Bonus: 1

277 9 4

2 years later

"Why, Mommy?" Harper asks, crossing his arms.

"That's just how it is," I tell him.

"But why?" He asks again.

"Because I said so, Harp. Okay?"

"No. Why?"

"Baby, he's not going to stop until you give him a reason," Asher says, entering the kitchen. "What are you even arguing about?"

"He wants to climb up onto the roof," I tell Asher.

"Yeah!" Harper says. "Mommy won't let me."

"Because it's not safe," Asher tells him.

"Oh, okay," Harper shrugs it off and goes back to his room as I stare with an offended expression.

"Come on, let's go to bed," Asher says to me.

"Harper, do you want another hug?" I ask the 4 year old.

"No thanks, Mommy," He answers.

"Good night, buddy. I love you," I tell him.

"Dada too?"

I smile, looking at Asher. "Yeah, Dada loves you too."

"Okay, good." Harper replies.

It's something that he recently picked up. Probably from me and Asher since we sometimes joke around and reply with "good" after the other says "I love you".

Asher and I go into our room and close the door.

We still live in the same apartment and still attend Rice. Dylan moved out and has a roommate in a different apartment that is on-campus.

As we're getting ready for bed in the bathroom, I notice something strange about my stomach.

"Hey, Ash," I call.

"What's up?" He questions, kissing my cheek.

"Is it just me or am I getting chubbier?"

Asher looks at me through the mirror. His brows are furrowed as he analyzes me.

"You are. Just in the stomach area though," He pauses. "You don't think..."

"Think what?"

"We've been having sex, Chase..."

"Yeah and it's really good."

"It really is," he shakes his head. "Not the point, baby."

"Then what...oh." the light bulb finally goes off in my head.

"Yeah. I'll buy you a test in the morning," He says, gently rubbing my stomach.



"What does it say?" Asher asks from outside the bathroom door.

I take a deep breath and open the door. I hand him the test and he looks at it.

"Now what?" He asks softly.

"I want to keep it," I answer confidently.

"Are you sure? Babies are a lot of work and after all it is your body and your own mental health. Don't make a decision out of guilt or fear. Make one because you want to."

I nod. "I know, Ash. I want to keep the baby, though."

"Okay," He gives me a dimpled smile. "We'll go to the doctor later and check up on everything."

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