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"She's so cute," I coo as our daughter looks up at us with her big blue eyes.

"Maybe she'll look like Harper's drawing," Asher says, gently touching her head which has tiny tufts of black hair.

I chuckle. "Maybe."

Asher smiles and continues to look at our daughter while I look at him.

We just brought Hayden home and we've been obsessing over her since. Since Jace is staying with us at the moment, he went to pick Harper up from preschool.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask Asher.

His eyes go wide. "What if I hurt her?"

"You won't. Don't worry," I assure him.

"But what if I hold her too tight?"

"Ash, you've held a baby before. Your little sisters and Harper."

"It's been so long, though."

I kiss his forehead. "You'll be okay. Take her."

He takes a deep breath before taking Hayden from me. While he holds our baby, his entire body is tensed.

The sight almost makes me laugh.

"Baby," I lean in and kiss his cheek. "Relax."

His shoulders drop and he lets out a breath.

The doorbell rings and I get up to go answer the door.

"Chase, don't leave me!" Asher calls.

"It's just a minute, Ash," I tell him and leave the room.

I check the peephole and see that it's Jace with Harper.

"Hey, guys," I greet them, swinging the door open.

"Mommy!" Harper gives me a hug.

"Chase! She's about to—" Asher gets cut off by Hayden's cries.

I run into the room.

Asher looks terrified as he holds Hayden in his arms.

"Here, I got her." I take Hayden and settle down on the chair so I can feed her. I pull my shirt and bra down and adjust her in my arms.

As Hayden is sucking on my breast, Asher gets up and gently kisses my lips.

"I'll be back," he softly says and leaves the room.

I look down at Hayden and my body fills with warmth. She's so precious.

A few minutes later, she stops feeding. I carefully place a cloth on my shoulder and begin to burp her very carefully.

Once she's done burping, I lay her down and fix my shirt.

"Good night, Hayden," I say and gently kiss her head.

Her eyes close and she falls asleep.

"Everything good?" Asher asks, popping inside.

I stand up. "Yeah."

"Jace got the internship," He tells me.



We leave the room and join Harper and Jace.

"Congrats," I say to Jace and give him a hug. Over the past few years, he's been like a brother to me. Chandler and Sawyer are jealous of being replaced. But the truth is, all three of them are brothers to me.

"Thank you," he replies as we let go of each other. "But honestly, congrats to you guys. The baby's home and doing great."

I exchange smiles with Asher.

"Can I see?" Harper asks.

"Of course, honey," I say, ruffling his hair. "She's sleeping right now."

The four of us go inside the room again.

Hayden is in her crib, wearing a blue one piece with bunnies on it.

"She's so tiny," Jace gasps as he peers into her crib.

"What color are her eyes?" Harper asks.

"Blue," Asher replies.

"Just like me and Dad," Harp says in a whisper.

"Yeah. Mommy feels a bit left out," I joke.

"We can always get you colored contacts," Asher teases, wrapping an arm around me.

"Red seems like a good color."

"You'd look hot with any color, but I prefer your natural dark eyes. The ones that hold so many emotions."

"The cringe just skyrocketed," Jace says making a face at us.

I roll my eyes with a smile. "Someone's upset that they're single."

"Why didn't you tell me that your cousin was crazy?" Jace asks.

"I was waiting for you to figure it out yourself."

"Oh, didn't she want to marry you?" Asher asks.

"She begged me to marry her on our two week anniversary." Jace shudders. "I'm never dating again."

"It's been 2 years, dude. Move on. There's a lot of sane girls out there." My boyfriend tells his best friend.

Jace raises an eyebrow. "Where."

Asher shrugs. "I dont know. I haven't found one."

I let out a laugh before realizing what he just said.

"Asher James Bradley," I gasp.

Before I can say anything, he kisses me hard.

"Alright, we are done here," I hear Jace say.

I pull back from Asher and see Jace and Harper walking out of the room.

"We'll continue this later," Asher tells me with another kiss on my lips.

The four of us eat dinner and get ready for bed.

As I'm about to get into bed, Hayden starts crying.

I change her diaper and feed her. Once she's full, I burp her and she falls asleep again.

I put her down in her crib and lightly touch her head.

Asher comes up behind me and hugs me. Heat radiates off his body and it feels comfortable.

"Are the boys asleep?" I ask.

"Yeah," my boyfriend says, letting go of me.

He's shirtless, wearing only basketball shorts.

As we get into bed, Asher pulls me close.

"I never thought I would fall in love four times," he says.


"My mom, Harper, you," he pauses and glances over at the crib. "And Hayden."


Thanks for reading  :)


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