Chapter 12: House full of crazy

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Celine was so shocked at Sebastian's kiss that she froze for a moment before she got angry and while still blushing a bright red color she pushes him off the bed taking him off guard and falling on the floor. She looks at him looking like a tomato at this very moment while her eyes sent daggers at him, "Sebastian what the hell was that for, are you crazy!?" Sebastian only looks up at her surprised for no woman has ever broken from his charms, perhaps he was loosing his touch but the blush on Celine's face told other wise. He smirks as he takes a sexy pose while still laying on the floor just to make her blush even more which she did making him smirk even wider triumphantly. "Oh come on miss Celine, don't tell me you didn't enjoy it even if it was only for a few seconds" He says giving her a charming smile as Celine looks away while crossing her arms under her chest not answering him. She felt something move on her bed and when she turns to looks at her side only to blush even more, Sebastian was leaning towards her as his hands rested on the bed to give him balance. Celine tries to move away only to slip off the bed and fall, but instead of hitting the floor she felt her knees been held by Sebastian who pulled her on to the bed again but to her surprised she was under him with her legs wide open on each side of his hips. Her face was so red that she could put a tomato or even Grell's red hair to shame, she tries to protest but she didn't got the chance because Sebastian was forcefully kissing her. Celine wiggled her body to get away rubbing her hips against Sebastian's hips, he pulled away only to whisper in her ear "I wouldn't do that if I were you miss Celine, you wouldn't want to wake something up now don't you?" She froze as she felt his hot breath on her ear making her shiver a little as she closes her eyes, Sebastian knew that if he continued he would have her in his charming grasps so he started to gently kiss down her jaw line to her neck. He soon finds her sensitive spot when she gasps softly, her body twitching under his, biting her lips hard to keep herself from moaning, he starts to kiss and nibble on that spot as he earns himself a loud moan from her when he bites down on that spot careful not to make her bleed. Celine's body was trembling underneath his as she tries to find a way to get away from this intoxicating spell that he had put on her the moment he kissed her.

A few minutes later Claude opens the door to Celine's room seen Sebastian reading a book on her bed while Celine was resting her torso against his chest, an arm wrapped around her while she has her face buried against Sebastian's chest with her hand covering her her face so Claude wouldn't see her burning red face. "Do you need anything Claude?" Sebastian asks looking at him with a bored expression on his face, "I just came to see if Celine needed anything both Ciel and Alois are a bit worried about miss Celine's well been, how is she doing by the way?" Claude asks as he approaches her supposed sleeping body as he touches her forehead. "Yes actually she was craving for something sweet like chocolates a few minutes ago but I couldn't move because she was laying like this and I wouldn't want to wake her up from her slumber now." Claude eyes him suspiciously as he pulls his hand away from Celine's forehead and walks away just stoping at the door, "very well and you might want to give her a cold bath once she has woken up her fever seemed to have gotten up rather quickly." With that Claude leaves the bedroom closing the door behind him, Sebastian smirks as he looks down at the red boil bushing girl that was still burying her face against his chest not wanting for Sebastian to see her like that. Sebastian chuckles noticing her red ears as her blush had spread all over her face to her ears and he bet her neck too, he let go of Celine as he got up and went to Celine's bathroom and started to prepare a bath for her. She looks a little nerves not sure what to do since she didn't wanted to fall under his charming spell at least not yet, she decided to pretend to have fallen asleep as she curls up on her bed with her eyes closed. A few minutes later she felt someone place a hand on her forehead and then pull away but started to feel someone breathing down on her face as she supposedly slept. Celine slowly opened her eyes thinking that it was Sebastian again trying to make a move but when she looked to her side she saw two yellow eyes instead and out of instinct she slapped as hard as she could at the person only to find out it was Claude. She looks at him wiht wide eyes as he looks down at her shocked not expecting to get a slap from her, "C-Claude I am so sorry I-I was just..." Celine didn't knew what to tell him as she started too blush from that embarrassing scene. Claude only smiled at her a little making her blush even more, "that's alright miss Celine, it was my fault for invading your space. I just couldn't help but take a closer look at your beauty" he smirked and left a very embarrassed and blushing girl as he left the room. She looks to her nightstand and noticed a box of chocolate that Claude left for her, she smiles a little as she opens the box and takes one of the chocolates before Sebastian comes out of the bathroom and towards her, "Celine please don't eat that, I have prepared a warm bath for you so you can relax a little while I bathe you." "What!? Hell no I can take a bath myself Sebastian...but thank you though..." With that she got up and placed the box on the night stand and walked to the bathroom closing the door behind her.

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