When I wake up the next day, I'm freezing. The sun is bright, and there's not any wind, but I'm right against the icy drop ship. It had all night to chill. I stand up and rub my arms. Everyone else is up, despite the fact that I was one of the first to go to sleep. For some reason, they're gathered around a fire and yelling. A few people have removed their wristbands. I rush over to the crowd.

"What are you doing!?" I demand. My mother will never come down if they think we're all dying!

"Some people are taking off their wristbands. They don't think we'll be pardoned when the others come down. And they don't care if they follow us down or not." A girl informs me.

"My mom is up there."

"All of ours are. Well, except Murphy's." She scoffs. Murphy looks up.

"Excuse me?" His eyebrows raise and his voice has a chilling tone to it.

"You heard me."

He starts to say something, but one of the girl's friends drags her off.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. He looks at me, a small scowl on his face.

"I'm just great. I'm leaving." He scoffs before trudging away.

I stand motionless for a few minutes until Wells stands next to me.

"I got into a pretty heated argument with Bellamy about the bands last night." He sighs. "They're living by 'whatever the hell we want' as if we can afford to. They took mine by force."

"I'm sorry." I answer. "How do you think our families are going to react?"

"Not good. If they think we're dying, then they aren't following us down. We may never get to see them again." he replies. I nod.

After an uneventful day, Clarke and the others return. Well, almost all of the others. They're all panicking, Vivian in particular. Octavia is injured. Her upper thigh has a giant, jagged cut.

"What the hell happened!?" Bellamy demands, helping Octavia sit on a fallen tree.

"We aren't alone here like we thought. Something is here. And it has Jasper. We're going to get him one way or another." Clarke explains.

It takes all of a few minutes for people to be gathering, ready to search for Jasper. They plan to bring him home.

"Vivian, you should stay here." I suggest.

"No way!" She crosses her arms and furrows her eyebrows. "You didn't see him, Adrian. They put a spear in his chest!"

Her eyes are tearing up and her body is tensing.

"Viv, you don't know what you're walking into. You have no idea how bad he's hurt, or if he's dead, or-"

"I'll be fine. Stay here and help take care of Octavia. Bellamy wants people keeping an eye on her."

The name makes me grimace, but I agree anyway. "No way in hell I'd be going after this happened, anyway."

Not too long later, they leave. I walk over to Octavia and stand next to her as she watches the group leave.

"I wanted to go. Jasper saved my life. Now my controlling brother won't even let me do the same for him." She huffs. Her arms are crossed over her chest as she glares at the group that's leaving.

I'm not sure what to say, so I don't respond. Octavia and I have always been acquaintances. Though I hate her brother, and she knows why, we've never had bad blood between us.

"He left babysitters for me." she scoffs. 

"That's dumb." I reply. She nods and chews on her cheek.

Bury the Hatchet (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now