"Mom!" I'm by her side in half a second. She answers with a feeble smile as I pull her hand into mine. Her skin is cold, but I ignore that.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her.

She considers this for a moment, then sighs.

"I'm in pain." She admits. I frown.

"I'm sorry." I wish there was something I could do to help her. I'd do anything to take her pain away and keep her alive. Life, though, seems to have a different idea. Life has to take the most wonderful person, the most beautiful soul, in this world. It couldn't have taken anybody else.

Clarke appears by her side, Abby coming a short moment later. Clarke starts measuring her vitals at once, scribbling down everything she finds.

"Willow, hey." Abby greets her. Her eyes are bright, and her dimples show with her grin.

"Hey." My mom smiles back at the doctor above her.

"I'm going to give you some more morphine soon, okay? It'll put you back to sleep." Abby tells her. When she says that, I confirm inside that it's hopeless. If Abby's taking measures to keep my mom out of pain, then she isn't going to survive this.

"Can I have a few minutes with Adrian? I know I'm not going to get this opportunity again." My mom asks. She's been awake only a moment and even she knows what's soon to occur. The thought depresses me, but I know that she'd rather know the truth.

"Of course you can." Abby allows. The two of them leave. Finn and I are alone by my mom for a second until Bellamy comes in.

"What?" Finn asks him, his arms crossing over his chest. Bellamy sighs, glancing at my mother. She gives him a slight beam in greeting.

"I came to..." He makes eye contact me, his jaw clenched, and I nod. He came to say his goodbyes, same as me. Finn seems to understand as well, because he steps aside and allows Bellamy to move forward. 

"How are things, guys?" My mom asks.

"They're good." I answer.

"Is Finn still treating you right?" She gives the boy a stern look. I giggle. It amazes me how she can stay so bright while in pain, and knowing that she will soon die. I couldn't do that- I'd be terrified and depressed.

"Yes, mom. He's great." I reply, looking at Finn. His big brown eyes are staring back at me. They wear a saddened look, though they still have a charming sparkle to them.

Finn grabs my hand and I smile at him. It's comforting, and I definitely need comfort right now.

"How is everything going with you, Bellamy?" My mom questions. He steps closer to her and gives a content sigh.

"They're good. Definitely could be worse." He answers.

"Yeah, you could be dying in a dark hospital." She jokes. None of us laugh, but at least Bellamy makes an effort to turn up the corners of his lips a bit.

"Come on." She laughs. "Don't be such downers. It's happening no matter what my attitude is, might as well enjoy my last few moments."

That's when reality sinks in. My mother really is about to leave this world. At some point within the next few days, she is going to take her last breath and I will never see her again. I'll never speak to her or hug her again. My eyes burn as I force my tears back. I won't let her last memory of me to be sad. I can't let her see me cry. She wouldn't want that.

"I love you guys. All three of you. Even though I don't know you very well, Finn, I've always been fond of you." She croaks out. Her voice is growing thick and, for once, she sounds as sick as she is.

Bury the Hatchet (Bellamy Blake)Where stories live. Discover now