"God, you'd think we'd be used to this." A girl complains, her tone bitter.

I saunter into the drop ship, and find Clarke and Finn standing over Jasper. He's doing a lot better, but he's not healed yet. He's still in tons of pain, and we still aren't sure if he's going to live or die.

"Sorry, Jasper." Finn mutters.

"How are things?" I ask. Jasper's brown eyes move to me and I give a small smile.

"He's healing. But still, he's in pain. He can't stand or anything yet." Clarke answers. I nod and sit down by the boy's head. Vivian should be here, but she's busy gathering.

"Hey, Adrian." He says.


"How are things with you?" He asks.

"They're okay. It could be worse. I could've been shanked in the heart, for instance." I joke. He chuckles and closes his eyes again, a small beam on his mouth.

"Finn, can you go get some more water? He needs to drink." Clarke asks. Finn nods and stands up, jogging out.

Clarke gets up and rinses some fresh cloth before carrying it over.

"I hope you aren't sensitive to blood." She declares before peeling the old bandages from Jasper's skin. He groans as she applies some kind of medicine to the wound.

"Sorry, Jasper." She whispers. He shakes his head. She lays the new cloth over the bloody mess and fixes it up.

"Thank you, Clarke. You guys saved me." He murmers. She looks into my eyes and frowns a little.

"Just don't roll over or anything. You're going to be okay." She tells him.

Finn returns with a container of water, and Jasper drinks most of it. Then, as we talk about how strange the ground is, he falls asleep. I follow Finn and Clarke out to the massive fire. Clarke scrubs her hands before we all sit down on the grass.

"How long do you think it'll be before he can walk?" Finn questions, picking at the grass underneath us.

"A couple of days." Clarke replies. He nods.

Vivian returns just before the sun starts to set, and she's exhausted. We grab some food from around the fire and head into our tent.

"How was your day?" She questions as she brushes through her tangled, sweaty hair.

"It was okay. I had to hunt with Murphy again." I shrug.

"Hey, he's cute. I wouldn't be complaining." She giggles. I roll my eyes with a smile on my face.

"And then I talked to Jasper for a little bit before he fell asleep."

"Jasper's awake!?"

"He was. But Clarke said he's going to be okay. He should be up and walking in a couple of days." I inform her. She grins and, for some reason, hugs me.

"Adrian, I was so worried about him! You have no idea!"

"I know." I give a small laugh.

She finishes cleaning herself up a bit while we eat, and then she tells me about her day. It was uneventful aside from gathering more food than necessary and worrying about her crush.

"I got so many berries to distract myself from worrying sick about him." She tells me. "Well, and because I wanted there to be enough."

I laugh as we curl up under blankets. Within a few minutes, she's asleep. I follow soon after.

Bury the Hatchet (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now