Chapter 17: A hard decision to make (Part 3)

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It's been some time since Celine got hurt and was in her room resting but she has't woken up yet. Sebastian and Claude took turn in taking care of her every day, at times one would feed her while the other one bathe her sometimes, they were all worried about her, wondering when would she wake up. They all tried their best to keep the house clean for when she got up, and tried their best to behave since Phill had to leave most of the time to attend Celine's appointments and other things that had to do with her music records. It was frustrating because each day that passed by Celine looked a little paler and skinnier despite the soup she was always feed by the two demons. They were really worried about her health and state of mind as well, who knew what went through Celine's mind as she laid in her bed everyday. One day while Sebastian was changing her bandages for new ones, Celine's left hand twitched a bit before it would do it again after ten minutes. Sebastian notices and looks at her hopeful filling his eyes as he waited for Celine to open her eyes as he spoke softly, "please wake up my dear please come back to us" but instead he got a sudden groan as she moves her head to the side, making him gasp before he runs down stairs letting the others know that she was waking up a little. When he got back everyone followed behind him and gathered around her bed, "miss Celine can you hear me? Please wake up, please" he says softly to her earning another groan from her as she moved her head to the side. The looked at each other and started to speak towards her hopping that she could wake up soon, by asking her to wake up.

Celine groans again as she felt been trapped in a very deep sleep one she didn't know she would wake up from. She only saw darkness surrounding her as she started to hear a soft and kind voice, she quickly recognized the voice belonging to Sebastian she wanted to say something or even move but she felt her body so tired that she couldn't move. She tried to open her mouth but nothing came out of it making her feel hopeless at the moment, suddenly she hears Sebastian's voice again but this time it sounded different it sounded like he was pleading her to wake up before other peoples voices could be heard. Celine started to recognize who's voices were those making her smile as she struggles in that darkness that surrounded her, she kept going even if she got tired rather quickly but kept going. She wasn't one to give up so easily so she kept struggling until a bright light started to shine from above her making her be blinded for a few seconds before she started to stare at her ceiling. She moved her head to look down and see if someone was there but unfortunately no one was in her room, she looked a bit disappointed as she struggled to get out and on her feet. She had to lean against the wall to use it as a support as she exited her room and made her way to the stairs where she saw everyone talking about her with concern in their voices. Celine chuckles as she looks at them and smiles, "I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling kind of hungry" Everyone looked up at the stairs where she stood with wide eyes, even the two demons had their eyes wide in disbelieve that she had finally woken up. Claude and Sebastian made their way to her as she slowly moved away from the wall and took a step forth, but her body was too weak and her knees gave in making her fall but landed on both demon's arms as they helped her on her feet again. "Are you alright?" they said at the same time before they glared at each other making Celine giggle at their rivalry finding it kind of cute, but what took their attention away from each other and to the woman in their hands was the growling sound of her stomach making Celine blush, while the others laughed a little. "Um could you guys leave the rivalry for a few minutes and um make me something to eat perhaps?" she says giving the two of them a small smile, Sebastian looked at Claude and nod their head as Claude picks her up and takes her to the kitchen as Sebastian leads and the others followed behind the three of them. Claude placed her on a comfortable chair as Sebastian began to cook something while Claude started to make something as well. Undertaker went to her fridge and took out the Chocolate Strawberry that was still in there and miraculously not spoiled yet, she smiles as he hands it to her, "here deary let's hope this helps you calm that raging storm in your belly while they fix you something to eat." Celine smiles as she looks at him and kisses his cheek "thanks Undertaker I almost forgot about it" she says as she starts to devour the sweet thing on a stick. The others looked at her and chuckled a little as they too waited for Sebastian and Claude to finish making the food for her and perhaps them.

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