Chapter 15: A hard decision to make (Part 1)

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Celine wasn't sure if it was the atmosphere around them or the music in the tunnel of love but she found herself closing her eyes and kissing Claude back, her arms wrapping around his neck to bring him closer and deepening the kiss. She felt his arms wrapping around her waist bringing her closer against his body as they shared such a beautiful moment. Claude pulled away and smiles down at her as she looks at him and smiles back, before the ride would come to an end he pecked her lips and moved her back on her seat. When they started to get out of the boat she giggles seen Sebastian choking Grell and yelling at him something about trying to kiss him when the tunnel turned black, Celine couldn't hold herself back and laughs a little as she walks up to them. "Now now Sebastian I think that's enough, come on let's find Undertaker and the other two so we can go back home" she says holding her small plush and the strawberry as she unwraps the strawberry and starts to eat it.When they found the other three they noticed that both Alois and Ciel fell asleep while Undertaker only giggled like a mad man. It took them one hour to get everyone in the truck and arrive home, once there everyone went to their respective room before Celine went to water her plants before heading to her room. After fifteen minutes she locked the front door and left to her room to change when she saw Sebastian huge tiger plush and a small note saying that he wanted for her to have it, because it was just as soft as her pair of lips when she kissed him. That made Celine blush but at the same time smile sweetly she goes down to the kitchen to grab a glass of water after changing into her pajama when she opens the fridge she gasps as she sees another white chocolate covered strawberry with a small tag that said this treat is just as sweet as the kiss you gave me. She blushes knowing exactly who it was, as she grabs what she needs and heads to her room and takes the plush and uses it as a pillow that night with her smaller one next to her. Today was defiantly an odd day but it was full of fun, laughs, giggles and even love and romance, but it seems that she can't decide between the two handsome men who made her feel special and happy, she had to wait and see what happens.

The last month was full of un expected surprises, for example a few days after the carnival Celine was washing the truck when Sebastian asked to help her out but when he tried to pour water on the truck to get the soap off he accidentally stepped on the hoes. When he moved away Celine lets out a yell because he was pointing at her getting her soaked completely. He tried to apologies but that's when she dunked the bucket full of soap all over him before she runs away as he grabs the hoes and chases after her trying to get her wet as they run around the truck, until he got on the cargo and started to soak her even more before she tried to pry the hoes from him. That's when Grell and the others came out hearing them laughing just to get themselves wet by the struggle both were having with the hoes, before Sebastian and Celine looked at them getting a devious idea as they used the hoes to get them all soaked making a mess of everything. Sebastian started to get claude wet as well before Claude somehow manages to pry the hoes away from him and started to get Celine wet as she tries to run away with Sebastian behind her. He grabs her from her waist and uses her as a shield as Claude gets her really soaked while she laughs and giggles, the others were a bit annoyed but they did't wanted to admit it was a little fun.

Three days from that water incident which Sebastian tried to help Celine get better after catching a nasty cold, they were all watching a really scary movie called the woman in black. Celine had never seen that movie before so she was jumping and yelling at times as the others screamed a bit while Ciel and Alois leaned close to each other plus the small storm outside that made the mood even scarier. Celine was leaning against Claude as she watched the movie when suddenly the lights went out with a loud thundering sound, making Celine scream really loudly and jumps on Claude's lap hugging him really tightly as she buried her face on his chest only to get a chuckle from him as he held her close. He tried to sooth her to keep her calm as he rubbed her back and even kissed her forehead once or even twice, it wasn't until an hour later that the lights came back on when Claude finds Celine sleeping against him.

A week later It was Thanksgiving and Sebastian and Claude were working in the kitchen helping Celine make the thanksgiving dinner. Even Phill came to spend that day with Celine and the others, she was stuffing the turkey as she joked around a bit while Claude and Sebastian were preparing desert for all of them to enjoy after specially Celine. Sebastian at times would throw a little bit of batter at Claude's way getting him to do the same at Sebastian, after a while they stop hearing someone clearing it's throat to find Celine covered in batter from both sides she looks at them annoyed before she walks at them and grabs two pies and trows them at the two apologizing men. They looked shocked as she licks her hand from the pie she threw at Claude before she looks at Sebastian and licks his cheek a little tasting the chocolate pie he made, "I like Sebastian's pie better" Celine says as she leaves the kitchen leaving a blushing Sebastian and a glaring Claude.

The a few days later they were enjoying the good sun and sand at the beach, Celine decided to make a sand building contest between Sebastian, Claude and herself. As they each started to make their sand castle she started to make a ring so that if the water were to rise it would go around it instead of tumbling it down. When she was almost done a nasty wave came and it took half of her sand castle with it leaving her pouting as she yells from her misfortune, she tried to make her castle as quickly as possible but it would only tumble down from the excessive water making her sand castle unstable. Claude approaches her after making his and helps her make her's even bigger and better than before making her giggle as hug him tightly since the castle was bigger than her making it even more fun for her to get in it and just admire the sand castle. Sebastian made a castle big enough for his young master to lay in and relax, Alois did the same with Claude's sand castle that was until an even bigger wave came and took all three castles down leaving Celine and Claude buried under their castle with their lips locked with each other before he pulled away helping a blushing girls get out from the sand as Celine looks at a smirking Claude.

The next week something big happened it was two weeks before Christmas and Celine left the guys with Phill so he could keep an eye on them, except for Claude and Sebastian who were accompanying her to make her Christmas shopping to get the other four and Phill something for Christmas and secretly something for those two as well. They went around the mall and got a few things for everyone like a black and grey top hat for Undertaker that looked like him, creepy; for Grell she got him a red leather jacket; for Alois she got him a pranking kit thanks to Claude who told her he would love it; for Ciel she got him a new set of chest pieces that she asked to personally make for him with the king's piece having his name on it as well as the knight who had Sebastian's name and a few other pieces as well, thanks to Sebastian who recommended the game after she decided to add the names which he happily provided for her and a sweater that had her first album hit on it for Phill knowing that it would bring good memories since it was thanks to him that she was able to make that album. She told the two of them to wait for her at the truck that she needed to go to the bathroom but she actually needed to go to the pet shop to buy those two a pet, knowing Sebastian she got him a lovable cat that had a dirty yellow fur and green eyes just like her. But for Claude she got him a black widow spider as well, she knew they were gonna love those pets as she asked for a box for the kitten and a plastic cage for the spider, she paid and got out of the store making her way back to the truck hiding the last two gifts. As Sebastian and claude waited for Celine, they talked about what happened in the carnival and the painting that Claude found in her study with the two of them on a scale, they also came to agree that they would tell her to choose now since they couldn't wait any longer to know who won her heart. That's when they heard Celine scream and rushed to find her only to find Celine's red and yellow scarf on the ground with a bloody cardboard box and a smashed plastic box with a dead black widow.

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