I walk into the dropship, seeing it almost empty except for Bellamy, who's sitting in the corner. I stomp over to him.

"What the hell, Bellamy?" I demand. He glances at me.

"Wow. She does know how to speak to me."

"Shut up. What the hell is up with these rules?" I spit.

"What? I'm trying to protect people." He shrugs.

"You know how I am about big, open spaces alone! And now you expect us to just go out and hunt by ourselves?"

He sighs and redirects his focus on a small knife he's cleaning.

"Look, I know you and Murphy are friends..."

"That has nothing to do with this! Don't be delusional! Bellamy, I can't go into big open spaces by myself." My eyes begin to tear up and I can feel that my body is going to start shaking soon. He doesn't say anything for a long moment.

"I know, Adri."

"Don't. Don't call me that." I spit.

"Adrian, please... You think it was easy to make that decision? I'll be out there hunting, gathering, whatever, by myself, too. It isn't just you!"

"But that's different! You can handle that! I can't!" I begin shaking and the tears are so close to escaping my eyes when someone clears their throat. We turn to see Murphy.

"Sorry to interrupt." His hands raise in front of his chest while he steps closer. "I heard you changed the rules. We talked about something different." His gaze is focused on Bellamy.

"Yeah, well, I'm doing what needs to be done. If we go alone, we can get more supplies and less people will die in case of an attack." Bellamy crosses his arms and keeps his voice stern. I shake my head.

"I can't believe you." I say, tears rolling down my cheeks as I storm out.

Once in the safety of my tent, I scream and throw my knife. I kick a few things around. As I'm having my fit of rage, Vivian comes in.

"Woah, Dri, what's wrong?" She gazes around at the mess.

"I hate him!" I yell. "I absolutely hate him! He doesn't care about anything but himself and his sister!"

She sits down and motions for me to sit with her. Once I'm down, she hugs me carefully. I lean against her.

"I'm always here if you need me, Adrian. I know this is going to be hard for you..."

"How am I supposed to kill things if I'm having a panic attack the whole time?" I sniffle, more tears leaving my eyes.

"I don't know. But you, Murphy, and Jasper are all being sent as hunters today. He's considering sending Finn, too." She informs me.

"Of course I'm being sent as a hunter. I always am."

"You're the best one we've got." She tells me. I scoff. Out of the one hundred and one people here, a whole two are actual hunters. Murphy and me.

"Well, I can do other things, too. I can gather, I can do a little first aid, I can sort the nuts..." I shake my head as I grab a hair tie and brush from my bag.

"But you're really good at hunting."

I say nothing as I start to brush my hair.

"Adrian?" Murphy asks from outside the tent.

"You can come in." I answer. He pokes his head in and looks at me.

"Are you alright?" He questions. I nod and finish getting the tangles from my hair.

Bury the Hatchet (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now