Chapter 7: The beautiful lie

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Celine sighs as she looks down at the cup of tea in her hands, "Alright I was born in 1994, I can't give you the exact date because I was abandon when I was only a week old or so. I was left on the foot steps of an orphanage where they gladly took me in and raised me my entire life basically. It was a fair place even though they did punished the kids who misbehaved severely it was better than any other orphanage that I've heard. When I was ten I was to clean the attic and moved a few boxes from one corner to the other of the attic, when suddenly a very old violin fell from one of the boxes. Curiosity got the best of me and I took the violin it was still in good conditions despite been very old, I looked inside the box and found a few books on how to read music notes and a few music sheets. I decided to ask the nun if I could keep it and learn from it at first she didn't agree but after a while she aloud me to keep it and practice with it. Every morning after my chores where done and after breakfast I always sat outside by a tree and started to play the violin at the first two weeks I was horrible with it but once I got the hang of it I was playing with it very well. The other children would just sit close and hear me play with the violin, the nuns decided that I would go to a small music school where I would develop even further with my violin.

When I was fifteen I was playing pretty well the violin and was asked to always play something in the morning to wake the other children in the orphanage. I gladly oblige and did because each time I did I felt as if my the music it self took me off to another place, an even happier place where the melody would wrap me up and take me to a place where only the violin and I existed but of course once I always near the end I would wake up from my deep thoughts and bring me back to that place. One day when I was seventeen I was playing my violin outside and was noticed by a certain person who came to the orphanage and asked the nuns to come with him and play in an orchestra. They agreed and the next thing I knew was that I was in front of a lot of older men they all looked as if they were in their late 20's to their early 30's, I felt very nervous as they gave me the notes and I had to learn them as quickly as possible I'm not sure but I believe they did it on purpose to humiliate me since I was the youngest and the only female among a lot of men. When the time for the orchestra to start playing came I was sat in the middle of the stage so people could see my face and if I was to mess up they could blame me. But to everyone's surprise I hit all of my notes correctly not missing a beat and even though I was the youngest in the orchestra I was able to keep up with all of my fell'o companions. After the show was over the guy in charged of the group I was in, went to talk to the superior nun and made a deal with her, he told her that he wanted for me to keep participating with them in the orchestra and that in return they would get me a house just for me and that they would provide me with money so I could maintain myself and part of my money would be donated to the orphanage. She thought about it and agreed then let me know what was going on at first I was in a way relived that I was gonna finally say goodbye to that retched orphanage but part of me didn't wanted to leave the few friends I actually made there but in the end I left and was happy, truly happy for once.

After I moved to the new house which I could finally called my home I was taken to buy clothes and food so I could take care of myself. I learned how to cook thanks to one of the guys from the orchestra who helped me practice with my violin. There was another who taught me to put my emotions in paintings and taught how to paint I was really bad at first but after a few months I grew a liking to it and dedicated myself to get better with it. There was another one who loved dancing and I tried to dance and learn from him as well I started with two left feet butt after sometime he and I danced really well that everyone had to stop just to admire the way we both danced. Months later I asked one of the guys if he had a grand piano that I could borrow or use so I could learned and get distracted and give a break from everything else." Celine stops and looks at the clock seen she still has a few minutes to spare. "After I became 19 something happened that I had to leave the orchestra and left to live on my own in this place which I now call my home. I was asked by a music producer to play with my violin for him and he would record them and sell them, with that money I could continue to pay for this house and everything else. I bought a grand piano so I could continue and practice with it, I also decided to buy a new violin so the first one wouldn't break and I could keep it as a reminder of what I had to go trough in order to end up where I am. I have been living alone ever since, I like it though that way no one can bother me except for my agent who comes at times and a few of the children from the orphanage who come to stay with me for a day or two." Celine looks up at the men who have been listening silently and interested in her story, Ciel was about to ask something when the grandfather clock started to sound loudly making him shut his mouth. Celine looks up at the clock and smiles as she finishes her tea and then smiles at them, "Sorry but the rest I must tell you another time I need to go practice now, see you guys at dinner" with that Celine left the living room placing her empty cup on the coffee table and left to change in her room before heading to her studio. She put one her long gray sweat pants and a tight shirt before heading to her studio she stopped to look at her plants on the balcony and smiles as she pours water on them before she heads outside to water her roses remembering she didn't do it this morning.

Celine went to her studio and closed the door as she goes to her laptop and looks up a song she had in it to practice with her violin she looked up for Roundtable Rival and took her violin as she started to play along with the beat of the song and with her violin as she started to dance along with it not putting her violin down unless needed to. She loves to play her violin and dance at the same time it was like her body was able to move with the melody of the violin into that other world of hers. But her mind was still stuck with the rest of her story she avoided telling them, like when she got beaten up in the orphanage many time and punished as well, the times she almost got into fights at the music school and got punished as well and the real and cruel truth of why she really left the orchestra and didn't stay with them even longer. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't realized the song had change to Master of Tides and that she was playing it in her violin, even dancing it as well.

After been locked in her studio for about two hours Celine comes out to the kitchen to be greeted by a really good smell and to see Sebastian and Claude cooking. "Hey guys what you up to? It smells good" She says smiling at them a little before she walks up to the fridge. Both Sebastian and Claud give her a soft smile as they reply in union, "we decided to make dinner for you and everyone else since you were busy with practicing we thought we might give you a hand with cooking at least to leave one less thing to worry you, my lady." After grabbing a bottle of orange juice she looks at the two of them before gigging, "that's really sweet of you guys, really I appreciate it quite a lot and it's just Celine. No one in this century says anything that has to do with my lady, my lord or master and you guys can't keep acting like butlers anymore there is no such thing as butlers and servants in this era anymore either so try to act a little less butler like and more like normal people, alright?" she says as she walks away to her room hearing them reply with a "yes, Celine" making her smile a bit. She heads to her room and after locking the door she starts to remove her clothes to take a relaxing bath now since her muscles felt really tense from all her dancing and practicing with her violin. She let's out a relaxing sigh as she sinks inside the warm water loving how it started to feel on her tense muscles, she takes a sip from her bottle of orange juice as she relaxes in the bathtub thinking on how would her life change with these six guys now that they are in her life obligately.

(The songs tittle mentioned above both belong to Lindsey Stirling here are the links of her videos on these songs so you can watch what exactly did Celine did and danced to and to like Lindsey's videos and support her. I will be using a lot of her music videos as reference to my character Celine since she is based on what Lindsey does.)

Lindsey Stirling - Master of tide

Lindsey Stirling - Roundtable Rival 

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