maybe it's the way you sing and dance or the way you laugh and kiss me whenever I do something stupid or maybe it's the way you get so lost in your thoughts that you end up just staring with a smile."

"I know."


"How?" I ask.

"That day that we worked out together, you said it. I heard you and my heart stopped. I wanted to turn around and hug you and kiss you so bad, but I couldn't get the courage to do it. You also called me that night you got drunk and gave me a speech about how much you love and appreciate me. Baby, I started crying so hard."

"So do you..."

"I love you Chase. I love you more than you could ever imagine. I love you more than I can put into words."

(What happened the night of the tattoo/party- Asher's POV)

"I'll see y'all later. I need to talk to my girl," I tell Luke and Brandon.

They nod and leave while I stay in the hotel room.

My phone rings as Chase calls.

"Hey, baby," I greet her.

"Heyyyy," She slurs. "Yo, Asher. I just wanna say that you are a fucking queen, man. You are a fucking angel and I'm in love with your fine ass. You're so caring, funny, nice, hot, sexy, a gentleman, beautiful, and I love you."

"I love you too," I say.

"Yeah, but I love you more so suck my ass Asher."

Instead of laughing, I let out a sob.

"Oh my god, I made you cry. I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you. I love you. I want to marry you and we can live happily ever after with Harper. At our wedding, he can be your mini best man. We'll get a puppy and name him Pepper. Then, we can have cuddle and make out every single day. I want to be with you forever Asher Bradley. You're like the grooviest man on this planet. No, wait. In this universe. So basically, I love you bitch. I can't wait to see you again."

"Me neither."


Thanks for reading :)


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